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Graduation Procedure for the Library

Undergraduate Students

  1. Make sure you return all the library books, including the interlibrary loan, and pay for the fine if there is any.
  2. Please fill in the "大學部畢業生提早辦理圖書館離校系統註記申請單" to apply for a review of your library account. If you have returned all borrowed materials and paid overdue fines, the Library will approve your application. 
  3. When the part of library in "畢業生離校系統" shows ✓, it means this step is done, you do not need to visit the library. If not, please visit the Library for the procedure.
  4. Once the graduation procedure is done, all the library services will be terminated. If you would like to visit the library, please apply for temporary card with your ID card or enter with your Alumnus Library Card. For applying the  alumnus library card, please see related information on Library Card Application.

Graduates Students

  1. Please login to the "Fu Jen Catholic University Electronic Theses & Dissertations" with your library account and password to submit the file. 
    If never use the library account before, please visit the "Activate My Library account" to activate the account.
  2. After uploading your thesis/dissertation, please visit the Library for the graduation procedure:
    (1) Two copies of printed theses/dissertations (the Copyright License Agreement should be included).
    (2) The original copy of the Copyright License Agreement (the signature is mandatory).
  3. Make sure you return all the library books, including the interlibrary loan, and pay for the fine if there is any.
  4. Once the graduation procedure is done, all the library services will be terminated. If you would like to visit the library, please apply for temporary card with your ID card or enter with your Alumnus Library Card. For applying the  alumnus library card, please see related information on Library Card Application.
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