Natural & Alternative Treatments 是一個為消費者健康研究者所設計的補充醫學與替代醫學資料庫。此資料庫提供滿足研究人員對於正確、無偏差自然健康資訊日益增加的需求。包含逾七百篇關於症狀、另類療法、草藥與補給品、功能性食物、藥物相互作用、與順勢療法之實證文獻。所有實證文獻皆參照雙盲根據 (double-blind) 和寬心藥控制 (placebo-controlled) 研究以及其他科學證據,至今資料庫共引用超過 12,000 個試驗研究。內容由家庭醫師與藥劑師專家團隊評鑑後收錄,旨在提供研究人員可信賴之自然與另類醫學參考資訊。
收錄逾 700 篇實證文章涵蓋主題如常見疾病 (medical conditions)、替代療法 (alternative therapies)、藥草及補充劑 (herbs and supplements)、保健食品 (functional foods)、藥物相互作用 (drug Interactions)、順勢療法 (homeopathy)。
This comprehensive natural medicine resource focuses on alternative and holistic approaches to healthcare and wellness. Designed for consumer health researchers and clinicians, Natural & Alternative Treatments is an essential tool that satisfies an ever-growing demand for accurate, unbiased information on natural health.
This resource provides an in-depth analysis of more than 200 health conditions and the natural treatments used to treat them.Evidence-based, Natural & Alternative Treatments cites more than 12,000 clinical research studies across 700 articles containing information on medical conditions, alternative therapies, herbs and supplements, functional foods, drug interactions and homeopathy.This database provides clinicians and consumer health researchers with a comprehensive and reliable source of current information on natural health and medicine.