多層次傳銷管理法立法解析與案例探討 = Analysis and case study of legislation of multi-level marketing supervision act / 黃, 振祥
2015 |
553.4 4453 2015
程序參加與訴願參加規定在商標案件適用之研究 = The applicability of the intervention : intervention provisions of administrative procedures and appeal procedures to trademark cases / 駱, 綉蓉
2015 |
553.4 7724 2015
食品安全消費爭議事件損害與因果關係之研究 = A study of injury causation in disputable food safety consumer cases / 彭, 子晴
2015 |
553.4 4216 2015
非治療性醫療美容於民事損害賠償責任之探討 = Plastic surgery in remedy of civil law of studying / 方, 韻雯
2015 |
553.4 0001 2015
從當代飲食生活看稻米文化之流變 = The variation of rice culture in industrial society / 吳, 佳臻
2015 |
541.83 2621:3 2015
媒介改變內容 : 論媒介如何形塑但丁<<神曲>>的故事 = Transforming the message : how media shape the story of Divina Commedia / 阮, 善駿
2015 |
541.83 7187 2015
分享、媒介豐富度與知覺有用性對於品牌效果之研究 : 以LINE企業贊助貼圖為例 = A study on influence of brand on shareing, media richness and perceived usefulness : case study of enterprise-sponsored stickers in LINE / 邱, 奕品
2015 |
541.83 7706 2015
英雄的坎坷旅程 : <<刀鋒戰士>>三部曲與<<地獄怪客>>系列電影之研究 = Hero's bumpy journey : a study of the Blade Trilogy and the Hellboy Series / 陳, 柏翰
2015 |
541.83 7544:7 2015
從建構論觀點剖析傳統節日 : 以中秋節為例 = The construction of reality in traditional festivals / 余, 冠龍
2015 |
541.83 8030 2015
「礦城的記憶與傳播」,新博物館對地方意義之建構 : 以黃金博物館為例 = "Memory and communication of mining town" construction and Llcality of new museum : the case study of the gold museum / 李, 如茵
2015 |
541.83 4044:9 2015
從蝙蝠俠到黑暗騎士 : 美國英雄主義的轉型 = From Batman to The Dark Knight : the transformation of America heroism / 劉, 威廷
2015 |
541.83 7251:3 2015
品牌微電影廣告內容之研究 : 以愛情故事元素為例 = A study on micro-film advertising content of brand : the case of love story / 黃, 姁蓁
2015 |
541.83 4444:14 2015
漫畫閱讀的歷程初探 : 來自眼動追蹤的證據 = A preliminary study on comics reading : evidence from eye-tracking method / 何, 宛臻
2016 |
541.83 2131 2016
以權力觀點解析台灣社會中的性論述 : 以多元成家為例 = Analyzing the sexual discourses in Taiwan from systems of forming families base upon the viewpoint of power / 董, 育君
2015 |
541.83 4401:4 2015
文化展示與地方性建構 : 以台北寶藏巖國際藝術村為例 = Cultural exhibition and place construction : a case study of Taipei Treasure Hill Artist Village / 曹, 皕晴
2015 |
541.83 5516 2015
聯合品牌配適度與品牌評價對消費者購買意願之影響 : 以BALMAIN x H&M聯名系列為例 = The effect of fitness in co-branding and brand evaluation on consumer's purchase Intention : a case of BALMAIN x H&M / 吳, 佳穎
2016 |
541.83 2622:3 2016
新博物館與地方傳播的關係 : 一個女性旅遊的觀點 = The relationship of new museum and local communication : a perspective of female tourism / 何, 秉薇
2015 |
541.83 2124:2 2015
社群專頁內容之視覺感受、行為態度與滿意度之關係研究 : 以大專院校畢業製作粉絲專頁為例 = The influence of social fans page's contentvisual perceived, behavior attitude, and satisfaction : a case of university honor project / 黃, 于真
2016 |
541.83 4414:11 2016
選舉議題操作與危機處理之研究 : 以2014年台北市長選舉為例 = A study on the issue operation and the crisis management of election campaign : the case of the Taipei mayoral election in 2014 / 宋, 喬伊
2016 |
541.83 3022 2016
商品製造人責任與舉證責任分配 = Manufacturers liabilities and allocation of burden of proof / 王, 嘉正
2016 |
580 1041:11 2016
房屋定型化租賃契約之研究 = A study of the standard estate lease / 曹, 筱筠
2016 |
580 5588 2016
公益通報法制之研究 : 以受僱者權益保障為中心 = The study of whistleblower protection act : about the rights of employee / 林, 于倩
2016 |
580 4412:33 2016
債權人代位權之研究 : 以複代位為中心 = A study on subrogation of creditor : focusing on multiplictous subrogation / 邱, 敏維
2016 |
580 7782 2016
基地使用關係人優先承買權之研究 = Research in the first refusal of related human land use right / 賴, 建安
2015 |
580 5713 2015
海峽兩岸服務貿易協議對臺灣銀行業之影響及因應之道 = Impacts of and strategy for the cross-straight agreement on trade in services on Taiwan's banking industry / 曾, 柏鈞
2015 |
580 8048 2015
公共工程招標、決標階段內部控制之研究 = A study of the internal control in the procedure of public construction invitation and tender awarding / 邱, 慧珠
2016 |
553.4 7751 2016
幫助犯成立界限之探討 : 以中性幫助行為為中心 = Canvass the boundary that established of accessory : focusing on "Neutral Helping Behaviors" / 劉, 佩玲
2016 |
580 7221:5 2016
我國與日本及中國大陸收養制度之比較 : 以未成年子女最佳利益為中心 = The comparison of the adoption institution of Japan, China and R.O.C. : focus on the best interest of minor children / 陳, 緯綸
2016 |
553.4 7522 2016
工程異質採購最低標實務之研究 = A study on the practice of determining the lowest tender in the procurement of different quality in construction / 鄭, 宜蓉
2016 |
553.4 8734:2 2016
限制菸品及酒類廣告法規之合憲性 = Constitutionality of regulation of tobacco and liquor advertising / 林, 子樵
2016 |
553.4 4414:3 2016
論移民行政之公務員侵權行為與國賠責任 = A study compensation liability of immigration public servant torts / 蔡, 賢霖
2016 |
553.4 4471 2016
內線交易民事責任之研究 = A study on civil liability of insider trading / 林, 韋伶
2016 |
553.4 4442:3 2016
強盜罪與搶奪罪及恐嚇取財罪之區分界線 : 兼論重新整合之可能性 = The dividing line between robbery, snatch and extortion : extend study on the possibility of the reintegration / 齊, 翎廷
2016 |
553.4 0081 2016
論我國土地徵收制度之正當行政程序 : 以釋字第709號解釋為中心 = A study on administrative due process of land expropriation procedure : based on judicial yuan interpretation number 709 / 邱, 文正
2016 |
553.4 7701 2016
區段徵收制度中民眾參與之實務研究 : 以桃園航空城特定區建設計畫案為例 = Practice study of public participation of zone exprepriation : case of the specitic area construction plan in Taoyuan aerotropolis / 姜, 義坤
2016 |
553.4 8084 2016
矯正機關作業制度之探討 : 以強化復歸社會為建構目標 = A study of prison industry operation system : a goal of reinforcing rehabilitation and re-socialization of inmates after release / 顏, 尹姝
2016 |
553.4 0114 2016
我國水汙染防治法管制措施之檢討 : 以風險管理之運用為中心 = A study on regulatory measures of the water pollution control act of Taiwan : from the point of view of risk management / 溫, 欽閔
2016 |
553.4 3687 2016
公務員侵權行為於國家賠償責任爭議之實證研究 : 以海關國家賠償爭議案件為中心 = Empirical study of the tort of civil servants on controversies of state compensation liability : focusing on the cases of state compensation controversy of customs / 馮, 天縱
2016 |
553.4 3112 2016
區域性貿易協定中爭端解決機制模式之研究 : 以ECFA爭端解決機制為中心 = The research on dispute settlement mechanism of regional trade agreements : ECFA dispute settlement mechanism in the center / 林, 盈伸
2016 |
553.4 4412:2 2016
虛擬社群知識分享行為之研究 : 以背包客棧為例 / 蘇, 意涵
2016 |
557.7 4403:2 2016
中國電影與社會底層再現 : 以<<天注定>>為例 = Chinese films and the representation of the social subaltern : the case of Jia Zhangke's A Touch of Sin / 張, 佳原
2015 |
557.7 1127 2015
國族意識與媒體論述事件 : 以1980年代音樂人侯德健潛赴大陸為例 / 楊, 鎵民
2015 |
557.7 4687 2015
大陸企業/家與台灣的媒體再現 : 阿里巴巴與馬雲在台灣的媒體形象建構 / 金, 淘
2015 |
557.7 8037 2015
與公民行動分進合擊-中國行動主義紀錄片 : 以艾曉明「川震系列」為例 / 何, 思瑩
2015 |
557.7 2169 2015
網購傳播情境下之參與者競合關係 : 以Yahoo商城為例 / 廖, 碧梅
2015 |
557.7 0014 2015
指尖上的家庭 : 現代性視角下行動裝置對於家庭關係的維繫 = Family on the fingertips : examining the impact of mobile devices on family ties in the perspective of modernity / 朱, 家賢
2015 |
557.7 2537 2015
兩岸閱聽人使用行動裝置接收新聞之研究 = A study of audiences in Taiwan and China receiving news with mobile devices / 楊, 雅琳
2016 |
557.7 4671 2016
台灣反核團體運用社群媒體之組織與動員策略分析 / 曾, 毓青
2015 |
557.7 8085 2015
新聞業補助政策研究 : 台灣與各國政策之比較分析 / 戴, 伊筠
2015 |
557.7 4328 2015
在家購物與已婚職業女性的婦職操演 / 李, 宜蓁
2015 |
557.7 4034 2015