Avicenna and the visionary recital / Corbin, Henry, author.
2014 |
181.5 A957-3 2014 |
Jung, Buddhism, and the incarnation of Sophia : unpublished writings from the philosopher of the soul / Corbin, Henry, author.
2019 |
150.1954 J95 C791 2019 |
John of Salisbury on Aristotelian science / Bloch, David, 1975- author.
2012 |
100 B651:2 |
Nachmetaphysisches Denken? : kritische anfragen an Jürgen Habermas / Langthaler, Rudolf, author.
1997 |
193 L286 |
The metaphysics of practice : writings on action, community, and obligation / Sellars, Wilfrid, author.
2023 |
191 S467-3 |
"The bold arcs of salvation history" : faith and reason in Jürgen Habermas's reconstruction of the roots of European thinking / Junker-Kenny, Maureen, author.
2022 |
193 J95:2 |
A philosophy of pain / Vetlesen, Arne Johan, 1960- author.
2009 |
128.4 V588 2009 |
The poem of Empedocles /
2001 |
182.5 P744 2001 |
Xenophanes of Colophon : fragments /
2001 |
182.3 X5 2001 |
The atomists, Leucippus and Democritus : fragments /
2010 |
182.7 A881 2010 |
Conceptual harmonies : the origins and relevance of Hegel's logic / Redding, Paul, 1948- author.
2023 |
193 R313 |
The opening of Hegel's logic : from being to infinity / Houlgate, Stephen, author.
2006 |
160 H838 |
Nishida Kitarō's philosophy of life / Higaki, Tatsuya, 1964- author.
2020 |
142.7 N724 H634 2020 |
Phenomenology and human experience /
2012 |
142.7 P355 P541 |
Chinesische gegenwartsphilosophie zur einführung / Heubel, Fabian, 1967- author.
2016 |
181.11 H592-2 |
Schelling and Spinoza : realism, idealism, and the absolute / Norris, Benjamin, author.
2022 |
193 N853 |
Tanzende bäume, sprechende steine : zur phänomenologie japanischer gärten / Obert, Mathias, 1967- author.
2019 |
181.12 O12 |
Gewundene wege nach China : Heidegger, Daoismus, Adorno / Heubel, Fabian, 1967- author.
2020 |
193 H592 |
Kleine weltgeschichte der philosophie / Störig, Hans Joachim, author.
2020 |
109 S884:2 2020 |
Bayesian structural equation modeling / DePaoli, Sarah, author.
2021 |
150.1519542 D419 |
Independent women in British psychoanalysis : creativity and authenticity at work /
2024 |
150.1950922 I38 |
Mache die Welt : eine geschichte der philosophie / Precht, Richard David, 1964- author.
2023 |
100 P923 |
Marion Milner : the life / Letley, Emma, author.
2014 |
150.195092 M659 L648 |
Pathways into the Jungian world : phenomenology and analytical psychology /
2000 |
150.1954 P297 |
The first ghosts : most ancient of legacies / Finkel, Irving L., author.
2022 |
133.10935 F499 2021 |
The Marion Milner method : psychoanalysis, autobiography, creativity / Halton-Hernandez, Emilia, author.
2023 |
150.195092 M659 H197 |
Marion Milner : a contemporary introduction / Stefana, Alberto, author.
2024 |
150.195092 M659 S816 |
The Routledge companion to pragmatism /
2023 |
144.3 R869 |