
社會科學類 (共122冊)
書名/作者 出版項 索書號
推計課稅及稅務證據之研究 : 以營利事業所得稅為例 = Presumption of fact and evidence in taxation in the field of corporate tax / 吳, 京穎 2016 580 2602 2016
台灣人工生殖合法性之研究 : 從基本權利和法律經濟分析之觀點 / 許, 新連 2016 580 0803:2 2016
長期照護與成年監護制度之研究 = Study on long-term care system and guardianship system for adults / 楊, 羽萱 2016 580 4614:6 2016
機器人相關法律問題之研究 = The research of robot related regal issue / 吳, 璠 2016 580 2612:8 2016
音樂著作侵害認定方法之研究 = A study on music copyright infringement / 鄭, 嘉文 2016 580 8740 2016
行政檢查之探討 : 以食品安全衛生管理法為例 = The research of administrative inspection : taking governing food safety and sanitation law as instance / 陳, 彥齡 2016 580 7502:11 2016
我國金融機構採行赤道原則之研究 : 以「頂新案」為例 = A study on the financial institutions signed on to the equator principles in Taiwan : focused on the Ting Hsin case / 楊, 雅婷 2016 580 4674:3 2016
保險詐欺中既往症事例之探討 : 由刑法與保險法的觀點切入 = Case studies on insurance fraud of anamnesis : from the criminal law and insurance law / 李, 俊璋 2016 580 4021:13 2016
風險社會下環境影響評估法之解構與續造 = Deconstruction and further development of EIA law in the risk society / 孫, 唯恒 2016 580 1269:2 2016
海盜罪圖像的再建構 : 從國際法的觀點出發 = The reconstruction of the image of piracy : from the perspective of international law / 陳, 冠宇 2016 580 7533:16 2016
日本旅客的台北意象 : 旅遊書與部落格的比較分析 = The images of Taipei City by Japanese tourists : an analysis of Japanese travel guidebooks and Blog / 飯野, 紘邦 2017 540 8625 2017
環境法上連續處罰之研究 = The study on the administrative execution continuously punishment in the field of environmental law / 黃, 于庭 2016 580 4410:17 2016
論水平卡特爾之構成要件 = The study on elements of horizontal cartels / 朱, 麗亞 2016 580 2511:2 2016
常規交易法之研究 : 兼論美國Eli Lilly案對我國經濟實質原則明文化之啟示 = A study on arm's length methods : a case of America and its implications for legislation of economic substance doctrine in Taiwan / 侯, 承志 2016 580 2714:2 2016
聽證與公聽會區分之研究 : 以賽局理論為研究方法 = The difference between hearing and public hearing : game theory applied in judicial research / 王, 冠涵 2016 580 1033:4 2016
童年的秘密 / 蒙特梭利 (Montessori, Maria, 1870-1952) 2012 523.2 4242 2012
家庭和儿童教育 / 馬卡連柯 (Makapehko, A. C.) 2011 528.2 7234:2 2011
論我國憲政權力分立實務之運作 : A study on the practice of separation of powers of constitutional system / 陳, 愛香 2017 580 7522:12 2017
監獄行刑事件類型化及救濟途徑之研究 : 以監獄行刑法為中心 = A research on classification of Incidents in correctional facilities and its remedies : base on law of execution in prison / 李, 家銘 2016 580 4038:2 2016
政府採購法爭議處理制度之研究 : 以異議申訴為中心 = A study on dispute settlement system of protest and complaint under the government procurement act / 呂, 明惠 2016 580 6065 2016
派遣勞工保護法制之建構 = A study on the construction of the dispatched workers's protection act / 林, 昆憲 2017 580 4463:16 2017
勞動法本質與勞動權利建構之研究 : 兼論兩岸勞動法規範之驗證 = A study on the nature of labor law and the formation of labor rights : also examine labor law of mainland China and Taiwan / 李, 康道 2017 580 4003:4 2017
兩岸影子銀行之法律問題研究 : 以金融法制之比較為中心 = Research on legal problems of shadow banking across the PRC and Taiwan : with focus on comparative financial regulatory frameworks / 謝, 仁潔 2016 580 0423:6 2016
教育漫话 / 洛克 (Locke, John, 1632-1704) 2011 520.7 3740 2011
消費空間意象之多樣詮釋 : 以居家賣場消費情境為例 = The multiple interpretation about image of consumption space : an example of furniture store's consumption situation / 葉, 信昌 2017 540 4426:2 2017
腦性麻痺\肢體障礙大學生工作經驗分享 = An analysis based on the working experience of college students with cerebral palsy or physically disabled / 郭, 立婷 2016 540 0704:2 2016
獨立或依賴? : 台灣大學生的親子關係與自主性發展 = Independence or dependence? parent-child relationship and independenct of college students in Taiwan / 謝, 嘉一 2016 540 0441:3 2016
Welcome to Taiwan?在台國際學生微歧視感知之內涵及其影響因素 = Welcome to Taiwan? Percived Microaggressions of International students in Taiwan : the factorial structures and correlations / 徐, 芳容 2016 540 2843 2016
三明治世代的代間關係 : 宜蘭媳婦的孝道與實踐 = Intergenerational relations for the sandwich daughter-in-law : the norms and practices / 潘, 子婷 2016 540 3214:2 2016
大學生的外食經驗 : 食安相關心理資源與同儕影響所扮演的角色 = College students' eating out experience : the role of food safety related psychological resources and peer influence / 鄧, 潔如 2016 540 1734:2-2 2016
汙名下的社會互動與身分認同探討 : 以軟骨發育不全症為例 = The study of social interaction and spoiled identity : take Achondroplasia for example / 廖, 怡理 2016 540 0091 2016
災難新聞如何建構民眾風險意識 : 以美濃地震為例 = How to construct people's risk awareness in disaster news : taking Meinong earthquake as an example / 楊, 蕓 2016 540 4644:3 2016
卡債污名之研究 : 以卡債受害人自救會為例 = The stigma of card debt : take card debtor victims association for example / 黃, 丹怡 2016 540 4479:3 2016
古蹟生成的社會機制 : 以三座故居為例 = Exploring the social mechanism of forming historic sites : taking three former residences for instance / 劉, 至謙 2016 540 7210 2016
女護理人員之情緒勞動對工作壓力與離職傾向關係之探討 : 以區域醫院(永和耕莘醫院)為例 = Female nurses of emotional labor on job stress and explore the relationship between the tendency to leave : aregional hospital (Yonghe Cardinal Tien Hospital) case / 葉, 采婷 2016 540 4424:9 2016
就業與健康風險的兩難 : 以雲林麥寮六輕居民為例 = The dilemma of employment and health risks : a case study, of the residents living near the Sixth Naphtha Cracking Plant in Mailiao, Yunlin / 林, 君翰 2017 540 4414:14 2017
產業再結構的家庭性別分工 : 以三重唱片業為例 = Industry restructuring of family labor division : the case of Sanching recording industry / 李, 彥汝 2016 540 4003:2 2016
口福老北京 / 金, 受申 2014 538.782 8025
實質景氣循環理論的三個議題 = Three essays on real business cycles / 陳, 冠任 2014 550 7532 2014
臨床精神醫療的技術結構與時間結構 : 以一個慢性病房的復健過程為例 / 孔, 健中 2008 540 1225 2008
理解行動電話 : 流動的媒介與日常生活 = Understanding mobile phones : mobile media and everyday life / 曹, 家榮 2012 540 5539 2012
臺灣原住民的遷徙 : 鵬飛抑或蓬飛 / 劉, 千嘉 2009 540 7224:3-2 2009
福建七踏畬族村親屬研究 / 張, 仰賢 2002 535 1127 2002
廣播電視集中化管制規範之比較研究 : 以德國、英國法治為中心 = Comparative research on the broadcasting concentration regulations : focused on the German and UK legal systems / 陳, 人傑 2013 580 7582-2 2013
財政政策與景氣波動 : 不完全競爭總體模型之分析 = Fiscal policy and business cycles : an analysis of imperfectly competitive macroeconomic model / 張, 振維 2012 550 1152-2 2012
認知診斷模式在英語簡單句之驗證與應用 / 趙, 珮晴 2014 520 4916 2014
有緣社會中的民主 : 「結構行動」與「覺知行動」的雙重描述 = Democracy in you-yuan society : the double-description of "structural action" and "awareness of action" / 劉, 定綱 2012 540 7232:2 2012
觀察學習在企業併購的實證探討 = Learning from fashion leaders : evidence from mergers and acquisitions / 林, 志彥 2013 561 4440:3 2013
親師溝通中的角色設定和劇本 : 以國小教師為例 = Role setting and control in the process of parent-teacher interaction : the case of elementary school's teachers / 劉, 欣嵋 2017 540 7272 2017
文化遗产研究 = Cultural heritage studies / 2015 541.2707 2801