臺灣原住民史料彙編 : 雅美、布農、卑南族及都市原住民採訪紀錄 /
1995 |
536.33 7585 |
僱用人與受僱人侵權責任分擔之研究 = An analysis on how the civil liability of torts allocated between employer and employee / 陳, 聰富
2010 |
580 7513 2010 |
侵權行為法上比例因果關係之研究 : 以市場占有率責任為契機 = A research on proportional causation of tort law : turning-point from Market Share Liability / 游, 正曄
2010 |
580 3816:2 2010 |
從隱私權論公職人員財產申報法 = A study on law of property-declaration by public officials based on privacy / 廖, 椿成
2013 |
580 0045 2013 |
涉外智慧財產權案件之國際管轄與準據法之研究 = The study of the international jurisdiction and the applicable law in intellectual property cases involving foreign elements / 陳, 玄儒
2013 |
580 7502:10 2013 |
宗教團體自治的憲法建構與檢討 = The religious group autonomy from construction and review under the constitution / 蔡, 汶含
2013 |
580 4438:15 2013 |
論營業稅虛報進項稅額之處罰與裁量 = A study on the punishment and its discretion by the tax authorities against the false declaration of input tax items in business tax act / 蕭, 明正
2013 |
580 4461:17 2013 |
公平交易法結合管制下的垂危事業抗辯之研究 = A study of failing firm defense under the merger control of the fair trade act / 郭, 昱伶
2013 |
580 0762:2 2013 |
法與宗教之研究 : 論現代法治國下的宗教自由 / 馬, 緯中
1997 |
580 7125 1997 |
保險信託之型態與法律關係 / 張, 珉瑄
2005 |
580 1111:10 2005 |
信託關係下利益衝突之研究 : 以忠實義務規範為中心 / 林, 郁芬
2006 |
580 4444:34 2006 |
信託法與民法之調和 / 葉, 張基
1998 |
580 4414:38 1998 |
從日本教育基本法制之變革論教育自由 : 以學校教育為中心 / 陳, 志全
1995 |
580 7548:5 1995 |
大陸觀光客來台消費行為研究 : 以北海岸旅遊零售業者及銷售人員觀點為例 = The research of consumer behavior of Mainland tourists in Taiwan : take examples of retailers and sales persons' viewpoints in North Coast / 沈, 發惠
2012 |
570 3415 2012 |
以系統治理處理雲林封井問題的視框衝突 = Dealing with frame conflict of Yunlin sealing wells through metagovernance / 洪, 若婷
2012 |
570 3444 2012 |
醫療契約與美容醫學契約民事責任之探討 = A study on civil liabilities of medical contracts and aesthetic medicine contracts / 陳, 鈺婷
2013 |
580 7584:11 2013 |
論證券交易市場資訊不實之民事損害賠償責任 = The civil liability of the false information of the securities exchange market / 黃, 佳文
2013 |
580 4420:14 2013 |
成屋仲介買賣糾紛及預防之研究 : 以不動產說明書應記載與不應記載事項為中心 = A Study on the brokerage agreement of built available houses : focusing on the mandatory and prohibitory provisions contained in the real estate introduction / 何, 佩珊
2013 |
580 2121 2013 |
我國綠建築法制與認證機制之研究 : 兼論美國LEED認證機制 =The research on Taiwan's green building law and certification mechanism : With a Look at the LEED Certification Mechanism in the U.S. / 王, 昱婷
2014 |
580 1064:4 2014 |
死刑存廢之研究 : 以死刑緩期執行作為替代方案 =A research of abolish the death penalty : the death penalty reprieve as an alternative / 陳, 冠呈
2014 |
580 7536:4 2014 |
私募公司債與私募有價證券之比較研究 : 以美國法為中心 =Private placements of corporate bonds and securities : a comparative study with focus on American law / 林, 郁君
2014 |
580 4441:33 2014 |
發展型國家的調適或消逝 : 以國光生技製藥為例 = Adaptation or decline of developmental state : an example of adimmune biotechnology corporation / 陳, 其睿
2012 |
570 7542 2012 |
新竹縣實施敬老福利津貼政策之政經分析. 1994-2011 = The political economy of the elderly living welfare pension policy in Hsinchu county. 1994-2011 / 沈, 維淇
2012 |
570 3423 2012 |
台灣農會茶葉產銷治理問題與網路 : 以南投縣為例 = Tea production-and-trade problems and governance networks of Taiwan farmer's association : case of Nantou county / 莊, 瑞麟
2012 |
570 4410 2012 |
基隆市節能減碳之政策行銷 : 利害關係人觀點 = Keelung city's policy marketing of energy saving and carbon reduction : perspective on stakeholders / 勞, 秀君
2012 |
570 9921 2012 |
塑化劑事件的風險溝通與論述分析 = The risk communication and discourse analysis of the plasticizer event / 梁, 巧俐
2012 |
570 3312 2012 |
低碳城市治理之實踐 : 新北市坪林低碳旅遊政策執行之研究 = The practice of low carbon city : a study of implementation on Pingling's low carbon tourism policy / 侯, 惠雋
2012 |
570 2752 2012 |
我國再生能源政策執行之研究 : 以屏東縣養水種電計畫為例 = The implementation of renewable energy policy in Taiwan : a case of aqua solar farm in Pingtung / 李, 彥璋
2012 |
570 4001 2012 |
環境風險的公私協力 : 國家任務變遷的觀點 = The public-private-partnership in environmental risk : from the perspective of state function transformation / 辛, 年豐
2013 |
580 0082-2 2013 |
企業併購交易商譽攤銷之研究 = A study of goodwill amortization on enterprise mergers and acquisitions / 黃, 淑華
2011 |
580 4434:47 2011 |
從臨終末期病患生命權與自主權觀點探討不予或撤、止維生醫療之法律爭議 = The legal issues on withholding or withdrawing life-sustaining treatment from the viewpoint of the right to life and autonomy of terminally ill patients / 王, 小星
2012 |
580 1096:2 2012 |
太陽光電能利用之法律問題研究 = A research on legal matters arising from the utilization of photovoltaic energy / 黃, 德泰
2012 |
580 4425:10 2012 |
論臺灣處方藥仿單外使用之管制 = A study of regulations for off-label uses of prescription drugs in Taiwan / 廖, 建瑜
2013 |
580 0011:7 2013 |
民事訴訟進行遲延之防止 = The prevention of delayed civil procedure / 鍾, 秀瑋
2013 |
580 8221 2013 |
我國養殖漁業行政法制之研究 = Study on the administrative legal system of fish farming in Taiwan / 陳, 佩嬬
2013 |
580 7524:18 2013 |
網路使用行為之刑事責任 : 以幫助犯為中心 = Criminal responsibility of behavior of using internet : focusing on accessory / 謝, 育錚
2013 |
580 0408:2 2013 |
義務教育下原住民族教育的憲法建構與檢討 = The construction and review of the constitution on the indigenous education in the compulsory education / 黃, 憶潔
2013 |
580 4493:4 2013 |
錫安山新約教徒宗教自由與義務教育的衝突 = The conflict between religious freedom and compulsory education in Mount Zion / 高, 嵐書
2010 |
580 0025:2 2010 |
證券市場不法連續交易之研究 : 兼論連續交易與護盤制度之關連性 = A study of securities market regulation for illegal hyping-and-dumping activities : with an emphasis on the co-relation of hyping-and-dumping and price pegging / 張, 佐榕
2011 |
580 1124:4 2011 |
論工程契約下定作人之協力義務 = A study of property owner's cooperative duties in construction contracts / 張, 晏菁
2011 |
580 1164:2 2011 |
論侵占罪之構成要件 : 與德國法的比較 = The discussion on the requirements of the crime of embezzlement : in comparison with German law / 潘, 宇欣
2012 |
580 3237 2012 |
大規模災害防救法制問題之探討 : 以日本都市社區防災法治為中心 = Study of legal system of catastrophe prevention : focus on Japanese legal system of community rescue / 黃, 珮綺
2013 |
580 4412:31 2013 |
法律倫理規範實效性之研究 = A study on the effectiveness of legal ethical norms / 郭, 羿伶
2014 |
580 0712:2 2014 |
我國環境公益信託制度及其運作障礙之探討 = The study of public trust of environment and its practical difficulties in Taiwan / 李, 峙曄
2013 |
580 4026:4 2013 |
論控制股東之資訊揭露義務 = Controlling shareholders' duty of disclosure / 張, 佩璘
2012 |
580 1121:7 2012 |
我國婚生子女否認之訴與相關問題之研究 = A study of disavowal of legitimacy and some related issues in Taiwan / 陳, 玟希
2014 |
580 7514:24 2014 |
論企業集團監督機關監察權之行使 = Supervisory right enforcement of Supervision Department under corporate group / 許, 育菱
2012 |
580 0804:2 2012 |
論中央與地方於氣候變遷問題治理上之權限劃分 : 以高雄市事業氣候變遷調適費為例 = A study of the competence about the governance of climate change between central and local government : Kaohsiung city enterprise climate change adaptation fee as an example / 周, 孟儀
2012 |
580 7712:3 2012 |
金融消費者保護法訴訟外紛爭解決機制之探討 = A study on alternative dispute resolutions of financial consumer protection act / 卓, 育佐
2014 |
580 2102:3 2014 |
競技運動傷害行為之可罰性 : 以被害人自我負責為中心 = The punishability of sports injures
: focus on the victim self-liability / 李, 旻娟
2012 |
580 4064:4 2012 |