
Philosophy & psychol (共100冊)
書名/作者 出版項 索書號
The paradoxical structure of existence / Wilhelmsen, Frederick D., author. 2017 111.1 W678
The space of time : a sensualist interpretation of time in Augustine, Confessions X to XII / Van Dusen, David, author. 2014 115.092 V217
The ways of Aristotle : Aristotelian phrónêsis, Aristotelian philosophy of dialogue, and action research / Eikeland, Olav, 1955- author. 2008 185 E34
Thinking, knowing, acting : epistemology and ethics in Plato and ancient Platonism / 2019 184 T443
Gestaltexperimente unterm Bilderhimmel : das Psychologische Institut im Berliner Stadtschloss und die Avantgarde / Pratschke, Margarete, author. 2016 150.1982 P912
The invisible world : early modern philosophy and the invention of the microscope / Wilson, Catherine, 1951- author. 1995 113 W747
Geist und Psyche : klassische Modelle von Platon bis Freud und Damasio / 2008 128.2 G313
The early Heidegger & medieval philosophy : phenomenology for the godforsaken / McGrath, S. J., 1966- author. 2006 193 M147:2
Thomas Aquinas and his legacy / 1994 189.4 T454-4
Modern Philosophies of the Will : lecture notes for courses at the New School for Social Research (fall 1980/spring 1987/spring 1992) / Schürmann, Reiner, 1941-1993, author. 2022 128.3 S394
Selbstbezug und Selbstwissen : Texte zu einer mittelalterlichen Debatte / 2014 126 S464
Robert Brandom / Wanderer, Jeremy, author. 2014 193 W245 2014
Reading Brandom : on A Spirit of Trust / 2020 193 R287
Die Welt im Blick : Aufsätze zu Kant, Hegel und Sellars / McDowell, John, 1942- author. 2015 128.2 M478 2015
Wilfrid Sellars, idealism, and realism : understanding psychological nominalism / 2018 191 W677-2
Brandom / Loeffler, Ronald, author. 2018 191 L825
A spirit of trust : a reading of Hegel's Phenomenology / Brandom, Robert, author. 2019 193 B819
Between saying and doing : towards an analytic pragmatism / Brandom, Robert, author. 2010 121.68 B819
American pragmatism : an introduction / Spencer, Albert R., author. 2020 144.30973 S745
Hegel in a wired brain / Žižek, Slavoj, author. 2020 193 Z82-2
Disparities / Žižek, Slavoj, author. 2016 199.4973 Z82-5
Lacan : eine Einführung / Žižek, Slavoj, author. 2021 150.195092 Z82-2 2021
The sublime object of ideology / Žižek, Slavoj, author. 2008 140 Z82 2008
The plague of fantasies / Žižek, Slavoj, author. 2008 154.3 Z82 2008
The most sublime hysteric : Hegel with Lacan / Žižek, Slavoj, author. 2014 193 Z82-3 2014
In defense of lost causes / Žižek, Slavoj, author. 2017 199.4973 Z82-2 2017
Das hybride Subjekt : eine Theorie der Subjektkulturen von der bürgerlichen Moderne zur Postmoderne / Reckwitz, Andreas, author. 2020 126 R298 2020
Kritik von Lebensformen / Jaeggi, Rahel, author. 2020 170 J22 2020
Transformation der Philosophie / Apel, Karl-Otto, author. 1976 149.94 A641
Wissen und Glauben : theologische Reaktionen auf das Werk von Jürgen Habermas "Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie" / 2021 193 W816:2
Trostlose Vernunftphilosophy? : vier Kommentare zu Jürgen Habermas'Konstellation von Philosophie und Geschichte, Glauben und Wissen / Liebsch, Burkhard, author. 2021 193 L717
Normativität und Geschichte : zur Auseinandersetzung zwischen Apel und Habermas / Rapic, Smail, author. 2019 170.44 R218
Reading Brandom : on Making It Explicit / 2010 149.94 R287
Hegels Logik lesen : ein Selbstversuch / Eiden-Offe, Patrick, author. 2021 193 E34
Hegel and the Frankfurt school / 2021 193 H462-9
Kritik der reinen Vernunft / Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804, author. 2019 121 K16-5 2019
Kritik der Urteilskraft / Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804, author. 2018 193 K16-9 2018
Was ist Kritik? / 2021 142 W312 2021
Die Erfindung der Kreativität : zum Prozess gesellschaftlicher Ästhetisierung / Reckwitz, Andreas, author. 2021 153.35 R298 2021
Pope Francis and the transformation of health care ethics / Salzman, Todd A., author. 2021 174.2 F818 S186
Aspects of playwork / 2018 155.418 A838
Celebrating 40 years of play research : connecting our past, present, and future / 2016 155.418 C392
From children to red hatters : diverse images and issues of play / 2009 155.418 F931
Play across childhood : international perspectives on diverse contexts of play / 2021 155.418 P722-2
Practice-based research in children's play / 2017 155.418 P895
Atlas of the heart : mapping meaningful connection and the language of human experience / Brown, Brené, author. 2021 158.1 B877
Mindware : tools for smart thinking / Nisbett, Richard E., author. 2015 153.4 N724-2
Bittersweet : how sorrow and longing make us whole / Cain, Susan, author. 2022 155.2 C135
The power of regret : how looking backward moves us forward / Pink, Daniel H., author. 2022 152.4 P655
De-coincidence : where art and existence come from / Jullien, François, 1951- author. 2018 194 J94