
社會科學類 (共122冊)
書名/作者 出版項 索書號
「學生化」是地方發展的門票? : 我國18個新設大學地區之發展變遷分析, 2000-2015 = Is "studentification" an opportunity for local development? : a study of local development by new colleges in Taiwan, 2000-2015 / 陳, 智豪 (Chen, Chih-Hao) 2017 540 7580 2017
修復式正義在刑事司法制度之實踐 = Application of restorative justice in criminal justice in Taiwan / 黃, 士娟 2017 580 4444:38 2017
公部門補助表演藝術之法律研究 = A legal study on the grants for performing arts by the government / 洪, 詩涵 2017 580 3403:3 2017
同性婚姻及多元成家之沿革及展望 = The history and prospection on the same-sex marriage and multiple family / 朱, 弘元 2017 580 2511:3 2017
錯位的法律概念 : 以想像之數罪競合為研究中心 = The legal concept of misplacement : based on one act constitutes several unlike offences / 鄭, 道樞 2017 580 8734:5 2017
論限制無罪判決上訴與速審權之保障 = A study of the restrictions on innocence appeals and right to a speedy trial / 姜, 智青 2017 580 8085:2 2017
網路服務提供者著作權侵害民事責任之反思 = A reflection on civil liability of copyright infringement of internet service providers / 蔡, 碩庭 2017 580 4410:18 2017
另案監聽法制之研究 = A study of derivative wiretapping legal system / 姜, 沅均 2017 580 8034:7 2017
職業災害救濟制度與調整之研究 = A study on the adjustment and compensation system for occupational accidents / 杜, 佳樺 2017 580 4424:45 2017
兩岸羈押制度比較 = Comparison of the detention of accused system in Taiwan and Mainland China / 劉, 毅民 2017 580 7207:3 2017
寬恕政策對制裁卡特爾行為之適用研究 = A study on the leniency policy to fight Cartel / 吳, 亭儀 2017 580 2602:2 2017
論契約自由原則之法律經濟分析 : 以民法第七十一條為中心 = The economic analysis on the system of "Freedom of Contract" : focusing on article 71 of Civil code / 陳, 建璋 2017 580 7511:13 2017
醫療紛爭法制之研究 / 張, 芝瑜 2017 580 1141:9 2017
兩岸四地民事司法協助法律問題研究 = Legal issues on judicial assistance in Civil matters between Taiwan, Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau / 蘇, 仲軒 2017 580 4425:11 2017
國際私法上締約過失責任之法律適用問題 = Issues on the law applicable to culpa in contrahendo in private international law / 沈, 佳君 2017 580 3421:5 2017
再造漫畫軌跡 : 一場以權力為中心的歷史考察 = Tracking down Taiwan manhua : a historical review focusing on power relation / 張, 欣雅 2017 540 1177 2017
身體意象、美學與展演 : 女性肚皮舞者的田野紀實 = Body image, aesthetics and performance : a note on female belly dancers / 熊, 晨妤 2018 540 2164:2-2 2018
搖擺在事業與家庭之間 : 日本、臺灣女性創業者的比較 = Shifting between business and home : comparing female entrepreneurs between Japan and Taiwan / 吉澤, 佳菜子 2018 540 4324:2 2018
非典型人生 : 另類學校畢業生流向調查 = Atypical life : research of alternative school graduates in Taiwan / 劉, 以正 2018 540 7221 2018
翻轉吧!餐桌 : 中產家庭的安全飲食與母職實踐 = Flipped table : food safety and mothering practices in the middle class family / 林, 俐 2017 540 4422:5 2017
臺灣民眾對食品安全方面的風險溝通與風險管理認知如何影響政府信任 = How did risk communication and risk management of Taiwanese's perception in food safety affect goverment trust / 王, 育蓁 2017 540 1004:2 2017
行動即時通訊軟體的人際關係與自我展演之研究 : 以LINE為例 = Aresearch of mobile instant messaging application for interpersonal relationship and self-performing : take LINE for example / 馮, 芊蓉 2017 540 3144:3 2017
桌上角色扮演遊戲對青少年社會化與人際互動關係之影響 : 以克蘇魯的呼喚為例 = The infiuence of table-top role playing game in teenagers' socialization and interpersonal relationship : take call of Cthulhu for example / 沈, 聖偉 2017 540 3412:3 2017
我在蘭嶼過暑假 : 達悟學生的家庭時間與教育機會 = Tao students' family time and education opportunity / 邱, 安妮 2017 540 7734:3 2017
社會網路與心靈成長團體組織動員之研究 : 以女性參與者為例 = The impacts of social network on mobilization of spirit group : an example of female participant / 王, 韋茹 2017 540 1044:3 2017
2000年後的中國醫療改革 : 政府干預下的問題與困難 = Medical care reform in Mainland China since 2000 : problems and difficulties in government intervention strategy / 李, 岳文 2017 540 4070:2 2017
探討大學生情觀與純粹關係之關聯 = An inquiry into the love and pure relationship of college students / 莊, 雅嵐 2017 540 4472:2 2017
「癲」覆你的「癇」言閒語生病歷程中的污名經歷與自我認同探討 : 以癲癇為例 = Lived with illness : the experience of stigma and self-identity for people with epilepsy / 卓, 沛穎 2017 540 2132:2 2017
5年後,靠投資每月多賺15萬 = Money automatically flow in / 張, 凱文 2018 563 1120
自始給付障礙與買賣標的物自始瑕疵之損害賠償 = Compensation for initial impossibility and initial defect of sale objects / 黃, 松茂 2018 580 4444:35 2018
外籍看護工在臺灣私立小型長期照顧機構之勞動經驗及社會融合 = A study of foreign care workers' labor experiences and social inclusion in Taiwanese small long term care facilities / 王, 潔媛 2016 547 1034 2016
客戶共創及價值鏈完整度對廠商績效之影響 = The influences of customer co-creation and value chain completeness on firm performance / 林, 芷安 2018 553.6 4443 2018
臺灣客語政策之研究. 1945-2017 = The study on the policy of Hakka language in Taiwan (1945-2017) / 林, 作逸 2017 570 4423 2017
雙元匯率下國際貿易與銀價交互關係之研究 / 徐, 靖 2018 550 2805-2 2018
新聞及投資人情緒 : 股票報酬與波動之衝擊 = News and investor sentiment : effect on stock returns and fluctuation / 許, 嫣茹 2019 561 0844 2019
健康的社會決定因子 : 跨國公司的角色探討 = Social determinants of health : the role of multinational enterprise / 吳, 啟誠 2018 553.6 2630 2018
教育體制、學習環境與學生成果之研究 = A study on education system, learning environment and students' academic outcomes / 張, 明宜 2008 520 1163 2008
全球化對台灣國家認同的影響 = The impact of globalization on the national identity of Taiwan / 廖, 育信 2007 570 0002 2007
財務金融研究 = Essays in finance / 蔡, 文馨 2020 553.6 4404 2020
學校本位財務管理、學校創新經營與學校效能關係之研究 : 以國中小特色學校為例 / 莊, 清寶 2011 520 4433:6 2011
國民小學分布式領導、教師組織承諾與學校創新經營效能關係之研究 = A study of relationships among distributed leadership, teacher's organizational commitment and school innovation management effectiveness in elementary schools / 黃, 玉貞 2013 520 4412:4 2013
保守性獲利能力評估問題針對需求服從指數分配與複樣本下的單一周期性產品 = Conservative profitability evaluation problem for single-period products with exponentially distributed demand and multiple-samples / 林, 合振 2021 518 4485 2021
DCNN魩仔魚種辨識暨魚體長估測與自動標註系統原型實作 = Implementation of system prototype for DCNN-based species classification, body length estimation and automatic labelling for whitebait / 林, 郁珊 2021 518 4441:8 2021
攝影著作之合理使用 : 臺灣實務研究 / 郭, 玉健 2021 588.34 0712
論離職後競業禁止契約之獨立性 = A study on the independence of post-employment non-competition clause / 蔡, 瑞麟 2014 570 4410 2014
大學生程式設計學習觀點、策略,與自我效能之關聯分析 = College students' conceptions of, approaches to programming learning, and the relationships with programming self-efficacy / 周, 德嬚 2020 521.53 7724 2020
「網絡(networked)公共領域」的意見擴大與深化 : 探索當代「弱公共領域」的運作邏輯 = Logics of the dissemination and deliberation of public opinion in the networked public sphere / 盧, 安邦 2018 541.83 2135 2018
跨國運動的文化中介 : NBA在台灣的擴展歷程 = The cultural intermediaries of transnational sports : the process of NBA's expansion in Taiwan / 陳, 鴻嘉 2018 541.83 7534:4 2018
中國紡織業的產業政策、聚集及其生產力 = Industrial policy, agglomeration and productivity in China's textile industry / 李, 曉雲 2011 550 4061 2011
穿戴式運動錶介入國小學童身體活動量與健康體適能之影響 = Effects of the use of wearable fitness watch intervene on elementary school students' physical activity and physical fitness / 吳, 忠霖 2019 528.9 2651 2019