
All (共1609冊)
書名/作者 出版項 索書號
應用分析層級程序法與案例式推論建構乳癌輔助治療決策之研究 = Application of an analytic hierarchy process and case-based reasoning for determining appropriate adjuvant therapy for patients with breast cancer / 萬, 立仁 2018 494.8 4402:6 2018
以ISO27001與資訊安全服務委外進行AHP模型評估 : 以銀行業為例 = Evaluating analytic hierarchy process based on ISO 27001 and information security service outsourcing for banks / 莫, 昆儒 2018 494.8 4462:4 2018
電動車充電站選址模式決策分析 = Decision analysis of location selection model of electric vehicle charging stations / 柯, 諺凱 2018 494.8 4102 2018
揀貨作業最佳順序排程之研究 : 應用遺傳演算法 = A study on optimal picking operation sequence : applying genetic algorithm / 熊, 君穎 2018 494.8 2112 2018
運用SVM分析躁鬱症患者的生理特徵 = Using support vector machine to analyze the physiological characteristics of patients with bipolar disorder / 李, 漢昭 2018 494.8 4036 2018
基於區塊鏈智能合約的P2P線上借貸架構設計 = Online P2P lending framwork based on block chain credit system / 張, 鎮煜 2018 494.8 1189 2018
京味儿食足 / 崔, 岱遠 2019 538.782 2223
影像強化之機器學習方法研究 = The study of machine approach for image enhancement / 平, 岱菲 (Priyanka, Steffi Agino) 2021 400 1024 2021
MIMO技術在現代無線通訊系統中的應用 = Applications of MIMO technology in modern wireless communication systems / 袁, 怡圃 2020 400 4096 2020
台灣三節角扁蚜在次生寄主植物紫黃上之生態研究 = Ecological study of tripartita formosana on the secondary host plant, margaritaria indica / 呂, 學宗 2020 360 6073 2020
從華語母語人士的作文中研究A/POR/PARA的錯誤 : 以輔仁大學三、四年級學生為例 = Análisis de errores del uso escrito de las preposiciones A/POR/PARA para estudiantes sinohablantes de nivel intermedio / 秦, 佾 (Chin, Yi) 2021 878 5028 2021
探討臺灣蜂膠素H對肺癌細胞增生的影響 = The effects of Taiwanese propolis extract propolin H on the proliferation of human lung cancer / 陳, 盈慈 (Chen, Ying-Cih) 2021 411.3 7518 2021
伊坂幸太郎研究 : 「善惡」、「終末」、「國家」之主題 / 陳, 威寰 2021 861 7553 2021
佐田雅志研究 : 探討昭和時期作品以家庭與家族觀為中心 / 朱, 容瑩 2021 861 2539 2021
手機介面動態視覺回饋之研究 : 以服飾網路購物為例 = Research on dynamic visual feedback of mobile interface : taking online clothing shopping as an example / 洪, 莉涵 2021 961 3443 2021
植物性飲食與高尿酸血症之間的關係 = The association between plant-based diets and hyperuricemia in Taiwan / 邱, 馨瑩 2021 411.3 7749 2021
素食與非素食者攝取超加工食品與代謝危險因子之關係 = Association between ultra-processed foods consumption and metabolic risk factors among vegetarians and non-vegetarians / 邱, 筱涵 2021 411.3 7783 2021
臺灣青少年鈉鉀攝取與肥胖之相關性探討 = Relationship of dietary sodium and potassium intakes with obesity among Taiwanese adolescents / 廖, 延苓 2021 411.3 0014 2021
研發固定化精油之活性包材延長烘焙產品儲藏期限 = Development of active packaging film with immobilized essential oil to extend shelf life of bakery products / 劉, 怡沛 2021 411.3 7293 2021
應用生紫心甘藷磨粉製備品質指示標籤 = Use of raw milled-purple sweet potato for quality indicator label / 陳, 惠英 2021 411.3 7554:4 2021
花青素製備監測發酵加工之乙醇生物感測器 = Ethanol biosensor using anthocyanin to monitor the fermentation process / 鄧, 嘉玲 2021 411.3 1741 2021
桂竹之超音波輔助萃取及其萃取物在機能晶球製備與第一型糖尿病小鼠傷口癒合之應用 = Ultrasound assisted extraction of Makinoi bamboo and the application of its extracts in the preparation of functional hydrogel beads and wound healing on type 1 diabetic mice / 葉, 益銘 (Yeh, Yi-Ming) 2021 411.3 4488:2 2021
超音波應用於牛蒡根中生理活性物質與醣類萃取之研究 = Application of ultrasound in extraction of bioactive substances and carbohydrate from burdock roots / 陳, 媛 (Chen, Yuan) 2021 411.3 7542:2 2021
兒童課後照顧服務人員僕人領導特徵與親師關係之研究 : 以桃園區某兒童課後照顧服務中心為例 = The research of servant leardership traits for children after-school representitives and relationship between parents and teachers : a case study of children after-school service center in Taoyuan / 呂, 理平 2021 520 6011:2 2021
美語補習班組織效能與家長滿意度之研究 : 以桃園區吉的堡同安莊敬校為例 = The organization efficacy of learning center and parent satisfaction : a case study of kidcastle Tong-an Zhuang-Jing branch / 吳, 芳芝 2021 520 2644 2021
以CLIL提升國小二年級學生跨領域學習成效之行動研究 = A study on learning performance of second grade students using CLIL / 呂, 佩蓉 2021 520 6024 2021
舞蹈教學與青少年自我效能感 : 一個民間舞團的個案研究 = Teaching of dancing and self-efficacy of the youth : a case study of a private institute of dancing / 張, 瑭容 2020 520 1113 2020
女性參與地方選舉與社區經營之敘事研究 = A narrative study of women's participation in local election and community management / 蔣, 築諠 2021 520 4480 2021
傳統私家園林理水手法於現代集合住宅水景設計應用與研究 : 以深圳市萬科第五園為例 = The application and research of traditional private garden water management techniques in the waterscape design of modern congregate housing : Taking Shenzhen Vanke Fifth Park as an example / 鄭, 志偉 2021 929 8742 2021
臺灣休閒農業對青年回流影響研究 : 及其對大陸的啟示 = Research on the influence of leisure agriculture on the return of the youth in Taiwan and its enlightenment to China / 彭, 志濤 2021 929 4243 2021
沉浸式景觀體驗之聲音分貝與頻率對於個體生心理效益之影響 = The effect of sound decibels and frequency of immersive landscape experience on the psychological benefits of individuals / 楊, 茹媛 2021 929 4644:2 2021
桃園鐵玫瑰音樂節發展之探討 = A research on the development of Taoyuan iron rose music festival / 楊, 嘉惠 2021 910 4645 2021
小約翰.史特勞斯<<吉普賽男爵>>序曲之指揮詮釋 = The conducting and interpretation of Johann Strauss Jr.'s overture "Der zigeunerbaron" / 莊, 婷婷 2021 910 4444:10 2021
MIDI Mock Up在管弦樂器之應用 : 以個人創作My First Move為例 = An application of MIDI Mock Up techniques : commentary on the original works My First Move / 魯, 馥瑞 2021 910 2721 2021
李哲藝<<四月雨小號幻想協奏曲>>之樂曲分析與詮釋 = The analysis and interpretation of April Rain Trumpet Fantasy Concerto by Lee Che-Yi / 李, 長昆 2021 910 4076 2021
韋伯<<歐里安特>>序曲之指揮詮釋 = The conducting and interpretation of Carl Maria von Weber overture "Euryanthe" / 盧, 嘉信 2021 910 2142 2021
帕格尼尼隨想曲第二十四首吉他詮釋與分析 = The interpretation and analysis of Paganini's caprice No.24 for guitar / 郭, 瑞凡 2021 910 0717 2021
中華新士林哲學 : 詮釋學建構 : 以處境化認同為例 = Construction of Chinese neo-scholastic hermeneutics : taking contextualizing identification as an illustration / 鄭, 凱倫 2021 200 8722 2021
<<繪本心經>>在臺灣國小生命教育的運用 = The application of Picture book heart sutra in life education of elementary schools in Taiwan / 鄭, 秀珠 2021 200 8721 2021
台灣閩南諺語中天地鬼神信仰文化研究 = A study on the belief culture of ghosts and gods in the proverbs of southern Fujian in Taiwan / 洪, 偉富 2021 200 3423:2 2021
中小企業永續經營之新產品開發整合流程之研究 = Research on integrated process of new product development for business sustainability of small and medium enterprise / 林, 雲聲 2021 490 4414:2 2021
基於機器學習技術建構整合式運動賽事結果預測模式 : 以美國職業籃球為例 = Integrating machine learning techniques for the construction of hybrid sports outcome prediction scheme : cases of national basketball association / 陳, 威任 2021 490 7552 2021
全民健康保險醫療效益與未來醫療政策的探索性研究 = An exploratory research in healthcare benefits and future policy of the national health insurance system / 江, 惠貞 2021 490 3152 2021
使用機器學習演算法建構預測存活以及費用模型 : 以冠狀動脈繞道手術病患為例 = Using machine learning algorithm in predicting mortality and medical expenditures of CABG patients in Taiwan / 黃, 彥鈞 2021 490 4408 2021
美國軍事院校的中國學生(1844-1937) = Chinese students prepared at American military colleges (1844-1937) / 鐘, 毅平 2021 740 8001 2021
腦中風急性後期照護模式的照護成效 = The effectiveness of post-acute stroke care / 丁, 令宜 2021 412 1083:2 2021
博物館環境設計與「博物館疲勞」關係之研究 = A study of the relationship between museum environment and the "Museum fatigue" / 江, 芸如 2021 069 3144 2021
高齡者參與博物館創意老化教育活動之轉化學習經驗研究 = A study on the transformation learning experience of senior citizens participating in museum creative aging education activities / 羅, 卓琳 2021 069 6021 2021
甲基安非他命致敏反應和巴金森氏症實驗治療 : 6-羥基多巴胺損傷, 舊藥新用和基因轉殖 = Experimental therapies for methamphetamine sensitization and Parkinson's disease : 6-hydroxydopamine lesioning, drug repositioning, and gene delivery / 陳, 書郡 2021 400 7551 2021
使用3D立體膀胱重組模型以促進膀胱體積預測,從傳統2D膀胱超音波攝影術 = Three-dimensional bladder reconstruction models to improve the estimation of bladder volume from traditional two-dimensional bladder sonography / 張, 孟霖 2021 400 1111 2021