資源結合了兩份傑出收藏—倫敦大學圖書館的 Goldsmiths 經濟文獻資料庫和哈佛商學院 Kress 商業與經濟文獻的優勢。還提供了來自哥倫比亞大學 Butler 圖書館的 Seligman 收藏和耶魯大學圖書館的補充資料,為研究人員提供了理解社會科學形成的新途徑。通過貿易和財富資訊講述現代西方世界的發展,可以用於殖民、奴隸制、大西洋地區、區域研究、社會歷史等方面的學術研究和教學。該資料庫提供豐富的珍稀原始資料:專著、叢書、政治小冊子和佈告等等。
The Making of the Modern World: Part I, The Goldsmiths'-Kress Collection, 1450-1850 offers new ways of understanding the expansion of world trade, the Industrial Revolution, and the development of modern capitalism, supporting research in variety of disciplines.
This collection follows the development of the modern western world through the lens of trade and wealth -- the driving force behind many of the major historical events during the period (1450-1850). With full-text search capabilities on an abundance of rare books and primary source materials, this resource provides unparalleled access to more than 61,000 books and 466 serials -- more than 12 million pages in all -- many of which are the only known copy of the work in the world.