社會企業營運模式之初探 : 以新生命資訊服務股份有限公司個案為例 = Explore the operation model of social enterprises in the case of new life information services Co., Ltd / 陳, 誠志
2016 |
494 7504:5 2016 |
文化差異對網站設計之影響 : 泰國與美國之跨國個案分析 = The impact of oultural difference on website design : a cross-country comparison between Thailand and the United States / 齊, 熙妲 (Jira, Thida)
2017 |
494.1 0074 2017 |
中小型企業的控制系統管理之研究 = Management control systems in small and median enterprises / 馬, 費蘭 (Garcia, Ferran Masias)
2017 |
494.1 7154 2017 |
行動商務新時代以及其對線上旅遊預訂之影響 = M-commerce new era, and its influence in online tourism booking / 莫, 亞戈 (Merce, Yago)
2017 |
494.1 4415:5 2017 |
三重底線的商業運用之研究 : 以運動鞋產業為例 = Implementing triple bottom line approaches in business : a case in the athletic footwear industry / 馬, 克希 (Schoffer, Maximilian)
2017 |
494.1 7144 2017 |
教育與照護弱勢家庭學童之社會創業 : 以耕心蓮苑及孩子的書屋為例 = The social entrepreneurship on the educating and caring for the underprivileged children : studies on Geng Hsin Lian Yuan fundation and kids' bookhouse / 王, 優
2017 |
494 1021:5 2017 |
社會創業教育對社會創業之影響研究 = A study of the influence of social entrepreneurship education on social entrepreneurship / 程, 蘊嘉
2017 |
494 2644:7 2017 |
應用設計思考於補救教育之研究 = Using design thinking in after school program / 林, 氿蘋
2017 |
494 4434:15 2017 |
脊髓損傷者就業困境探討 = Employment dilemma of spinal cord injury / 王, 義萍
2017 |
494 1084:3 2017 |
視覺美感中心性、體驗價值、享樂主義與消費者創新性之關聯性研究 : 以室內設計產業為例 = The relationships among centrality of visual product aesthetics, experiential value, hedonic value, and consumer innovativeness : a case of interior design industry / 蔡, 岳儒
2017 |
494.1 4472 2017 |
資源基礎模式與持久競爭優勢形成之因素探討 : 個案研究觀點 = Analysis of resource-based model and the formation of sustainable competitive advantage factors : the viewpiont of case study / 田, 秉欣
2017 |
494.1 6027:2 2017 |
正念對樂觀、感恩與個人創新行為之影響 = The influence of mindfulness on optimism, gratitude, and personal innovation behavior / 顏, 麗芳
2017 |
494.1 0114 2017 |
日系企業在台灣的銷售策略及經銷商協作關係 : 以V公司為例 = The sales strategy of Japanese enterprises in Taiwan and the relationship with its distributor cooperation : a case study of V company / 陳, 沛蓉
2017 |
494.1 7534 2017 |
美國亞太再平衡戰略對臺灣之影響 = Influence on Taiwan about the strategy of U.S. rebalance to Asia Pacific / 吳, 長安
2017 |
494.1 2673 2017 |
地區多元化與策略形態關聯性之研究 = A study of relevance of geographic diversification to strategic posture / 陳, 俊宏
2017 |
494.1 7523:2 2017 |
連鎖藥局之經營與行銷策略分析 : 以Y藥局為例 / 陳, 冠龍
2017 |
494.1 7530:2 2017 |
社群網絡行銷平台之競爭優勢分析 / 林, 丞書
2017 |
494.1 4415:4 2017 |
華英互補型遊學研究 : 以臺灣文化旅遊課程為設計主題 = Mandarin camp research in Taiwan : a study on the culture of the student's inbound learning tour / 許, 湘汝
2017 |
494.1 0833 2017 |
台灣有機食品產業分析與創新服務之研究 = The industry analysis and the study of innovation services in Taiwan's organic food / 翁, 淑櫻
2016 |
494.1 8034 2016 |
活躍老化服務方案之社會企業模式建構 : 以「老大人回憶繪本方案」為例 = Developing a social enterprise model for active ageing services: case study of the program of creating memory books with the elderly / 余, 良玲
2014 |
494 8031:2 2014 |
活躍老化經營模式之分析以台灣老大人活力發展協會為例 = The business of active agent organization : the analysis of Taiwan energetic development / 葉, 國芳
2017 |
494 4464:7 2017 |
台灣勞資爭議之研究 : 以司法裁判分析為例 = The study of labor dispute in Taiwan : a case study of judicial decisions / 陳, 靜美
2017 |
494.1 7558 2017 |
洛杉磯月子中心投資計畫可行性分析 = The feasibility analysis of the LA mother-caring center investment project / 江, 信徵
2017 |
494.1 3122 2017 |
利用決策樹分析探討捐款者特徵與募款策略之構建 : 以國內某私立大學為例 = Developing a fundraising strategy by investigating donators' behaviors using decision tree analysis : a case study of a private university in Taiwan / 蔡, 宛諭
2017 |
494.1 4430:2 2017 |
利用IPA分析探討醫療服務品質與改善策略 : 以某復健診所為例 = Applying importance-performance analysis to evaluate healthcare service quality and develop improvement dtrategy : a case study of a rehabilitation clinic / 林, 明穎
2017 |
494.1 4462:4 2017 |
邊緣青少年賦權之社會創新 = The social innovation of marginal youth empowerment / 沈, 佩萱
2017 |
494 3424 2017 |
社交媒體行銷及其對消費者行為影響之研究 = Social media marketing and the impact on consumer behavior / 波, 蒂娜 (Bosch, Christina)
2018 |
494.1 3444:3 2018 |
正向心理學之影響 : 在職場中之情緒依附 = The effects of positive psychology : emotional attachment in the workplace / 白, 黛嘉 (White, Déja Naundi)
2018 |
494.1 2624:4 2018 |
故事性思考、故事行銷與品牌之關聯性探討 = The relationships between narrative thinking, storytelling marketing and branding / 艾, 凱蒂 (Aiello, Katie)
2018 |
494.1 4424:8 2018 |
家族企業在新興經濟體 : 世代參與、所有權以及管理的觀點 = Role of family businesses in emerging markets : generation involvement, ownership and management / 葛, 哈許 (Garg, Harsh)
2018 |
494.1 4460:2 2018 |
通過競爭力和賽局理論分析特斯拉公司 = Competitiveness and applied game theory through an analysis of Tesla, Inc. / 簡, 正俊 (Chien, Zachary)
2018 |
494.1 8812 2018 |
性別差異對女性員工之影響 = Gender differences for female employees / 雷, 蓋希 (Reynolds, Gracia Tshisola)
2018 |
494.1 1044:9 2018 |
Instagram內容分析 : @doyoutravel之個案研究 = Instagram content analysis : a case study of the @doyoutravel Instagram travel influencer account / 裴, 理查 (Pefley, Richard Michael)
2018 |
494.1 1114:4 2018 |
線上訂餐平台論述與全球化對未來銷售影響之研究 = A global study of online restaurant reviews and their impact on future sales / 康, 湯姆 (Cound, Tom)
2018 |
494.1 0034 2018 |
HomeGrown : 共享經濟之創新服務設計思考 = HomeGrown : design thinking of service innovation in the sharing economy / 喬, 尼可 (Johnson, Nicholas E.)
2018 |
494.1 2071 2018 |
以全球觀點探討社群媒體行銷運用於化妝品品牌之研究 = Social media marketing of cosmetics brands in a global perspective / 維, 多莉 (Jones, Victoria)
2018 |
494.1 2024:2 2018 |
魅力領導在現今管理之探討 = Charismatic leadership in today's corporate management / 蘇, 珊那 (Argueta, Susana)
2018 |
494.1 4411:3 2018 |
知覺控制與經驗最佳化之研究 = The control of consciousness for optimal experience / 克, 莉絲 (Khorge, Krystal)
2018 |
494.1 4042:5 2018 |
利用幽默建立品牌個性 : 推特上的實證分析 = Using humor to develop a brand personality : evidence from Twitter / 邦, 尼克 (Bondy, Nickolas)
2018 |
494.1 5774 2018 |
探討社群媒體廣告對旅遊者行為之影響 = Exploring the effects of social media advertising on tourist behavior / 龍, 瑪麗 (Lombrozo, Marila)
2018 |
494.1 0111 2018 |
微電網區塊鏈應用之研究 : 以民主化發展中國家的可再生能源為例 = Blockchain applications for micro grids : democratizing renewable energy in the developing world / 莫, 萊恩 (Murphy, Ryan)
2018 |
494.1 4446:4 2018 |
女性在競選領導之跨文化分析 = Running as a woman : a cross-cultural analysis of females in executive leadership campaigns / 葛, 凱西 (Grogan, Catherine Tess)
2018 |
494.1 4421:3 2018 |
生技創業與創業精神於生技產業之比較 = Comparing bio-Entrepreneurship & entrepreneurship in biotechnology industry / 辛, 寇比 (Hinson, Colby)
2018 |
494.1 0032 2018 |
創新與房地產升值之相關性研究, 以波士頓、洛杉磯及多倫多為例 = A study of the correlation between innovation and rising real estate appreciation comparing Boston, Los Angeles, and Toronto / 歐, 艾比 (Arulparan, Abirami)
2018 |
494.1 7742:2 2018 |
化妝品產業社群媒體影響者之研究 = A study of social network on influencer marketing for cosmetic industry / 蔡, 津津 (Suksawad, Kotchaporn)
2018 |
494.1 4433:6 2018 |
遊戲虛擬購物平臺服務品質對使用者滿意度的作用 = The comparison analysis of service quality between online game and traditional C2C platforms / 陳, 雅瓊 (Chen, Yaqiong)
2018 |
494.1 7571 2018 |
繭居族的線上購物決策和其影響因素之研究 = Research on consumer online purchasing behaviour for Hikikomori / 孟, 蒂 (Earsakul, Thanita)
2018 |
494.1 1744 2018 |
馬蜂窩旅遊APP用戶體驗探討 = Exploring user experience of mafengwo tourism app / 周, 業銘 (Zhou, Yeming)
2018 |
494.1 7738:2 2018 |
自由共享經濟主流的商業模式之經濟分析與比較研究 = Economic analysis and comparison of the main leaders in freelancing shared economy business models / 艾, 瓊安 (Calduch, Joan Erra)
2018 |
494.1 4413:3 2018 |
論職場孤獨在中國文化下的意涵與因應對策 = Loneliness at the workplace in Chinese culture context / 劉, 漢超 (Liu, Han Chao)
2018 |
494.1 7234:2 2018 |