Bibliotex Digital Library 電子書平臺收錄 4000 多種電子書,目前包含 8 大主題:
- 電腦與資訊科學主題 (Computer and Information Science)
- 生命科學主題 (Life Science)
- 地球科學、環境科學主題 (Earth and Environmental Science)
- 商學與管理學主題 (Business and Management)
- 工學主題 (Engineering and Technology)
- 理學主題 (Science)
- 農學主題 (Agriculture)
- 人文社會科學主題 (Humanities and Social Science) is a brand-new platform for academic and institutional libraries worldwide with science, technology and humanities e-Books in various subject areas. The platform has been built specifically with libraries and institutions in mind to allow them to access content of their specific needs.
With over 1200 e-Books available and over 500 new e-Books added to our platform each year providing libraries and institutions flexibility to build specific collections which best fit their needs and budgets.
From Introductory textbooks for undergraduate to research Monographs, we cover wide range of subjects such as Agriculture and Life Sciences, Animal and Veterinary Science, Aquaculture and Fisheries, Business and Management, Careers, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth and Environmental Science, Education, Psychology, Engineering and Technology, Food Science, Health, Nutrition, Healthcare, Hospitality and Tourism, Language and Linguistics, Law and Criminology, Library and Information Science, Marine, Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Political Science, Public Administration, Social Science and Vocational Education.