名古屋議定書之趨勢和台灣遺傳資源與傳統知識立法 = Taiwan genetic resources and traditional knowledge legislation in a post Nagoya context / 范漢文 (Van Heyst, Nicholas)
2013 |
553.4 4430 2013
我國都市計畫法制中容積移轉運用之檢討 : 由美國發展權移轉之功能出發 = A review of the applications of Transferable Development Rights(TDR) in the urban planning act of Taiwan : from the perspective of the function of TDR in the USA / 洪, 敬哲
2012 |
553.4 3445 2012
中國大陸國有土地使用權之研究 = The research of national land use right of mainland China / 李, 廷鈞
2013 |
553.4 4018 2013
監聽合法性要件之研究 = A study of supervise telephone communication's legal elements / 曾, 三展
2011 |
580 8017:3 2011
我國特別休假制度的實施與檢討 : 以航空業為例 = Implementation and review of annual leave in Taiwan aviation industry / 楊, 浩然
2013 |
553.4 4632 2013
公務人員人事行政爭訟權之研究 = A study on civil servants' rights to administrative litigation against personnel administration action / 楊, 雪萍
2012 |
580 4614:8 2012
防制纏擾行為之立法建議 : 以校園內不當追求行為為中心 = Legislative proposals for prevention stalking : focus on the improper pursuit behavior of campus / 陳, 虹燁
2013 |
553.4 7559 2013
公民投票的理論與實際 : 以「低放射性廢棄物最終處置設施場址設置條例」為例 = Theory and practice of referendum : focused on the low-level radioactive waste final disposal facility site settings ordinance / 高, 宇彥
2013 |
553.4 0030 2013
個人資料保護法不確定法律概念之研究 / 蔣, 岳霖
2012 |
580 4471:9 2012
優先承買權制度之研究 = A study on preemptive right system / 龔, 嘉梅
2011 |
580 0144:5 2011
背信罪本質及成立要件之檢討 : 兼論背信罪共同正犯之適用問題 = An review of the essence and constituent elements of Crime of breach of trust : also on the problem of the application of the joint principal offender of Crime of breach of trust / 朱, 美樺
2013 |
553.4 2584 2013
以知識管理為導向探討技術知識特性與技術移轉方式之選擇 = A study of knowledge management oriented exploration of characteristics of technology and technology transfer methods / 賴, 錦龍
2011 |
580 5780:2 2011
生前贈與之財產視為遺產制度之探討 = The thesis of the system regarding "property disposed of through donation prior to his or her death is regarded as estate property" / 李, 惠鑾
2013 |
553.4 4052 2013
行動電話維修保固服務之法律問題研究 = A study of mobile phone warranty service related to legal issues / 林, 玉娟
2012 |
580 4414:44 2012
電信迴路接取之批發管制研究 : 以英國法為中心 = Regulation of wholesale local loop access in the U.K. / 王, 薆蕓
2013 |
553.4 1044 2013
證券交易法上反操縱條款之研究 : 以「虛偽買賣」為中心 = A study of anti-manipulation provision of the securities and exchange act : focusing on matched orders and wash sales / 吳, 偉芳
2013 |
553.4 2624 2013
運動彩券發行機構相關法制研究 = The study of legal issues relating to the issuer of sport betting in Taiwan / 黃, 仁謙
2012 |
580 4420:13 2012
著作權法上引用合理使用之研究 = A study on fair use doctrine of quotation in copyright law / 張, 又文
2013 |
553.4 1170 2013
公平交易法上事業之市場地位之研究 = The study on market power of enterprise in fair trade act / 葉, 鈞正
2011 |
580 4481:11 2011
電信市場主導者認定標準及管制政策之研究 = A study of the significant market power conditions and its regulatory policies in Taiwan telecom market / 郭, 一德
2014 |
580 0712:3 2014
瑕疵擔保責任之研究 = A study on the warranties against defects of title and merchantability / 林, 宗憲
2013 |
580 4433:29 2013
公害糾紛處理程序之法制分析 = A legal institutional analysis on public nuisance dispute resolution procedures / 鄭, 永志
2013 |
580 8734:3 2013
被遺忘權之研究 = A study of the right to be forgotten / 徐, 一修
2013 |
580 2812 2013
論重整中公司之公司治理 = Corporate governance in financial distress companies / 林, 容以
2012 |
580 4432:30 2012
保險經紀人之法律地位及相關問題之研究 = Legal status of the insurance broker and the related issues / 柯, 鈞耀
2013 |
553.4 4189 2013
從告知後同意論高齡者之醫療困境與保障 = On the dilemma of decision-making in elder people's healthcare practice from the perspective of informed consent / 胡, 哲瑊
2013 |
553.4 4751 2013
論限定責任之繼承 = A study on the succession of limited liability / 詹, 孟婷
2013 |
553.4 2714 2013
競爭法規範智財掠奪性訴訟之研究 = A Study on the regulation of predatory IP litigation under competition law / 蕭, 椀如
2013 |
553.4 4444:3 2013
論證券交易法第二十條第二項之民事責任 = Civil liabilities under section 2, article 20 of securities exchange act / 林, 健群
2013 |
553.4 4421 2013
公寓大廈管理服務與保全人員適用勞動基準法相關爭議之探討 = A Study on the contention of the application of the labor standards act to the Apartment building management personnel and security personnel / 吳, 宜遙
2013 |
553.4 2633 2013
美國商業方法與電腦軟體之專利適格性研究 = Patentability of business method and software of US patents / 陳, 冠州
2013 |
553.4 7533 2013
我國與日本遺囑信託法制與實務問題之研究 = A Study on legal system and practical issues of testamentary trust in Taiwan and Japan / 陳, 佳聖
2013 |
553.4 7521 2013
論國家政策與法律作為經濟犯罪之誘因 : 以中信金和開發金二案為例 = National policies and laws incentive for economic crime : two cases of is on China trust financial holding Co., Ltd. and China development financial holding Co., Ltd. / 黃, 明芬
2013 |
553.4 4464 2013
證券交易法上薪資報酬委員會之研究 = Legal problems of compensation committee under the securities exchange act / 曹, 家瑞
2014 |
553.4 5531 2014
論我國建構安全棄嬰法制之可行性 = Proposal for save heaven law / 鍾, 瑞雲
2014 |
553.4 8211 2014
從歐盟及英國電子隱私法制論網路追蹤式廣告之隱私保護 = Online behavioural advertising and privacy protection : focusing on the E.U. and U.K. law of electronic communications privacy / 喻, 祖蒂
2014 |
553.4 6834 2014
論生物醫學產學合作中利益衝突之規範 = Regulations of academia : industry collaboration in biomedicine to conflict of interest / 陳, 志剛
2013 |
553.4 7547:2 2013
美國法醫療緊急研究之探討 / 李, 佳鈴
2013 |
580 4028:3 2013
我國銀行消費爭議處理機制之研究 = A study on banking dispute resolution systems in Taiwan / 方, 俊欽
2014 |
580 0028:4 2014
行動化應用軟體利用管制與分級制度之探討 = A study of mobile phone application regulation and rating / 王, 心吟
2014 |
580 1036:4 2014
使用者生成內容著作權研究 = The study of user generated contents / 陳, 向晞
2014 |
580 7526:4 2014
從美國與歐盟法制論電腦軟體與商業方法之可專利性爭議 / 曾, 珮慈
2012 |
553.4 8018 2012
論營業秘密之民事侵害與救濟 = Trade secret infringement and relief on the civil responsibility / 王, 丕政
2011 |
580 1011:12 2011
我國專利有效性及侵權判斷之研究 = Study on judgment of patent validity and infringement in Taiwan / 吳, 順欣
2013 |
580 2627:4 2013
不動產併付拍賣之研究 / 張, 耀天
2012 |
553.4 1191 2012
電信及有線電視事業實務發展中所生之競爭法問題 = The predicament under the fair trade act in development of the telecommunication and cable TV in practice / 張, 凱翔
2013 |
580 1128:3 2013
醫療糾紛民事法律問題之研究 = A study of civil law issues on medical malpractice / 許, 睿平
2013 |
580 0821:8 2013
台灣原住民族傳統音樂保護之研究 = A study of the protection of Taiwan indigenous traditional music / 陳, 怡靜
2012 |
553.4 7595 2012
攝影著作合理使用之研究 = Fair use of photographic works / 許, 詩敏
2013 |
580 0808:2 2013
從廣電法規及業者自律探討我國兒少傳播權之保護 = Study on protection of children communications rights : from a regulatory and a self-regulatory perspective / 蔡, 亦菱
2013 |
580 4404:14 2013