兩岸專利侵權與救濟之研究 : 以科技業專利侵權爭議保全程序為中心 = A study on the cross-strait patent infringement and remedies : closer look at the preservation for technical industry patent infringement / 汪, 啟華
2013 |
580 3134:2 2013
公寓大廈建築物區分所有專有部分處分(分割)之研究 = A study on an effective disposition to condominium unit / 彭, 耀華
2013 |
580 4294 2013
兩岸企業併購之研究 : 以公開收購為中心 = A study on the cross-strait business mergers and acquisitions : focused on tender offer / 陳, 美如
2012 |
580 7584:13 2012
兩岸抵押權之比較研究 = The comparison research on mortgage of Taiwan and China / 劉, 立心
2009 |
580 7203 2009
最高限額抵押權之研究 = A study on the legal regime of the maximum limited mortgage / 陳, 靜蓉
2011 |
580 7554:9 2011
情事變更原則於兩岸工程實務判決適用之研究 = Study on "Clausula Rebus sic Stantibus" applied to construct contract judgment practice between cross-strait / 金, 驊生
2011 |
580 8072 2011
勞動基準法中工資定義之法律問題研究 = A study on legal issues of wage definition in labor standards act / 廖, 瑞涓
2011 |
580 0013:5 2011
兩岸不動產登記制度之比較研究 = A comparative study on the real estate registration systems between Taiwan and Mainland China / 劉, 煜明
2011 |
580 7296 2011
兩岸留置權制度之研究 = A study on the lien system between Taiwan and Mainland China / 楊, 子鋒
2011 |
580 4618 2011
WTO政府採購協定下之兩岸政府採購爭議處理機制比較研究 = A comparative study on dispute settlement system of cross-strait government procurement under GPA of WTO / 吳, 俞陵
2010 |
580 2687 2010
董事及經理人薪酬決定法制之研究 : 兼論薪酬委員會制度 = The discussion of the determination regime of director and officer's compensation : also with the regime of compensation committee / 唐, 有寧
2011 |
580 0043:6 2011
兩岸少數股東保護制度股東提案權之研究 = The study on the protection system of minority shareholder regarding proposal right in Taiwan and China / 白, 復華
2011 |
580 2624:8 2011
入出國及移民法上驅逐出國制度之研究 = The study on deportation in immigration act / 鄭, 宇宏
2012 |
580 8733 2012
個人資料保護法上目的拘束原則之探討 = The study on the principle of purpose-specification in personal information protection act / 呂, 信瑩
2012 |
580 6029:2 2012
國際公共衛生體系之法律研究 = A critical legal study on the international public health system / 蔣, 子鈞
2012 |
302.3 4418 2012
臺灣隱私保護法制與發展之研究 = A survey of Taiwan privacy laws and development / 杜, 怡瑩
2012 |
302.3 4499 2012
修復式司法於刑事實務運用之研究 = The development of restorative justice in Taiwan criminal justice system / 張, 曉雯
2012 |
302.3 1161 2012
我國公立學研機構植物育種研發成果授權契約相關問題之研析 = A study on Licensing agreement issues of the public research institute's plant breeding research results in Taiwan / 張, 詩靖
2012 |
302.3 1100 2012
CDM對國際間投資法規範之挑戰 : 兼評我國現行外人投資法對自願性減量計畫之因應 = The challenges on CDM to international investment agreements : the review of foreign investment law in Taiwan to voluntary reduction mechanism / 歐, 怡君
2012 |
302.3 7791 2012
公司臨時管理人的法律實證研究 = The study of corporate temporary manager / 江, 來盛
2013 |
302.3 3145 2013
動物試驗法制之研究 = A study on legal system of animal experiments / 謝, 幸芳
2013 |
302.3 0444 2013
以未取得同意及未去連結的外科手術所切取之人體組織作為醫學研究材料相關法律問題探討 = The study of applicable regulations toward research information linked material derived from medical surgery without prior informed consent / 許, 月禎
2013 |
302.3 0873 2013
兒童色情單純持有與近用規範之研究 = A study on the regulation of mere possession of and access to child pornography / 林, 佳陵
2013 |
302.3 4427 2013
權利耗盡原則與進口著作物灰市流通規制之研究 : 以Omega案為例 = The exhaustion doctrine and the regulation of gray market : focus on the omega case / 邱, 韻萍
2012 |
302.3 7704 2012
我國政策環境影響評估制度之檢討 : 論納入健康影響評估之可行性 = The research on strategic environmental assessment : the probability of adopting health impact assessment / 黃, 建都
2012 |
302.3 4414 2012
內線交易與重大消息成立之個案研究 : 在明基電通併購西門子手機部門之後 = A case study on insider trading and materiality of information : after BenQ Corp. acquired the mobile devices division of Germany Siemens AG / 林, 立斌
2013 |
580 4400:11 2013
校園性侵擾事件法律適用與救濟之研究 = A study on the application and remedies of sexual assault and sexual harassment on campus / 張, 鈺琪
2012 |
580 1181:3 2012
我國行政命令受立法權監督之研究 / 雷, 化豪
2014 |
580 1020:5 2014
風險預防下交通部門憲法到道路交通行政法的探討 = Analysis of the constitution and traffic administrative law : from the perspective of risk prevention / 陳, 碧玉
2014 |
580 7511:12 2014
公司併購之防禦措施研究 : 以毒藥丸為中心 = A study of defensive tactics against takeover : focusing on poison pills / 吳, 欣彥
2014 |
580 2670:3 2014
論大陸配偶在臺之工作權 = A study on the working rights of Taiwanese spouses from Mainland China / 劉, 宥均
2015 |
580 7234:10 2015
國際貿易稅捐調整法制之研究 : 以智慧財產關係人授權為中心 = A study of tax adjustments of international trade : centering on intellectual property licensing between related parties / 盧, 世寧
2015 |
580 2143 2015
重利罪構成要件之研究 : 以德國與臺灣重利罪之比較為核心 = The research of usury : focus on comparison between German usury and Taiwan's usury / 蔡, 忠明
2015 |
580 4456:4 2015
從法制面論我國外國人勞動者之政策與影響 / 周, 雅文
2015 |
580 7770 2015
我國消費者債務清理條例關於更生及清算程序之檢討 / 王, 怡茹
2014 |
580 1094:3 2014
論不能安全駕駛罪 : 以海峽兩岸酒後駕車之法制比較為中心 = The crime of driving under the influence : from the perspectives of the comparative law on the drunk driving offense in cross-strait / 彭, 韻嘉
2015 |
580 4204:2 2015
食品資訊公開法制之研究 : 以消費者向國家請求提供資訊為中心 = Study on food information disclosure laws : focus on consumers' request for information from government / 林, 倫慶
2014 |
580 4420:15 2014
從CEDAW論我國性別實質平等 : 兼論我國婦女參政保障名額制度 = Examining the substantive gender equality from CEDAW : including the female politics reserved seats systems / 陳, 宏瑋
2014 |
580 7531:5 2014
稀薄剪力流中之微粒子再懸浮現象 = Particle re-suspension in rarefied shear flows / 宋, 文展
2001 |
440.13 3007 2001
論美國先發明人申請主義 = The review of the new US first-inventor-to-file patent system / 蔡, 佳穎
2015 |
580 4422:40 2015
侵權行為法中危險活動責任之研究 = Liability for dangerous activities in tort law / 林, 廣淳
2015 |
580 4403:14 2015
地理標示保護之比較法研究 = A comparative study on legal protection for geographical indications / 洪, 鐶珍
2015 |
580 3481 2015
由愛滋器官移植事件看我國的醫療損害填補法制 = The legal system of medical damage compensation : based on HIV-infected organ transplantation event / 李, 威廷
2015 |
580 4051:4 2015
大學生基本權利與自治的保障 = On protection of college students' basic rights and autonomy / 盧, 浩平
2015 |
580 2131:2-2 2015
以科際整合作為刑事醫療鑑定缺失之解決途徑 = A different solution to the defects of criminal examination system in medical disputes : interdisciplinary / 王, 又真
2015 |
580 1074:3 2015
毒物侵權行為之民事損害賠償責任 : 以人身損害為中心 = The civil liability of toxic torts : an analysis of personal injury / 蔡, 侑倫
2015 |
580 4422:41 2015
行政罰法第十四條共同違法行為之研究 : 與德國秩序違反法第十四條之比較 = A study on joint illegal act of article 14 of administrative penalty act : a comparison with article 14 of German order violate law / 郭, 小如
2015 |
580 0794 2015
論我國專利法之先使用權 : 以美國法、日本法為比較對象 = A comparative study on prior user right in United States, Japan, and Taiwan / 王, 嘉薇
2015 |
580 1044:9 2015
工作場所性別平等紛爭解決機制實效性研究 : 以性別工作平等法申訴與救濟制度為中心 = A study on effectiveness of dispute resolution mechanisms of gender equality in the workplace : the grievance procedure and legal remedy of act of gender equality in employment / 蔡, 淑蘭
2015 |
580 4434:51 2015
促參法徵求民間參與階段之程序保障 : 以案件申請人之法律地位為中心 = Procedural protection for inviting private participation on act for promotion of private participation in infrastructure projects : focus on legal statuses of applicants / 許, 照生
2015 |
580 0862:2 2015