Buddhism and its religious others : historical encounters and representations /
2022 |
294.335 B927-2 |
Buddhism under capitalism /
2023 |
294.3373 B927 |
Buddhism, cognitive science, and the doctrine of selflessness : a revolution in our self-conception / Nicholson, Hugh (Hugh R.), author.
2023 |
294.3 N625 |
Defining Shugendō : critical studies on Japanese mountain religion /
2020 |
299.56 D313 |
Indian Buddhist studies on non-Buddhist theories of a self : the studies of Śāntarakṣita and Kamalaśīla on the Nyāya-Vaiśeṣika, Mīmāṃsā, Sāṃkhya, Jain, Vedānta and Vātsīputrīya theories of a self / Duerlinger, James, author.
2023 |
294.392 S233 D853 |
Phenomenological reflections on mindfulness in the Buddhist tradition / Čopelj, Erol, author.
2022 |
294.34435 C782 |
Routledge handbook of Theravāda Buddhism /
2022 |
294.391 R869 |
The Routledge handbook of Buddhist-Christian studies /
2023 |
261.243 R869 |
Buddhism in Central Asia /
2020 |
294.309514 B927 |
Buddhist statecraft in East Asia /
2022 |
294.3372095 B927 |
Martin Luther : his road to Reformation, 1483-1521 / Brecht, Martin, author.
1993 |
284.1092 L973 B829 1993 |
Martin Luther : the preservation of the church, 1532-1546 / Brecht, Martin, author.
1999 |
284.1092 L973 B829-3 1999 |
Martin Luther : a life / Marty, Martin E., 1928- author.
2008 |
284.1092 L973 M388 |
Martin Luther : shaping and defining the Reformation, 1521-1532 / Brecht, Martin, author.
1994 |
284.1092 L973 B829-2 1994 |
Martin Luther : the man who rediscovered God and changed the world / Metaxas, Eric, author.
2017 |
284.1092 L973 M587 |
Hell hath no fury : gender, disability, and the invention of damned bodies in early Christian literature / Henning, Meghan, 1982- author.
2021 |
236.25 H517 |