檢視兒少色情之刑罰正當性 = A review of the legitimacy of punishment on child pornography / 周, 晨蕙
2016 |
580 7764:4 2016 |
論鄉鎮自治制度之改革 = On the reformation of the leagal system of township autonomy / 陳, 怡帆
2016 |
580 7594:9 2016 |
論實質課稅原則下之稅務訴訟舉證責任 = The burden of proof in tax litigation under the substantive taxation principle / 鄭, 燕茹
2016 |
580 8744:3 2016 |
工商祕密法益在刑事實體法上的再檢討 : 以商業間諜行為之防制為中心 = An examination of trade secrets as commercial interests in substantive criminal law : on prevention of corporate espionage / 黃, 婉亭
2015 |
580 4440:19 2015 |
蒙古國與臺灣刑法強盜罪之比較研究 = A comparative study of the criminal code of Mongolia and Taiwan robber crime / 柯柏亞 (Gantumur, Batbayar)
2015 |
580 4141 2015 |
兩岸經濟合作架構協議(ECFA)與世界貿易組織(WTO)爭端解決機制之探究 = The study on dispute settlement mechanism between economic cooperation framework agreement(ECFA)and world trade organization(WTO) / 肖, 慧琳
2015 |
580 9051 2015 |
搶奪罪存在根據之探討 = The exploration of the abrupt taking offense / 張, 育甄
2015 |
580 1101:2 2015 |
從經濟社會文化權利國際公約論我國之居住權保障 : 以都市更新條例為例 = Discussion of the residence right guarantee based on the international covenant on economic, social and cultural rights : taking Taiwan urban renewal act as an example / 邱, 紀璇
2015 |
580 7721:3 2015 |
我國公職人員財產申報制度之研究 = A study on the act on property-declaration by public servants in Republic of China / 謝, 凱芳
2015 |
580 0424:5 2015 |
以法益之觀點論刑法第231條之處罰基礎及構成要件 = In view of legal interest to analyze punishment base and constitutive elements of criminal code article 231 / 陳, 俊元
2015 |
580 7521:5 2015 |
金融商品廣告規範之研究 : 以商業言論自由為核心 = A study on the regulations of finance instruments advertisement : focus on the freedom of commercial speech / 蔡, 馥如
2015 |
580 4424:43 2015 |
台灣與大陸地區設計專利申請與審查制度之比較 : 兼論設計專利之侵權與救濟程序 = The comparison in design patent filing, examination, infringement and remedy procedures between Taiwan and PRC / 陳, 平哲
2015 |
580 7515:9 2015 |
論兩岸醫療糾紛法律責任之判斷 : 以醫療常規為中心 = The comparative views on the determining of liabilities in medical disputes between cross-straits-focusing on medical guidelines/customs / 黃, 庭慧
2015 |
580 4405:5 2015 |
鑑識會計於我國財經犯罪之刑事程序上應用可能性 = The possibility of applying forensic accounting into Taiwan's financial crime on criminal procedure / 蔡, 秉璋
2015 |
580 4421:32 2015 |
任意汽車保險約款暨紛爭解決機制之研究 = Research on commercial auto insurance clauses and dispute resolution processes / 林, 典胤
2015 |
580 4452:14 2015 |
違法股市操縱行為之刑責 : 以台灣證劵交易所交易異常監視報告為中心 = The criminal acts of illegal stock market manipulation : an exception to the Taiwan stock exchange monitoring report based on the presence or absence / 方, 翔立
2015 |
580 0080:2 2015 |
兩岸綠能制度規範之研究 = The research of cross-straits green energy system standard / 曾, 易謙
2016 |
580 8060:3 2016 |
ECFA與兩岸證券業發展之研究 = A study on ECFA and the development of cross-strait securities industry / 郭, 炳宏
2014 |
580 0793 2014 |
服務貿易協議下兩岸醫療機構相關法規之研究 = A study on Taiwan and China regulations of medical care institutions under the trade agreement in services / 宋, 亮瑤
2015 |
580 3001 2015 |
兩岸勞動法制之研究 : 以勞動派遣為中心 = A study on the labor law system for Taiwan and Mainland China : dispatched employment as its core issue / 林, 初枝
2015 |
580 4434:54 2015 |
兩岸兵役制度之研究 : 以募兵制及徵兵制為中心 = The study of the Taiwan strait military service system : a comparative analysis which focus on the mercenary system and the conscription / 陳, 臆如
2015 |
580 7574:2 2015 |
兩岸社會保險之健康醫療保險比較 : 兼論長期照護保險 = The comparative study for health care of social insurance between Taiwan and China : discussing the long term care insurance / 徐, 在智
2015 |
580 2848 2015 |
兩岸公職人員利益衝突迴避法律規範之研究 = A study of avoidance systems between both sides of the Taiwan strait / 蘇, 宗富
2014 |
580 4433:30 2014 |
兩岸最高限額抵押權從屬性之研究 = A study on the legal regime of the maximum limited mortgage between Taiwan and China / 儲, 鈞
2013 |
580 2487 2013 |
兩岸土地徵收合法性之比較研究 : 以公益性、比例原則與補償標準為中心 = A study in comparing the legality of land expropriation on two sides : to the welfare, the principle of proportionality and compensation standards for the center / 林, 容羽
2014 |
580 4431:24 2014 |
我國工作時間除外規定之研究 : 以勞基法第八十四條之一為中心 = A study on provisions of exceptions related to working hours in Taiwan : focused on article 84-1 of the labor standards act / 方, 文伶
2014 |
580 0002:3 2014 |
兩岸分配表異議制度之比較研究 : 以假債權之異議為中心 = Comparative study about cross-strait distribution list objection system : focusing on false creditors' rights / 陳, 美英
2014 |
580 7584:12 2014 |
兩岸駕駛執照管理制度法律相關問題之比較研究 = Cross-strait driving license relevant legal issue comparative study of the management systems / 史, 佳玲
2014 |
580 5021 2014 |
兩岸部分工時法規範之比較研究 = A comparative study on laws of the part-time work between Taiwan and China / 彭, 蘭英
2015 |
580 4244:2 2015 |
中國大陸勞動派遣法制規範之研究 : 以勞務派遣暫行規定為分界點 = A study on the law of dispatched employment in mainland China : the divide between the interim provisions on labor dispatch and the law of employment contracts / 葉, 玉璽
2015 |
580 4411:33 2015 |
論附帶搜索與隱私權保障之衝突 = The conflict of the search incident and privacy protection / 簡, 陳由
2015 |
580 8875 2015 |
華盛頓公約與野生動物保育法關於鸚鵡貿易、管理與保育制度之研究 = Conservation and trade management of parrots under CITES and Taiwan's wildlife conservation law / 陳, 志青
2015 |
580 7545:3 2015 |
兩岸行政罰一行為不二罰原則運用及界限之比較 = The research of no double jeopardy clause in administrative law between Taiwan and China / 何, 相庭
2015 |
580 2140 2015 |
我國醫療責任保險制度之研究 = The research on medical liability insurance in Taiwan / 詹, 渝涵
2015 |
580 2733 2015 |
派遣勞工權益保護之研究 = A study of protection on labor rights dispatch / 嚴, 培勻
2015 |
580 6642 2015 |
買賣不破租賃制度之法律經濟分析 = The economic analysis on the system of "lease prior to business transaction" / 施, 筱靖
2015 |
580 0880:4 2015 |
論地理標示保護規範 : 以台灣養殖漁產品為例 = The protection of geographical indications : a case of Taiwan aquaculture product / 林, 鐸雨
2015 |
580 4481:15 2015 |
擄人勒贖罪之要件再建構 = Rebuilding constitutive requirement of the crime of kidnapping for ransom / 吳, 宗晉
2015 |
580 2631:12 2015 |
我國政府捐助之財團法人組織制度與規範探討 = Study on Organization and Operation of Governmental-oriented NGO / 楊, 育純
2015 |
580 4602:3 2015 |
廢弛職務行為應刑性之研究 = The research of "Strafwürdigkeit" for neglect of official duties / 李, 宗龍
2015 |
580 4030:4 2015 |
債權讓與通知效力之研究 = A study on the effectiveness of assignment notice of debt / 郭, 郡欣
2016 |
580 0717 2016 |
台灣醫療糾紛處理制度之改進芻議 = A study on the improvement of medical malpractice disputes in Taiwan / 吳, 聖平
2015 |
580 2611:7 2015 |
我國集會遊行制度之研究 : 理論、法制及實務 = A study on assembly and parade institutions in Taiwan : theory, legal system and practice / 何, 靖騰
2016 |
580 2107 2016 |
婚姻家庭制度與所得稅 : 新加坡所得稅制之比較研究 = Institutions of family and marriage with respect to income taxation : a comparative study of Singapore income taxation / 王, 秀元
2016 |
580 1021:10 2016 |
論與幼童性交罪之適用 : 以最高法院99年度第7次刑事庭決議為中心 = Research on the offense of sexual intercourse with children : centering on the resolution by the 2010 7th criminal divisions conference of the supreme court / 陳, 姿瑋
2016 |
580 7531:6 2016 |
懲戒解雇之法律問題研究 = A study on legal issues of disciplinary dismissal / 王, 聯雅
2016 |
580 1017:3 2016 |
同性婚姻正當性與法制化之研究 = A study on legitimacy and legalization of homosexual marriage / 蔡, 沛珊
2016 |
580 4431:25 2016 |
論被遺忘權之保障及經濟分析 = A study on protection of right to be forgotten and its economic analysis / 李, 思瑩
2016 |
580 4069:2 2016 |
巴勒斯坦在聯合國之法律地位 = On legal status of Palestine in the United Nations / 張, 啟信
2016 |
580 1132:9 2016 |
偵查階段辯護權之研究 = A study of criminal defendant's right to counsel during the period of investigation / 房, 彥輝
2016 |
580 3009 2016 |