微電網區塊鏈應用之研究 : 以民主化發展中國家的可再生能源為例 = Blockchain applications for micro grids : democratizing renewable energy in the developing world / 莫, 萊恩 (Murphy, Ryan)
2018 |
494.1 4446:4 2018
女性在競選領導之跨文化分析 = Running as a woman : a cross-cultural analysis of females in executive leadership campaigns / 葛, 凱西 (Grogan, Catherine Tess)
2018 |
494.1 4421:3 2018
生技創業與創業精神於生技產業之比較 = Comparing bio-Entrepreneurship & entrepreneurship in biotechnology industry / 辛, 寇比 (Hinson, Colby)
2018 |
494.1 0032 2018
創新與房地產升值之相關性研究, 以波士頓、洛杉磯及多倫多為例 = A study of the correlation between innovation and rising real estate appreciation comparing Boston, Los Angeles, and Toronto / 歐, 艾比 (Arulparan, Abirami)
2018 |
494.1 7742:2 2018
化妝品產業社群媒體影響者之研究 = A study of social network on influencer marketing for cosmetic industry / 蔡, 津津 (Suksawad, Kotchaporn)
2018 |
494.1 4433:6 2018
遊戲虛擬購物平臺服務品質對使用者滿意度的作用 = The comparison analysis of service quality between online game and traditional C2C platforms / 陳, 雅瓊 (Chen, Yaqiong)
2018 |
494.1 7571 2018
繭居族的線上購物決策和其影響因素之研究 = Research on consumer online purchasing behaviour for Hikikomori / 孟, 蒂 (Earsakul, Thanita)
2018 |
494.1 1744 2018
馬蜂窩旅遊APP用戶體驗探討 = Exploring user experience of mafengwo tourism app / 周, 業銘 (Zhou, Yeming)
2018 |
494.1 7738:2 2018
自由共享經濟主流的商業模式之經濟分析與比較研究 = Economic analysis and comparison of the main leaders in freelancing shared economy business models / 艾, 瓊安 (Calduch, Joan Erra)
2018 |
494.1 4413:3 2018
論職場孤獨在中國文化下的意涵與因應對策 = Loneliness at the workplace in Chinese culture context / 劉, 漢超 (Liu, Han Chao)
2018 |
494.1 7234:2 2018
法國品牌在中國 : 以產品來源國的觀點 = Opportunities for French brands in China : implications of the country of origin effect / 桑, 提瓊 (Pardies, Jan Sainte-Cluque)
2018 |
494.1 7751:2 2018
千禧世代之正念與領導力探討 = Mindfulness and leadership under millennials generations / 羅, 拉奎 (Robles, Raquel)
2018 |
494.1 6054 2018
加密貨幣 : 未來與其對社會影響之探討研究 = Cryptocurrency : future and social implications / 馬, 內爾 (Fossas, Manel)
2018 |
494.1 7141 2018
美洲、歐洲與亞洲線上消費者行為之比較研究 : 以運動鞋產業為例 = Comparison of online consumer behaviour in the athletic footwear industry in North America, Europe and Asia / 丹, 馬可 (Tolsanas, Marc Darnés)
2018 |
494.1 7771 2018
傳統銀行與金融科技銀行之客戶行為研究 = Study of customer behavior in traditional and fintech banks / 波, 瑟吉 (Arrufat, Sergi Bonilla i)
2018 |
494.1 3414:4 2018
共用經濟apps在運動社群網站之應用研究 = A study of shared economy mobile apps in sports combined with social networking / 米, 蕾雅 (Juan, Mireia)
2018 |
494.1 9047 2018
共享經濟在巴西 = The importance of the sharing economy for Brazil / 普, 利希 (Luca, Priscilla de)
2018 |
494.1 8024 2018
科技對企業之商業模式的影響 = The impact of technology on the business models / 伊, 派柏 (Morera, Pablo Iglesias)
2018 |
494.1 2734:2 2018
共享經濟之社會影響 : 以Airbnb為例 = Impacts of sharing economy in the society : a case of Airbnb / 凱, 歐力 (Casal, Oriol Casal)
2018 |
494.1 2774:2 2018
台灣自有品牌提提顏面膜個案分析 : 競爭力座標與策略之研究 = Strategic group analysis and mapping competitive position of timeless truth mask / 陳, 韋之 (Chen, Wei-Chih)
2018 |
494.1 7543:5 2018
東西文化下之職場幽默比較 = Humor styles in the workplace : a comparison between Western and Eastern culture / 袁, 振凱 (Yuan, Jen-Kai)
2018 |
494.1 4052:2 2018
企業發行之即時通訊軟體的免費貼圖對消費者購買其企業產品意願之引響力研究 : 以LINE為例 = A study of effectiveness of MIM stickers on users' purchase intention : a case of LINE / 曾, 子容 (Tseng, Tzu-Jung)
2018 |
494.1 8013:2 2018
以全球觀點研究共享經濟以共乘平台服務為例 = A study of sharing economy in a global perspective using carpooling platform service as an example / 甘, 濠維 (Kan, Hao-Wei)
2018 |
494.1 4432:6 2018
探索職場孤獨感的前因與後果 = An exploratory study on antecedents and consequences of loneliness at workplace / 徐, 子晴 (Hsu, Tzu-Chin)
2018 |
494.1 2816 2018
社會企業家精神於創業之思考 : 以緬甸與台灣為例 = Social entrepreneurship in Myanmar and Taiwan with reflections from entrepreneurial pioneers / 李, 國珍 (Lee, Stephanie Sun)
2018 |
494.1 4061 2018
合作的艱難勞動合作社的比較利益 : 以勞動者觀點出發 = Why workers don't join cooperatives? Comparative advantage of labour cooperatives : from the perspective of labour / 洪, 敬舒
2018 |
494 3448:2 2018
最適化課後照顧之課程設計研究 = The research of the most appropriate curriculum design for after-school care / 阮, 琦琇
2017 |
494 7111 2017
線上學習適性量表發展建構 = The development of scales for the aptitude of online learning / 游, 蕙安
2018 |
494.1 3843 2018
產品品質、品牌知名度與網路口碑對消費者購買意願之關聯性研究 : 以食品業為例 = The relevance reserch of products quality, brand reputation and internet word-of-mouth for consumers' purchase intentions : a case of food industry / 林, 佳彥
2018 |
494.1 4420:2 2018
台灣保險經紀人公司領導團隊關鍵成功因素之研究 = The critical success factors of the leadership team on Insurance broker's business in Taiwan / 吳, 佩芳
2018 |
494.1 2624:2 2018
服務創新、享樂主義、流行意識、消費者創新性、知覺價值 : 以網路購物為例 = Service innovation, hedonism, fashion consciousness, consumer innovation, perceived value : a case of online shopping / 蘇, 鼎峰
2018 |
494.1 4422:6 2018
關係價值與顧客滿意度對顧客忠誠度影響之研究 : 以OEM代工製造業為例 = A study on the impact of relationship value and customer satisfaction on customer loyalty : a case of OEM industry / 陳, 毅鴻
2018 |
494.1 7503:2 2018
魅力領導、職場靈性、正念、工作狂與幸福感之關聯性研究 = The relationship among charismatic leadership, workplace spirituality, mindfulness, workaholic, and well-being / 吳, 芳宸
2018 |
494.1 2643 2018
服務創新、體驗價值、享樂主義、知覺風險與消費者創新性之關聯性研究 : 以電子商務平台為例 = Research on the relationship among service innovation, experiential value, perceived risk, hedonism and consumer innovation : a case study of e-commerce platform / 張, 展榕
2018 |
494.1 1174:2 2018
社區經濟生態圈之研究 / 潘, 國鴻
2018 |
494 3263 2018
YouTuber 對購買意願之影響 : 奢侈品產業的炫耀性消費與模仿行為 = The effect of youtuber on purchase intention : the conspicuous consumption and imitative behavior of luxury industry / 李, 琇鵑 (Lee, Hsiu-Chuan)
2021 |
494 4016 2021
以機器學習模型預測手術室占用時間 = Operating room use time estimation with machine learning models / 朱, 振豪
2021 |
312 2550 2021
探討企業社會責任形象對顧客再購意願之影響 : 以印尼銀行業為例 = Exploring the effect of CSR image on customer repurchase intention : a case study of Indonesian banking industry / 陳, 興瑞 (Pawane, Roinaldo)
2022 |
494 7571 2022
灰階影像對於結腸鏡息肉偵測的效用 = Colonoscopy polyp detection using grayscale image / 許, 哲銘
2022 |
312 0858:2 2022
破框 : 舊我與新我螺旋前行的行動研究 = Evolutionary being : the dialectical development of the old and new selves / 林, 文善
2022 |
494 4408:5 2022
探討工作壓力源對員工工作轉換意圖與創業意圖之影響 : 以期望失驗理論為基礎 = Investigating the influence of job stressors on job change intention and entrepreneurial intention : based on expectancy disconfirmation theory / 紀, 晴 (Chi, Ching)
2022 |
494 2765 2022
探討國內外舞蹈啦啦隊比賽動作強度與時間結構之特性 / 賴, 思彤
2022 |
528.9 5767 2022
善因故事行銷對消費者品牌聯想、購買意願、推薦意願之影響 = The effects of cause-related story on consumers' brand associations, purchase intention, and recommendation intention / 白, 居諺 (Pai, Chu-Yen)
2017 |
494 2670 2017
貨暢其流 : 以公益勸募回饋機制作為素人布手做產品商業模式之可行性研究 = Business model feasibility study : with fabric hand-crafts as rewards on crowdfunding platform for charity purpose / 吳, 佩螢
2021 |
423 2629 2021
用於配對無線網路分享器與延伸器之智慧天線組態演算法 / 呂, 旻叡
2022 |
312 6062 2022
實現支援QoS優先權機制之Hadoop雲端系統 = Realizing prioritized quality of service in the Hadoop cloud system / 林, 育澤
2022 |
312 4403:6 2022
檢測多重雲端系統之資料差異 = Detecting data discrepancy between cloud systems / 孫, 嘉宏
2022 |
312 1243 2022
最低品質標準之管制對廠商研發誘因影響之研究 = The impacts of minimum quality standard regulation on the incentives of a firm's research and development / 李, 裕文
2022 |
550 4030 2022
ARIMA與BPNN模型對VIX預測績效之比較 = Comparison of prediction performance on VIX based on ARIMA and BPNN models / 方, 浩安 (Fang, Hao-An)
2022 |
494 0033:3 2022
智慧傘架之設計與實作 = Design and implementation of an intelligent umbrella stand / 黃, 秋燕
2022 |
312 4424:4 2022