Thieme 成立于 1886 年,是德國歷史最悠久和最大的醫學出版社之一。Thieme 出版物的内容主要涉及醫學、化學和生命科學等領域。迄今為止,Thieme 已出版 5000 多種圖書,並每年新增约 500 種。
Thieme Clinical Collection 精挑 600 本以上最高品質的臨床醫學電子書,以發行年份分成11個套裝組合,收錄許多被 Doody's 認定為醫學圖書館基本必備館藏。無論在學習,研究或是臨床執行上都能及時的滿足所有使用者的需求,
Thieme Clinical Collections provides online access to Thieme’s renowned book program in clinical medicine and is available to purchase on a perpetual access & ownership licensing model. Front list titles are available for purchase in advanced of publication. The Collections reflect Thieme’s status as a global market leader in many specialties including neurosurgery, radiology and dentistry, and include a variety of co-publications with the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, one of the foremost professional societies in the field. In addition the Collections feature an impressive selection of titles in orthopedic surgery, otolaryngology, audiology, neurology, internal medicine, and ophthalmology.