Island fantasia : imagining subjects on the military frontline between China and Taiwan / Lin, Wei-Ping, author. |
2021 |
951.249 L735:2 |
Our films, their films / Ray, Satyajit, 1921-1992, author. |
1994 |
791.43 R263 1994 |
Celluloid classicism : early Tamil cinema and the making of modern Bharatanātyam / Krishnan, Hari (Choreographer), author. |
2019 |
793.31954 K92 |
Dancing women : choreographing corporeal histories of Hindi cinema / Iyer, Usha, 1974- author. |
2020 |
793.31954 I97 |
'Guilty pleasures' : European audiences and contemporary Hollywood romantic comedy / Guilluy, Alice, author. |
2022 |
791.436543 G962 |
Imagined audiences : how journalists perceive and pursue the public / Nelson, Jacob L., author. |
2021 |
071.3 N427 |
Korean digital diaspora : transnational social movements and diaspora identity / Lee, Hojeong, 1980- author. |
2021 |
304.8089957 L478 |
Media and participation in post-migrant societies / |
2019 |
305.906912 M489 |
Netflix nations : the geography of digital distribution / Lobato, Ramon, author. |
2019 |
384.55506573 L796 |
Hate speech and polarization in participatory society / |
2022 |
302.2 H361 |
Love in contemporary cinema : audiences and representations of romance / Pava Vélez, Benjamín de la, 1988- author. |
2022 |
791.436543 P337 |
Loving fanfiction : exploring the role of emotion in online fandoms / Kelley, Brit, author. |
2021 |
809.3 K29 |
Teen TV / Marghitu, Stefania, author. |
2021 |
302.2345083 M328 |
The Routledge companion to media industries / |
2022 |
302.23 R869 |
The soft power of the Korean wave : Parasite, BTS and drama / |
2022 |
302.23095195 S681 |
書怎麼做出來的? : 故事怎麼寫、插圖畫什麼?完整公開一本書的誕生過程! / 克利斯提洛 (Christelow, Eileen) |
2022 |
874.59 4245 |
寫給公民的40堂思辨課 / 公民不下課 |
2022 |
528.3 8711 |
我們都應該是女性主義者 / 阿迪契 (Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi) |
2022 |
544.52 7135 |
政治的消融與萌生 : 新自由主義國家的治理效應 = The dissipating and emerging of ''the political'' : the governing effects of the neoliberal state / |
2019 |
570.7 4405 |
資料故事時代 : 大數據時代的未來,將由資料「說書人」定義!亞馬遜、微軟等企業巨擘都在用 / 戴克斯 (Dykes, Brent) |
2022 |
494.2 4344 |