
社會科學類 (共122冊)
書名/作者 出版項 索書號
電影著作之發行權 : 以美國製片公司在台授權為例 = The distribution of audiovisual works : focus on U.S. film production company licensing in Taiwan / 吳, 依恬 2016 580 2629:4 2016
公法上不當得利返還請求之法律問題研究 : 以違法行政處分之撤銷為中心 = A study on claim for returning unjustified enrichment in public law : in case of nullification of illegal administrative act / 鄭, 宇涵 2016 580 8733:2 2016
國際組織內部決策制度之比較研究 : 兼論亞洲基礎設施投資銀行之決策模式 = A comparative study on voting rules in international organizations : with a study on the voting rules of the Asian infrastructure investment bank / 陳, 柏堯 2016 580 7544:22 2016
證券詐欺罪定性之困境與突破 : 自「不法構成要件形塑」角度出發 = The dilemma and breakthrough of qualitative securities fraud : the modelling of illegal elements / 張, 峰齊 2016 580 1120:3 2016
論犯罪參與體系之檢討與重塑 : 以共同正犯之歸責法理為論述中心 = On the revision and modification of the system of joint offence : a new perspective on the attribution to the co-anteurs / 黃, 鵬達 2016 580 4473:4 2016
操縱股價之構成要件 : 以證券交易法第155條第1巷第4款為中心 = Elements of market manipulation : centered on the subparagraph 4, paragraph 1, article 155 under securities and exchange act / 李, 科蓁 2016 580 4024:17 2016
我國金融業永續融資法制建構之研究 : 兼論中國綠色信貸制度 = Research on the legal issues of Taiwan's sustainable banking : with a glimpse into China's green credit system / 張, 慶宏 2016 580 1103:4 2016
兩岸貿易救濟制度之研究 = The research of the cross-strait trade remedial system / 彭, 楹 2016 580 4247 2016
論贓物罪 : 從法本質出發 = Receiving stolen property : starting from the nature of law / 陳, 奎名 2016 580 7542:12 2016
兩岸最高限額抵押權法制比較 = Comparative study on maximum mortgage system between Taiwan and Mainland China / 唐, 建輝 2016 580 0019:2 2016
具結效力與偽證罪要件之連動關係 = Recognizance and interlocking relationship between the effectiveness of perjury / 沈, 珊如 2016 580 3414:4 2016
兩岸私募股權基金發展之相關法律問題研究 = The study of legal issues related to the development of private equity fund in Taiwan and Mainland China / 許, 正鍵 2016 580 0818:2 2016
兩岸競業禁止條款效力之研究 : 兼論定型化條款無效之判定標準 = The study on the validity of non-compete clause between cross-strait : Discussing the judging criteria for the invalidity of the standard terms of contract / 蘇, 正雄 2015 580 4414:46 2015
外商投資及併購中國大陸企業法制之變遷 : 兼論外商投資及併購台灣企業之法制 = The evolution on legal system of foreign capital investment and M&A regarding Mainland China's enterprises : Taiwan's legal system of foreign capital investment and M&A also visited / 李, 易杰 2015 580 4064:5 2015
重建我國不合營業常規移轉訂價法制 = Rebuilding the non-srm's length transfer pricing regulations of Taiwan / 謝, 政憲 2016 580 0413:3 2016
促參法招商文件之研究 : 以幾則實務案例為啟示之檢討與建議 = A study of the tender documents on act for promotion of private participation in infrastructure projects : the review and proposal from the lessons of several cases / 吳, 馥妤 2016 580 2624:9 2016
基督教神職人員適用勞動基準法之衝突與調和 = The study on application of the labor standards act for protestant clergy / 高, 紹珉 2016 580 0021:3 2016
論侵權責任之責任主體 : 以法人與團體單獨侵權責任為核心 = A research of tortfeasors : focuses on the independent torts of legal persons and groups / 徐, 煥淵 2016 580 2893 2016
量刑理論之研究 = Research of the sentencing theory / 梁, 家昊 2016 580 3336 2016
不違背職務行賄罪之研究 = Study on the criminal liability of offering a bribe to ensure no breach of official duties / 吳, 孟勳 2016 580 2612:7 2016
勞動基準法延長工時「同意」機制之研究 = A study on "approval" mechanism for extending working hours in labor standards act / 黃, 孟華 2016 580 4414:47 2016
論受控制外國公司課稅法制 : 以美中臺三國法制比較為中心 = A study on controlled foreign corporation : from comparative law perspective within the U.S., China, and Taiwan / 蔡, 詠晴 2016 580 4406:10 2016
敵意併購下防衛措施適法性之研究 : 以美國法為中心 = The legitimacy of antitakeover defenses : centered on American law / 李, 星翰 2016 580 4064:6 2016
庫藏股制度之研究 : 以證券市場操縱行為之關聯性為中心 = A study on treasury stock : from the perspective of the correlation in market manipulation / 陳, 姿勻 2016 580 7532:9 2016
公司契約關係理論 : 以公司章程或辦事細則免除董事受任人義務之檢視 = The nexus-of-contracts approach to corporations : reviewing the liability exculpation of director's fiduciary duty by the articles of incorporation or bylaws / 李, 揚 2016 580 4056:3 2016
臺日漁業資源養護管理與爭端解決之研究 = A study on the conservation and management of fishery resources and dispute settlement between Taiwan and Japan / 劉, 美蘭 2016 580 7284 2016
從商業性言論談化粧品廣告管制之合憲性 = The constitutionality of cosmetics advertising regulation in commercial speech / 林, 思琦 2016 580 4461:19 2016
美國創業投資契約在我國閉鎖性股份有限公司下之應用及挑戰 = The applications and challenges of US venture capital contracts for closed corporation in Taiwan / 吳, 珮瑜 2016 580 2611:8 2016
論稅捐保全制度中之限制出境 = A study on restriction from leaving the ROC in taxation safeguard / 宋, 怡宣 2016 580 3093 2016
溫室氣體排放風險實現下填補法制之檢討 = The review of legal system concerning recovery for the risk realization of GHGs emissions / 洪, 蓓君 2016 580 3441:2 2016
論醫療服務責任與任意醫療責任保險之配套可行性 = Liability insurance as a medical dispute settlement mechanism / 殷, 皓 2016 580 2724:3 2016
法律扶助制度之理論基礎及法律關係之研究 = A study on the legal foundation and the legal relationship of legal aid system in the guarantee state / 鄭, 文彥 2016 580 8700:3 2016
預防原則下船舶壓艙水管理法令與措施之研究 = A study on the incorporation of ballast water management into domestic legal systems under precautionary principle / 蔡, 政昕 2016 580 4416:7 2016
暗礁處處的台灣司法之路 : 從蘇建和案看台灣司法改革的變遷 = The rockey road of judicial reform : the case study of the Hsichih three / 林, 宜萍 2016 580 4434:50 2016
以風險治理角度檢視低放射性廢棄物處理法制 = Risk governance : focus on the disposal mechanism of low level radioactive waste / 楊, 崑霖 2016 580 4621:2 2016
論不動產借名登記之法理基礎與法律關係 : 以契約自由的界限與舉證責任為核心 = The legal basis and legal relationship of registering real estate under other person's name : focusing on the boundaries of contract freedom and the onus of proof / 林, 家德 2016 580 4432:29 2016
論中央存款保險股份有限公司組織與運作之管制 : 以擔保國家理論為基礎建構之法制探討 = The regulation of organization and operation of the central deposit insurance corporation : analysis based on the guarantee state / 邱, 煥育 2016 580 7790 2016
論文化創意產業的自由競爭及國家促進法制 : 以文化創意產業發展法為核心 = Study on the legal system of free competition and national to promote for the cultural and creative industries : focus on the cultural and creative industry development act / 封, 昌宏 2016 580 4463:15 2016
涉外婚姻事件準據法決定適用與承認之研究 : 以婚姻成立之實質要件為中心 = Applicable law and recognition of international marriage : centered on substantial requirements of marriage / 黃, 怡珊 2016 580 4491:10 2016
教育擴張的平等化效應考察 : 基於2012年中國家庭追蹤調查(CFPS2012)的分析 / 邵, 丹梅 2016 540 1774 2016
岳麓书院志 / 吳, 道行 2012 525.99 2632
新编歇后语大全 / 2007 539.6 7775
中华谚语大全 / 成, 志偉 2014 539.92 5342
武功新传 / 張, 義尚 2016 528.97 1189 2016
促參案之爭議類型與解決機制 = The types and resolution mechanism of promotion of private participation in infrastructure projects disputes / 陳, 佳宜 2016 580 7523:14 2016
改善我國刑事指認程序 = A study on improving the criminal identification procedure / 詹, 皇輝 2017 580 2729:2 2017
三七五租約的法律文化研究 : 一個轉型正義的觀點 = Legal cultural study of the 37.5% arable rent reduction act : a view of transitional justice / 賴, 怡君 2017 580 5791:2 2017
論犯罪之本質和未遂犯的成立 = A study on the essence of crime and the constitution of criminal attempt / 邱, 霈云 2017 580 7711:7 2017
對質詰問與證人保護之研究 = The study on cross-examination and witness protection / 周, 君憲 2017 580 7713:3 2017
工會活動正當性判斷基準之研究 : 以雇主忍受義務理論之檢討為中心 = The standard of legitimacy to union's activities : focused on the duty of employer's tolerance / 邱, 冠喬 2017 580 7732 2017