
社會科學類 (共122冊)
書名/作者 出版項 索書號
擄人勒贖罪構成要件之檢討 = Discussion on the constitutive requirements of the crime of kidnapping for ransom / 蔡, 學誼 2014 580 4470:2 2014
敵意併購與併購防禦之比較研究 : 以美國法、台灣法與俄羅斯法為中心 = The comparative analysis of hostile takeovers and antitakeover tactics from the perspective of the laws of Russia, Taiwan and the USA / 謝娜 (Sayana, Dalbakova) 2012 580 0447 2012
擄人勒贖罪之研究 = The study of offenses of kidnapping for ransom / 吳, 玲瑋 2014 580 2611:6 2014
聯合行為之成立及法律效果 : 以美國、歐盟及我國規範為中心 = Formations and legal effects of concerted actions : from the perspectives of antitrust laws Among the European Union, Taiwan and the United State / 黃, 鈴晏 2012 580 4486:6 2012
最高限額抵押權擔保債權範圍之研究 = A study on the scope of the secured claim of the line of credit mortgages / 張, 浩銘 2014 580 1138:9 2014
論奈米科技職業健康風險之規制可能性 : 從國家保護義務出發 = The regulation of occupational health risk of nanotechnology : based on the protective obligation of the state / 何, 宛屏 2012 580 2137:2 2012
台灣專屬經濟海域劃界爭端解決法制之研究 = A study on the legal system concerning the dispute settlements of the exclusive economic zone delimitation in Taiwan / 郭, 韋君 2012 580 0741 2012
均等論之適用與發展 : 以日本與我國之理論與實務為主 = The approach and development of the doctrine of equivalents : based on the theories and judgements of Japan and Taiwan / 陳, 建欽 2012 580 7518:8 2012
論國家責任在我國實務上之運作 : 以「刑事補償法」為例 = A study on the responsibility of state : take law of compensation for wrongful detentions and execution for example / 陳, 冠宇 2014 580 7533:15 2014
國際法之外交豁免權在台灣關係法上適用之研究 = A study of the diplomatic immunities of international law applied in Taiwan relations act / 徐, 敏慧 2012 580 2885 2012
公司經營權爭奪與董事忠實義務 : 以委託書徵求為中心 = Contests for corporate control and directors' fiduciary duties : focusing on proxy solicitation / 何, 宥昀 2012 580 2136:2 2012
論金融商品管制與投資人權益之保障 : 以結構債之交易模式為中心 = Regulations of financial derivatives and investor protection : focusing on the trading mode of structured debentures / 謝, 宗翰 2012 580 0434:2 2012
以經濟分析觀點論整型及美容醫療侵權責任 : 醫療責任之再建構 = The study of medical tort liability on orthopedics and cosmetics from the view of economic analysis : a reconstruction of medical liability / 蔡, 昀昕 2014 580 4466:2 2014
全民健康保險署與特約保險醫事服務機構間之法律爭議及救濟途徑 = The legal controversies and remedies between national health insurance administration and the contracted medical care institutions / 施, 伊玶 2014 580 0821:6 2014
事業之拒絕交易行為於競爭法下之規範 = A study of regulations of refusal to deal under the competition law / 莊, 志剛 2011 580 4447:11 2011
兩岸銀行跨國金融監理法制之研究 = A research of international banking supervision between R.O.C. and P.R.C. / 楊, 淑華 2011 580 4634:8 2011
由整合社會憲法與經濟憲法之社會國原則論全民健保組織之變革 = An analysis of organizational reform of national health insurance based on principle of social state which harmonizes economical constitution and social welfare constitution / 霍, 酩壬 2011 580 1012:7 2011
論文化辯護於我國刑事審判上實行之研究= The application of cultural defenses in Taiwan's criminal proceedings / 蕭, 宇軒 2011 580 4435:11 2011
關係企業中控制公司濫用控制力防止規範之比較研究= A comparative study of laws and regulations preventing the controlling company from abusing Its controlling power over affiliated company / 蔡, 維倫 2011 580 4422:34 2011
論藥物基因體學對我國醫藥責任法制之影響 = Impacts of pharmacogenetics on medical responsibility system in Taiwan / 辛王, 燕丹 2012 580 0147 2012
論知名度在商標混淆之虞判斷之作用 = The effect of reputation on judging likelihood of confusion in trademark law / 胡, 佩芬 2012 580 4724 2012
醫療契約保密義務 = Confidentiality of medical contracts / 林, 彥霖 2012 580 4401:16 2012
實質董事之民事責任 = Civil responsibilities of the de facto director and shadow director / 林, 岳葳 2012 580 4474:16 2012
商品形態於不公平競爭防止法律規範之研究 = The protection of product configuration under the law of unfair competition / 吳, 宛宜 2012 580 2633:7 2012
論證券交易所得之課稅 = The income tax on gains derived from the securities transactions / 陳, 逸帆 2012 580 7534:21 2012
論著作科技保護措施之法律保護 = A study on the legal protection of technological protection measures for works of authorship / 潘, 振良 2012 580 3253 2012
兩岸電子商務法制之比較研究 : 以民事責任為中心 = Comparison on the law of e-commerce across the Taiwan straits : focus on civil liability / 王, 志文 2011 580 1040:6 2011
公平交易法中媒體業結合相關問題之研究 : 以多角化結合之跨媒體效果為中心 = A study of media industry merger under the fair trade act : with particular reference to cross-media effect of conglomerate merger / 李, 典蓁 2011 580 4054:3 2011
醫療機構對第三人之醫事契約責任 : 以感染法定傳染病為中心 = A research on the third parties' contractual medical liabilities of medical institutions : especially focusing on notifiable infectious diseases / 莊, 琇棋 2011 580 4414:42 2011
論公開說明書資訊不實責任 : 以美國法為中心 = Liabilities for a false and misleading prospectus : focusing on the united states securities regulation / 呂, 佳靜 2011 580 6025:2 2011
論勞動派遣關係中要派機構之職業災害補償責任 : 以製造業為例 = A study on the compensation responsibility of user firms for occupational accidents in the dispatched employment : the case of manufacturing industry in Taiwan / 徐, 詠君 2012 580 2801:2 2012
臺灣漁業永續發展之行政法制與國際法研究 = Study on the sustainable development of Taiwan's fishing industry : an administrative legal system and international law perspective / 陳, 玟君 2012 580 7511:11 2012
論資訊公開制度 : 以科技風險預防角度為中心 = On the system of the freedom of information : from the perspective of prevention of technology risk / 陳, 秉宏 2012 580 7523:13 2012
政府採購法爭議處理制度之研究 : 兼論美國相關爭議處理規範 = A study of the dispute resolution Mechanism under the government procurement act : including a comparative analysis of the relevant Mechanism in the United States / 梁, 雅惠 2012 580 3375 2012
環境法制中的民眾參與 : 以審議式民主角度檢視 / 曾, 于瑄 2012 580 8011:2 2012
被害人許可對犯罪成立的影響 : 以承諾與同意他人的危害為中心 = The effect of a victim's allowance on the establishment of crime : focus on victim's consent and agreement of someone's perilous behavior / 黃, 郁珊 2012 580 4441:30 2012
大學規章自治下校規的制定與問題 : 以大學生的權利保障為中心 = The institution and problems of school discipline in regulation autonomy of university : centered upon the protection of the fundamental rights of university students / 林, 姁璇 2012 580 4441:29 2012
探討我國基因資料庫(Taiwan Biobank)建置的規範現況與未來展望 : 以英國、冰島及日本法治為中心 = A study of the legal framework of Taiwan biobank and its future prospectives : focusing upon the laws and regulations of Iceland, Japan, and the United Kingdom / 卓, 文琳 2012 580 2101:5 2012
電腦軟體程式之智慧財產法律保護 : 以美國法為中心 = Protection of software programs under intellectual property regime : from the perspective of the law of the U.S. / 林, 宜柔 2012 580 4431:20 2012
法治教育在師資培育制度的檢討與建構 : 從教育基本權出發 = The review and construction of law-related education in teacher education : based on the fundamental rights of education / 曾, 伊那 2011 580 8021:2 2011
論民間參與公共建設契約中政府之定位 : 以高雄都會區大眾捷運系統紅橘線路網建設案為例 = The orientation of the government in private participation in infrastructure projects contract : a case study of Kaohsiung mass rapid transit red-orange line project / 吳, 嘉玲 2012 580 2641:6 2012
論我國專利權之間接侵害 : 以美國法、日本法為比較之對象 = A comparative study on indirect patent infringement in United States, Japan, and Taiwan / 王, 建鈞 2012 580 1018:3 2012
電腦程式保護之比較 : 以專利法和著作權法為中心 = A comparative study of computer program protection under patent and copyright laws / 林, 洋光 2012 580 4439:5 2012
初探諾齊克<<無政府、國家與烏托邦>>的政治哲學思想 : 並論其於我國憲法釋義學上援引的可能性 = A study of Nozick's political philosophy and It's applicative possibility in Taiwan's constitutional interpretation / 戴, 君豪 2012 580 4310 2012
酒醉駕車之法律責任與處罰 : 以兩岸法制為中心 = The study on the legal liability and punishment of drunken driving : focus on cross-strait legal system / 江, 金紋 2013 580 3182:2 2013
行政調查與司法調查之比較 : 以政風人員職權為中心 = The study of differentiation between administrative investigation and judicial investigation : refer to government ethic department official authority as main focus / 張, 雯琪 2013 580 1111:11 2013
兩岸專利侵權與救濟之研究 : 以科技業專利侵權爭議保全程序為中心 = A study on the cross-strait patent infringement and remedies : closer look at the preservation for technical industry patent infringement / 汪, 啟華 2013 580 3134:2 2013
公寓大廈建築物區分所有專有部分處分(分割)之研究 = A study on an effective disposition to condominium unit / 彭, 耀華 2013 580 4294 2013
兩岸企業併購之研究 : 以公開收購為中心 = A study on the cross-strait business mergers and acquisitions : focused on tender offer / 陳, 美如 2012 580 7584:13 2012
兩岸抵押權之比較研究 = The comparison research on mortgage of Taiwan and China / 劉, 立心 2009 580 7203 2009