利用資料挖礦技術改善人力資源管理之品質 : 以C證券商人才甄選為例 / 魏, 貝玲
2018 |
494 2661:2 2018 |
利用Kano-IPA模式探討薪酬制度與工時環境之改善策略 : 以某網通科技公司為例 / 林, 韋彤
2018 |
494 4447:5 2018 |
正念、真誠領導、心理賦權、自我效能與個人創新行為之關聯性研究 / 蘇, 珮婷
2018 |
494 4414:19 2018 |
負面選舉廣告與幽默訴求對罷免之廣告效果影響 : 以選民怕被笑特質為干擾變項 / 謝, 宜瑾
2018 |
494 0431 2018 |
我國西藥製藥廠商之競爭策略分析 : 以個案公司為例 / 彭, 玉華
2018 |
494 4214:2 2018 |
社會企業整合性績效衡量系統建置之研究 / 林, 玉萍
2018 |
494 4414:21 2018 |
企業社會責任對電子製造業經營績效的探討 : 以RBA為例 / 林, 沛縈
2018 |
494 4439 2018 |
企業社會責任對財務績效之影響 : 以金融控股公司為例 / 葉, 育琪
2018 |
494 4401:3 2018 |
使用者導向推薦系統設計 : 探討用戶控制性與社會臨場感之影響 / 魏, 勤儷
2018 |
494 2642:3 2018 |
社群媒體之故事行銷、網路互動性與善因行銷對廣告效果之影響 : 以流浪動物為例 / 郭, 于瑄
2018 |
494 0711:2 2018 |
正念、心理賦權、復原力、感恩與真誠領導之關聯性研究 / 黃, 映翎
2018 |
494 4468:4 2018 |
特集オフセット印刷で特殊印刷100連発 /
2018 |
477 2112-3 |
以結構比對理論與注意力驅動機制探討消費者品牌識別標誌美感決策評價歷程 = Exploring the evaluation process of aesthetic judgment on logo by structure comparison theory and attention driving mechanism / 楊, 偉顥
2018 |
494 4626 2018 |
站前廣場規模之檢討分析 / 陳, 富義
1998 |
445.1 7538 1998 |
基於霧運算之物聯網服務的復原力軟體架構設計 = Design of resilient software architecture for fog-based internet of things services / 胡, 永立
2018 |
448 4730 2018 |
競爭性中衛體系間的多廠商合作 : 聯盟形成、治理與生命週期 = Cooperation among multiple firms across competing corporate synergy systems : alliance formation, governance, and life cycle / 顏, 孟賢
2018 |
494 0117 2018 |
「好」吃吃「好」 : 老中醫x微微蔡55道「未病先防」順應體質食療常備菜,讓身體變成不易生病體質 : 只消一頓飯的光景,既寵壞味蕾,又寵愛身體 / 微微蔡
2020 |
413.98 2824 |
藥膳師的生命力餐桌 : 84道四季料理,告別假性健康,提升自癒力,養成不生病體質 / 麻木, 久仁子
2020 |
413.98 0422 |
台灣尿路結石盛行因素及體外電震波碎石術後復發之危險因子探討 : 全民健保資料庫 = Explore the prevalence of urolithiasis and the risk factors of stone recurrence after the extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy in Taiwan : NHI database / 邱, 月娥
2020 |
415 7774 2020 |
順應性支持通氣模式可降低呼吸器引發之肺損傷 = Adaptive support ventilation attenuates ventilator induced lung injury / 戴, 玉玲
2020 |
410 4311 2020 |
外科醫師學習效果再探討 : 工作地點移轉、先前經驗與醫師學習適應期之研究 = Three essays on surgeons' learning effects : workplace mobility, prior experiences and adaptive learning phase / 簡, 毓寧
2014 |
431 8883 2014 |
以詳盡可能模型和承諾信任理論確認在供應鏈中使用雲端服務的決定因素 = Identifying the determinants of the cloud computing service on SCM via elaboration-likelihood model and commitment-trust theory / 林, 玫君
2019 |
400.2 4411 2019 |
資訊科技化健康識能中文版量表驗證分析 : 以心臟科病人為例 = Reliability and validity of the Chinese version of eHealth literacy scale among heart disease patients / 盧, 一瑩
2018 |
419.6 2119 2018 |
成年育齡婦女月經不適症狀與中醫體質之研究 = Study on the associations between menstrual discomfort TCM constitution in adult women of childbearing age / 林, 潔盈
2020 |
419.6 4431 2020 |
雷射燒結矽酸鈣支架於骨組織工程應用 = Laser sintered calcium silicated-based scaffold for bone tissue engineering / 林, 宏洋
2017 |
410.1644 4433 2017 |
重大創傷患者的緊急醫療服務和醫院照護品質在非工作時間是否降低? = Are emergency medical service & hospital care for major trauma patients inferior during off-hours? / 蔡, 明霖
2007 |
411 4461 2007 |
畢業後一般醫學訓練住院醫師對於施行可信賴專業活動之觀點探討 : 質性研究 = Postgraduate residents' perceptions of entrustable professional activities implementation : a qualitative study / 陳, 信佑
2020 |
410.3 7522:2 2020 |
設計師的形態解讀能力與其產品造形設計之多變性的關係 = The relationship between the ability of shape recognition and the variability of product shape design of designers / 程, 東奕
2003 |
440.8 2650 2003 |
露營者消費行為對部落社區發展之探討 : 泰安鄉大興村為例 = Study of the consumption behavior of campers on community development : an example from Daxing Village, Tai'an Township / 黃, 楚皓
2021 |
494 4442:17 2021 |
區塊鏈數位創作平台之採用因素與創新通路策略決策之研究 : 以社交媒體貼圖為例 = The research of adoption factors of blockchain digital creativity platform and decision of innovative channel policy : using social media sticker as an example / 林, 湘霖
2020 |
494.8 4431:7 2020 |
中國金融企業之CSR揭露與企業績效之關聯 = The relationship between report of CSR and performance of financial corporate in mainland China / 徐, 子超
2021 |
495 2814:2 2021 |
旅行社成功經營之關鍵因素與績效評估模型建構 : 以甲種旅行社為例 = Constructing performance appraisal model for travel agency based on the key success factors : the class-A travel agency / 徐, 菀謙
2021 |
494 2840:2 2021 |
以老年人需求為核心的日照中心設計 = Day-care centers re-design based on elderly's requirement / 胡, 庭瑜
2020 |
494 4701 2020 |
關鍵查核事項與企業風險及權益資金成本之關聯性 : 會計師產業專家之調節效果 / 曹, 榮宇
2021 |
495 5593 2021 |
廚房中階主管職能指標建構之研究 = The establishment of the competency indicators for intermediate supervisors in kitchen / 江, 承恩
2021 |
489.2 3116 2021 |
餐旅業員工新人教育訓練滿意度對留任意願之探討 : 以幸福感與歸屬感為中介 = A study on the relationship between satisfaction of new hospitality employee orientation training and employee retention : taking subjective well-being and belongingness as mediators / 陳, 雅君
2021 |
489.2 7571 2021 |
救心 : 王志鴻副院長和他的心臟內科團隊 / 王, 志鴻
2021 |
410.9933 1043 |
小蛋品大知識 : 一本關於蛋的完全攻略科普手冊 /
2019 |
411.3 7502 2019 |
非營利組織之作業流程優化 : 應用服務設計方法 = Process improvement for nonprofit organizations : a service design approach / 劉, 宛欣
2021 |
494 7237:4 2021 |
人格特質對創業意願之影響 : 以社會網絡及資源獲取為觀點 = The effect of personality traits on entrepreneurial willingness : social network and resource acquisition perspectives / 蔡, 佳芸
2021 |
494 4424:27 2021 |
商家使用共享經濟外送平台之服務創新與顧客關係管理探討 : 以Foodpanda與Uber Eats為例 = Discussion on service innovation and customer relationship management of merchants using sharing economy delivery platform : btaking Foodpanda and Uber Eats as examples / 林, 宗崎
2021 |
494 4432:17 2021 |
行到水窮,坐看雲起 : 預約一個沒有失智的未來 /
2021 |
415.9341 2897 |
古今君主封聖褒揚 : 醫家考證 = An examination of revered doctors elevated & endorsed by Chinese sovereigns through the ages / 殷, 揚智
2021 |
410.992 2758 |
寶貝寶貝. 3 : 澎湖藝品加工業演進 / 李, 中信
2021 |
479.79 4052 |
中華藥典 /
2021 |
418.62 5445 2021 |
靜坐與養生之間 / 王, 薀
2021 |
411.15 1044-2 |
海峽兩岸農產品跨境電商快速配銷模式之研究 = Research on the rapid distribution model of cross-border e-commerce of agricultural products between Taiwan and China / 游, 筱茵
2021 |
494 3884 2021 |
新北市醫師公會七十年紀念專刊 : 新北市醫療發展史 = 70th Anniversary commemorative book of New Taipei City medical association : medical history and development of New Taipei City / 梁, 妃儀
2018 |
419.13 3342 |
網路經濟的搭便車現象 : 多方價值交換模式 = The free-rider phenomena in the network economy : a multi-party value exchange model / 林, 雅文
2019 |
494.8 4470:4 2019 |
創新利用模擬呼吸竇性心律不整之多階熵評估乙型腎上腺素阻斷劑在心衰竭病人之治療成效 = Evolution of multiscale entropy with simulated respiratory sinus arrhythmia component in patients with congestive heart failure treated by β-blocker / 阮, 仲豪
2021 |
410.1644 7120 2021 |