期中考期間(2025 年 04 月 06 日起至 2025 年 04 月 12 日止)敬請配合下列事項:
- 期中考期間限本校教職員工生使用,請刷卡入館,非本校教職員工生,暫不開放。
- 使用者請勿佔用座位,離席逾一小時,請將個人物品帶走,以尊重他人使用權益。
- During midterm test period (from April. 6, 2025 to April. 12, 2025), our libraries are opening only for faculty and students of Fu Jen Catholic University.
- Please do not occupy the seats and take care of your personal belongings while reading in the library.
- Library staff will move personal belongings aside to make the seats available to others. Fu Jen Catholic University library is not responsible for watching any personal belongings.
- Thank you for your cooperation.