
書名/作者 出版項 索書號
Alto Rhapsody Song of Destiny Nänie and Song of the Fates / Brahms, Johannes, 1833-1897, composer. 1995 784.22 B813
La valse / Ravel, Maurice, ,1875-1937, composer. 1997 784.21884 R252
Complete symphonies / Brahms, Johannes, 1833-1897, composer. 1974 784.2184 B813-2
Great works for piano and orchestra : from the complete works edition / Schumann, Robert, 1810-1856, composer. 1982 784.62 S392
Four symphonies / Schubert, Franz, ,1797-1828, composer. 1978 784.2184 S384
Carmen / Bizet, Georges, 1838-1875, composer. 1989 782.1 B625
Masses nos. 5 and 6 / Schubert, Franz, 1797-1828, composer. 1995 782.323 S384
Three great orchestral works / Debussy, Claude, 1862-1918, composer. 1983 784.21843 D289
Symphonies nos. 1 and 2 / Mahler, Gustav, 1860-1911, composer. 1987 784.2184 M214
Scheherazade / Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay, 1844-1908, composer. 1984 784.2185 R577
Great romantic violin concertos. / 1985 784.272 B415
Complete piano concertos / Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827, composer. 1983 784.262 B415-2
Symphonies nos. 6 and 7 / Dvorak, Antonin, 1841-1904, composer. 1994 784.2184 D988
Symphonies 1 and 2 / Sibelius, Jean, 1865-1957, composer. 1993 784.2184 S563
Messen Nr. 9-10 / Haydn, Joseph, 1732-1809, composer. 1965 780.92 H415-a
Creating androgynous fashion brand in Thailand / 林, 福成 (Phanglib, Krittaphat Natasha) 2021 496 4435 2021
使用Google文件進行合作式寫作對英文為外語之台灣大學生的影響 : 以初級程度學生為例 = The effect of collaborative writing via Google docs on Taiwanese EFL university students with beginning proficiency level / 侯, 鈞㦤 2021 873 2784 2021
類監獄控制下的個體性 : 以瑪格麗特.愛特伍<<使女的故事>>和<<血巫孽種>>為例 = Discipline and individuality in Margaret Atwood's The handmaid's tale and Hag-seed / 周, 郁芳 2021 873 7744:2 2021
從繪畫到舞台 : <<星期天與喬治同遊公園>>裡的互文性 = From painting to stage : intertextuality in sunday in the park with George / 詹, 筑鈞 2021 873 2788 2021
Study of consumers' buying and using behaviour towards Thai silk in Thailand / 林, 恩樂 2021 496 4462 2021
台灣高中英語教師對於台灣英語教育科技整合的信念與信心 = Taiwanese senior high school teachers' beliefs and confidence about the integration of technology in English education in Taiwan / 林, 惠苹 2021 873 4454:2 2021
後設認知英文寫作教學對台灣大學生的影響 = The effects of metacognitive writing instruction in Taiwanese university students / 廖, 彥甄 2021 873 0001 2021
臺灣技術團在尼加拉瓜發展 一鄉一特產計畫之成效(2018-2021) = Cooperación de la misión técnica de Taiwán en el desarrollo del proyecto "un pueblo, un producto" (otop) en la república de Nicaragua (2018-2021) / 蔡, 孟軒 2021 878 4415 2021
東西文化差異 : 人生觀 = Diferencias de la filosofía de la vida en la cultura oriental (mundo chino) y occidental (mundo europeo y anglosajón) / 侯, 君宜 2021 878 2713 2021
卡洛斯.富恩特斯小說<<美國佬>>中墨西哥人的民族認同 = La identidad mexicana en la novela Gringo viejo de Carlos Fuentes / 施, 雅崴 2021 878 0872 2021
以製作法語漫畫為輔助教材的跨文化法語教學法 : 台灣天主教輔仁大學個案研究 = L'approche interculturelle à travers l'élaboration de bandes dessinées comme supports pédagogiques en classe de français langue étrangère : étude de cas à l'université catholique Fujen, Taïwan / 劉, 芯晨 (Margaux, Fiore) 2022 876 7246 2022
德國電影<<英雄教育>>中文字幕翻譯研究 = Eine Analyse zur chinesischen Untertitelung des deutschen Films "Napola - Elite für den Führer" / 饒, 書寧 (Jao, Shu-Ning) 2022 875 8453 2022
Study on the influence of brand relationship quality on brand attachment / 李, 嘉容 2021 496 4043 2021
企業策略與管理能力對公司信用評等之影響 / 張, 芷雲 2020 495 1141:2 2020
社會階層與理想典範 : 論愛蓮娜.佛頓(Elena Fortún)之系列小說<<賽莉亞>> = Social stratification and idealized character : on the series of "Celia" by Elena Fortún / 許, 玉燕 2021 819 0814 2021
兩岸中文著作的語內翻譯策略初探 = Intralingual translation strategies of Mainland Chinese publications in Taiwan / 王, 詠鑫 2021 811.7 1008 2021
「語際翻譯的符際面向」觀點初探 : 以<<鱷魚手記>>的頓號英譯策略為例 = Exploring the perspective of intersemiotic aspects of interlingual translation : the case study of dun hao translation strategy in Bonnie Huie's Notes of A Crocodile / 余, 佩儒 2021 811.7 8022:2 2021
台日醫療差異產生的醫病溝通問題 : 以台灣產科口譯實習為例 = Medical communication issues owing to the differences between Taiwan's and Japan's approaches in the field of obstetrics : a clinical case study in Taiwan as a medical interpreter trainee / 黑田, 羽衣子 2022 811.7 6610 2022
從語用視角探討文化與翻譯策略的關係 : 以Art as Therapy中、日譯本為例 = Culture and translation strategies from pragmatic perspective : a case study on Chinese & Japanese translation of Art as Therapy / 葉, 淳芷 2021 811.7 4434:3 2021
譯文人物個性之呈現 : 以<<斷背山>>小說中譯本為例 = A look at the personality of story characters in target texts : a case study on Chinese translations of Brokeback Mountain / 黃, 書琳 2021 811.7 4451:3 2021
金庸武俠小說日譯版的翻譯分析 : 以<<射鵰英雄傳>>為例 = Translation strategies used in Jin Yong's wuxia novels in Japanese : a case study on Legend of the Condor Heroes / 張, 恩維 2022 811.7 1162 2022
翻譯與政治 : 以戒嚴初期(1950-1952)的<<暢流>>為研究對象 = Translation and politics : a study on Chàng Liú in the early martial law period (1950-1952) / 張, 明益 2022 811.7 1168 2022
臺灣夜市小吃日譯錯誤分析 = Error analysis on the Chinese-Japanese translation of Taiwanese night market street foods / 陳, 玉珊 2022 811.7 7511:2 2022
起司不叫起司還是一樣美味? : Willem Elsschot作品<<起司>>(Kaas)轉譯之研究 = A cheese by any other name Willem Elsschot's Kaas in translation : an analysis of indirect translation / 楊, 得睿 2022 811.7 4622:2 2022
以UPLC搭配串聯式質譜儀測定西洋參殘渣中的人參皂苷並評估奈米乳化液與微脂體對大鼠抗疲勞之效果 = Determination of ginsenosides in ginseng residue by UPLC-MS/MS and evaluation of nanoemulsions and liposomes for anti-fatigue effect in rats / 任, 承德 2022 411.3 2212 2022
法律用語的沿用 : 以<<萬國公法>>中譯為例 = The continued use of legal terms : a case study on Chinese translation of elements of international law / 賴, 儀真 2020 811.7 5724 2020
生理假的論述與差異實踐 : 以第三級產業從業女性經驗為例 = The discourse and practice of menstrual leave : the case study of female workers in the tertiary sector / 歐, 栩韶 2022 540 7740 2022
文化對翻譯的影響 : 以哈利波特中西譯本為例 = La influencia cultural en la traducción : ejemplos de las traducciones de Harry Potter en Chino y en Español / 蕭, 文宣 2022 878 4403:2 2022
現代漢語味覺詞通感隱喻研究 = A study on synaesthetic metaphor of modern Chinese taste words / 林, 佳儀 2022 801 4422:4 2022
名詞子句之翻譯與訊息處 : 以「讓天賦自由」為例 = A study of the translation strategies of nominal clauses in the element : how finding your passion changes everything / 李, 昭穎 2022 811.7 4062:2 2022
日語初級教科書詞彙研究 : 以台灣補習班的教科書為例 = Vocabulary study in elementary Japanese language textbooks : a case study of language school textbooks in Taiwan / 柴田, 和之 2022 811.7 2623 2022
Google翻譯與簡明華語之初探 : 以越華語為例 = A preliminary study of google translation and plain Chinese : a case study of Vietnamese/Chinese / 陳, 朝鈞 2022 811.7 7548:2 2022
賈木許電影美學之傳承與反動 = The legacy and transformation of Jim Jarmusch's cinematic aestheticism / 林, 昱辰 2022 819 4467 2022
中文與西班牙語之間的語言鴻溝 : 以虛擬式結構為例 = Lagunas lingü ísticas entre Español y Chino : las construcciones en subjuntivo / 林, 羿廷 2022 878 4411:2 2022
受害者與加害者 : 羅卡<<血婚>>中的父權體制 = Víctimas y victimarios : el patriarcado en Bodas de Sangre de Federico García Lorca / 成, 軼群 2022 878 5351 2022
純素飲食及油柑之補充對高尿酸患者血脂及體位之影響 = Effect of vegan diet and amla on blood lipids and body composition in adults with hyperuricemia / 朱, 芯函 2022 411.3 2541 2022
身心障礙國中生家長親職壓力、正念教養和心理健康之研究 = Parenting stress, mindful parenting and mental health for the parents of junior high school students with disabilities / 李, 碧賢 2022 528.2 4017 2022
母親情緒素養與幼兒社會問題解決技能之探討 = The relations between mothers' emotional literacy and young children's social problem-solving skills / 林, 曼平 2022 528.2 4461:3 2022
夫妻面對衝突與情緒調節之探討 : 以親密之旅學員為例 = A study of conflict and emotional regulation for couples : an example of the participants in "journey to intimacy" / 張, 育瑛 2022 528.2 1101:2 2022
情感智慧課程對與父母同住之邁向成人期未婚女性親子關係之研究 = A study of parent-child relationships among unmarried emerging adulthood females living with their parents in the emotional intelligence curriculum / 劉, 沁枏 2022 528.2 7234:3 2022
台灣行動支付使用者行為意向研究 = Exploring the user mobile payment behavior intention in Taiwan / 潘, 林梓 2022 518 3244:2 2022
寵物智能產品認知、需求及採用差距消費者模型研究 = Research on consumer model of awareness, want and adoption with gap on pet smart products / 梅, 駿杰 2022 518 4874 2022
單一股票新聞過濾器與CKIP-BERT整合架構於台灣股市新聞情感分析 = Single stock-news filter and CKIP-BERT framework for Taiwan stock news sentiment analysis / 林, 佩汶 2022 518 4423:4 2022
基於Transformer之台股日內資料多步預測模型 = Transformer-based intraday stock price multi-steps forecasting model / 吳, 浩瑋 2022 518 2631 2022
金融混合頻率資料之LSTM多步預測模型 = Multiple steps LSTM for mixed frequency financial time series forecasting / 曾, 旻翊 2022 518 8060 2022
從物流、金流、線上競爭談台灣零售市場的擴張分析 : 以家樂福與全聯為例 / 吳, 立彬 2022 561 2604:2 2022
品牌價值、公司經營模式、環境不確定性對財務績效之影響 : 以台灣前20大品牌公司為例 / 田, 佩翎 2022 561 6028 2022
臺灣上市櫃公司聲譽與公司價值的關聯性 / 林, 秀榕 2022 561 4424:9 2022
COVID-19疫情對於網路投保旅平險之影響 : 以M壽險公司為例 / 何, 任鎔 2022 561 2128 2022
數位銀行與實體銀行的使用意圖探討 = Consumers' intention to use network bank and traditional bank / 蕭, 美姝 2022 494 4484:9 2022
探討品牌形象、賣家商譽、代購平台評價、知覺價值、顧客滿意度對再購買意願之影響 : 以第三方餐飲外送平台為例 = Explore the effect of brand image, sellers' reputation, purchasing platform review and perceived value on customer satisfaction and repurchase intention : a case study of third-party food delivery platform / 黃, 書盛 2022 494.8 4455:2 2022
適用於區塊鏈資料存儲機制於戶籍謄本之可行性研究 = Blockchain data storage mechanism to household registration transcript / 曾, 郁翔 2022 494.8 8048 2022
利用大數據分析毒品犯罪之未來趨勢與防制策略之可行性研究 = Using big data to analyze future trends of drug crimes : prevention strategies and feasibility / 洪, 俊瑋 2022 494.8 3421:2 2022
華語「手部」動詞的隱喻研究及教學建議 : 以華語八千詞高階級為例 = A study of metaphors in Chinese hand-radical verbs and related teaching suggestions : examples from 8000 Chinese words on TOCFL / 甄, 若竹 2022 801 1148 2022
格式塔視角下<<人間失格>>中譯本對比分析 = A comparative study on Chinese translations of No Longer Human by Dazai Osamu from the perspective of image-g actualization / 王, 雨珊 2022 811.7 1011:2 2022
從施萊爾馬赫的角度探討奈良美智的<<小星星通信>>中譯本 = The Chinese translation of Nara Yoshitomo's The Little Star Dweller : schleiermacher's perspectives / 葉, 佩青 2022 811.7 4425:3 2022
台股投資策略分析 : 籌碼面研究 = Investment strategy in Taiwan stock market : chip analysis / 吳, 威 2022 550 2653 2022
舊建築特色咖啡廳體驗場景、顧客正向情緒與行為意圖關係之研究 = The relationship between experiencescape, positive emotions, and behavior intentions for customers in specialty coffee shops with old buildings / 姚, 承伯 2022 489.2 4212 2022
陶器意象轉化之服裝創作 = Fashion design created from the imagery of pottery / 賴, 語涵 2021 423 5703 2021
經理人特質與企業社會責任績效之關聯性 : 以臺灣金融業為例 = The relationship between managers characteristics and corporate social responsibility performance : evidence from financial industry in Taiwan / 廖, 珮妤 2022 495 0014:2 2022
RBA行為準則與ISO 20400規範之關聯性與效益分析 = Relevance and benefit analysis of RBA code of conduct and ISO 20400 / 蔡, 淑美 2022 494.2 4438:2 2022
影音夯?探討影音宣傳對消費者於社群媒體平台網路行為的影響 = Video is all the rage? Exploring the influence of audio-visual communication on consumers' social media behavior / 許, 譽豑 2022 494 0875 2022
股利平滑程度與股價波動性之實證研究 = An empirical study on dividend smoothing and stock volatility / 陳, 柏盛 2022 550 7545 2022
應用二維品質精實1999市民當家熱線服務品質之研究 = Research on the application of KANO model to improve the service quality of 1999 Citizen Hotline / 彭, 宇婕 2022 494 4234:2 2022
資源導流 : 設立健康管理中心對醫院的綜效 = Resource diversion strategies : the synergies of establishing healthcare center to hospital / 黃, 婕如 2022 494 4444:26 2022
品牌原廠、代理商與通路商三方交易關係的連結與互動 = The triadic connectedness and interactions between branded clients, distributors, and agents / 張, 舒瑜 2022 494 1181:3 2022
應用思維過程探討醫院之營運管理 = Applying thinking process into the management of hospital / 陳, 佩琳 2022 494 7521:12 2022
ESG基金績效與風險之探討 = A study of ESG Funds performance and risk / 姜, 志緯 2022 494 8042:3 2022
消費者筆電購買決策行為之研究 = The research on consumer purchasing behavior of laptops / 邱, 于庭 2022 518 7710 2022
可選擇性的線性分類器方法應用於行政執行的經濟弱勢族群之判定 : 以某行政執行分署為例 = Applying optional linear classifier methods in determination of the economically disadvantaged group : a case study on an administrative enforcement agency / 林, 在一 2022 518 4441:9 2022
同儕對「訂閱制電玩遊戲服務」訂購意願之影響研究 : 以遊戲涉入度與遊戲元素喜好度為中介因子 = Research on the peers influence to subscription video game service intention : the mediation effect on user involvement and game element-preference / 張, 楷翊 2022 518 1140:2 2022
以平面量尺探討角度資料之行銷策略 = Collection of angular data through two-dimensional scale to investigate marketing strategies / 呂, 昀臻 2022 518 6061 2022
企業資訊安全防護之研究 : 以X公司為例 = Research on enterprise information security protection : taking company X as an example / 楊, 盛傑 2022 494.2 4652 2022
通訊配件代理商產品策略之研究 : S公司之個案分析 = The product strategy of accessories agent : the case study of S company / 施, 玉真 2022 494.2 0814 2022
COVID-19疫情之下旅遊業轉型策略之研究 : 以S旅行社為例 = The transformation strategy of tourism industry under the covid-19 epidemic : a study of S travel service company / 王, 靜萍 2022 494.2 1052:2 2022
疫情下外匯車採購因應對策及轉型 = Procurement strategy and transformation for purchasing parallel-import cars during the covid-19 pandemic / 尤, 華瑋 2022 494.2 4341:2 2022
醫院布品供應鏈及經營策略之研究 = Study of medical clothing supply chain and business strategy / 陳, 文知 2022 494.2 7508 2022
自己的小孩自己教 : 女性幼教老師和學齡前子女同班之母職與教職經驗探討 = The study of the female preschool teacher's experiences on mothering and teaching with her own child in the same classroom / 李, 家慧 2022 528.2 4035 2022
電腦視覺應用於校園安全可行性研究 = Feasibility study on the application of computer vision to campus security / 張, 家榮 2022 494.8 1139:3 2022
應用數據分析執行電腦稽核以提升稽核結果信賴度之研究 = A study on the application of data analysis to perform computer audits and improve the reliability of audit results / 李, 佳育 2022 494.8 4020:2 2022
基因表達規劃法在跨巿場配對交易之研究 : 以期貨巿場為例 = A study of the cross-market paired trading based on gene expression programming evidences from futures markets / 江, 嘉惠 2022 494.8 3145 2022
臉部辨識運用於學生出席之研究 = A study on the application of face recognition to student attendance / 楊, 哲誌 2022 494.8 4650 2022
臉部辨識應用於人事差勤與薪資系統應用之研究方法 : 以ABC公司為例 = The application of face recognition and data analysis in HR attendance and salary system management / 簡, 國慶 2022 494.8 8860 2022
視覺設計元素、網路商店氣氛與情緒愉悅感對網路購物意圖的影響研究 = Research on the influence of visual design elements, online store atmosphere and emotional pleasure on online shopping intention / 沈, 珈卉 2022 494.8 3414:3 2022
社會工作者工作調適之研究 : 以民間全日型藥癮戒治機構為例 = Occupational adjustment of social workers:the example of private all day drug addiction treatment institutions / 鄒, 國儀 2022 547 2762 2022
以服務主導邏輯探討兒童閱讀主題之家長線上社團內的價值共創 : 以臉書社團<小學生都看什麼書>為例 = Exploring the value co-creation in the parent-child reading virtual community based on the service-dominant logic : a case of Facebook community "what do primary school students all read" / 方, 珮維 2022 494 0012:4 2022
以送養流浪動物為目標 : 「寵物認養主題餐廳」之經營研究 = Research on the management of "pet adoption-themed restaurant" with the goal of sending stray animals / 李, 幸真 2022 494 4044:19 2022
過度自信總經理對公司衍生性金融商品決策之影響 : 以審計委員會為調節變項 = The effects of CEO overconfidence on corporate derivatives use:the moderating role of audit committee / 羅, 玟秦 2022 495 6015 2022
關係人交易與分析師盈餘預測 = Related-party transactions and analysts' earnings forecasts / 林, 恩萱 2022 495 4464:5 2022
關係人交易與企業租稅積極性 = Related-party transactions and corporate tax aggressiveness / 李, 若瑜 2022 495 4041 2022
地方創生下銀行的角色 : 以蘇澳鎮為例 / 林, 志昌 2022 561 4446:3 2022
新冠肺炎疫情對勞工紓困貸款的作業風險反思策略之研究 : 以公股銀行為例 / 李, 金治 2022 561 4083 2022
配合政府紓困方案下公股銀行的授信策略之研究 : 以T銀行為例 / 邱, 國立 2021 561 7760 2021
平台信息認證機制對P2P借貸違約率預測之影響 / 林, 詩芳 2022 561 4404:5 2022
探討臺灣消費者對社會效益債券之涉入意願 = Exploring Taiwan consumers' engagement intention for social impact bonds / 王, 駿 2022 561 1073 2022
漫威系列電影個性化諢名與科幻類新詞字幕翻譯之初探 = Subtitling charactonyms and neologisms in the marvel film series : an initial exploration / 章, 書嫚 2021 811.7 0054 2021
史作檉的文明與宗教觀 = Shih Tso-Cheng's view of civilization and religion / 李, 文清 2022 200 4003 2022
電影<<可可夜總會>>中墨西哥文化元素之分析 = Análisis de los elementos culturales Mexicanos en la película de animación Coco / 張, 志圓 2022 878 1146 2022
Purchase intention toward French green make-up products : an extended TPB model approach in Taiwan context / 孟, 慶儂 2022 496 1702 2022
時尚品牌公關活動關鍵成功因素之研究 = A study of the key success factors of fashion brand public relations campaign / 宋, 婉榳 2021 423 3044 2021
羽絨服表布與羽絨類型對保暖效果影響之研究 = The effect of shell fabrics and down types on warmth of down jacket / 蔡, 宜娟 2021 423 4434:5 2021
3D立體織物之開發決策因素探討 = Study of the key factors of 3D spacer fabrics development / 廖, 春娟 2021 423 0054 2021
探究高齡志工參與教育服務經驗之研究 : 以彩虹愛家生命教育為例 = Exploring elderly volunteer's experiences of participation in rainbow family life education / 謝, 慧燕 2022 528.2 0454 2022
妻子與亞斯特質伴侶的婚姻關係挑戰與調適 = Challenges and adjustments in marriage : cases of wives with husbands of Asperger trait / 蔡, 汶倛 2022 528.2 4432:4 2022
企業「家」文化 : 以華人家庭文化角度看企業文化之探討 = Exploring organizational culture from a Chinese family culture perspective / 陳, 姸倫 2022 528.2 7542:3 2022
孝道信念與單身壓力 : 以25-44歲未婚者為例 = Filial piety and the pressure of being unmarried : cases of 25-44 year old persons / 施, 維妮 2022 528.2 0824:2 2022
家長3C教養行為、幼兒3C產品使用時間與幼兒社會行為關聯之研究 = The relations among parents' 3C parenting behaviors, young children's 3C use time and children's social behaviors / 許, 育慈 2022 528.2 0808 2022
我的親密關係學習之旅 : 原生家庭的印記 = The learning journey of my intimate relationship : the imprint of family of origin / 巫, 春紅 2022 528.2 1052 2022
台日外籍看護政策之比較研究 = A comparative study of foreign nursing care worker policies in Taiwan and Japan / 廣瀬, 亮平 2022 811.7 0301 2022
兒童文學的日中擬聲擬態詞翻譯比較研究 : 以宮澤賢治<度過雪原>及<水仙月的四月>為例 = The translation of onomatopoeias between Japanese and Chinese in children's literature : a case study of Kenji Miyazawa's ''story snow crossing'' and ''the fourth of the narcissus month'' / 野宮, 舞夏 2022 811.7 6381 2022
從<<第二性>>英譯本探討「譯者的任務」 = The English translations of Simone de Beauvoir's The Second Sex : Walter Benjamin's perspectives / 賴, 今璿 2022 811.7 5781 2022
<紅樓夢十二支曲>三英譯本之比較 = A comparison of three English translations of the twelve songs of Hong Lou Meng / 戴, 珮丞 2022 811.7 4311 2022
<<楊英風早年日記(1940-1946)>>的分析與考察及其與<<葉盛吉日記(1938-1950)>>的比較 = An analysis and examination of Yuyu Yang's early diary (1940-1946) and its comparison with Yeh Sheng-Ji's diary (1938-1950) / 齋藤, 齊 2022 819 0400 2022
中國哲學對榮格研究「無意識」的貢獻 : 為了深入了解高敏感 = Les apports de l'Asie dans l'étude jungienne de l'inconscient : À la découverte de l'hypersensibilité / 鐵, 凱風 (Gabin, Brulfert) 2022 876 8327 2022
微型企業營利模式及永續經營策略之研究 : 以S公司為例 / 張, 裕聲 2022 561 1134:4 2022
OMO商業模式宣告對短期股價的影響 / 廖, 鈺榕 2022 561 0084:2 2022
經理人的自戀程度對企業國際化與國際化地點的影響 / 魏, 楚潓 2022 561 2643:3 2022
移動與希望 : 逆風劇團個案研究 = Moving and hoping : a case study of Againstwind / 趙, 由靖 2022 494 4950 2022
使用衍生性金融商品避險對審計公費之影響 : 以臺灣上市櫃電子工業為例 = The effect of derivative hedging on audit fees : evidence from Taiwan electronics industry / 巫, 泓毅 2022 495 1030 2022
結合TopWords及N-gram偵測新詞及文本糾錯之研究 = Integrating TopWords and N-gram for detecting new words and Chinese spelling checking / 鍾, 嘉豪 2022 518 8240 2022
結合腦波分析機器學習之元宇宙虛擬化身於實境電商應用 = Combining EEG analysis and machine learning with metaverse virtual avatars in reality E-commerce applications / 賴, 珮筑 2022 494.8 5718 2022
探討TPB模式於行動裝置資訊安全系統之使用行為研究 = Research on the use behavior of TPB model in mobile device information security system / 王, 崇先 2022 494.8 1022:3 2022
知覺有用性、知覺易用性,智能對物流系統之使用意願研究 = Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and willingness to use intelligence in logistics systems / 李, 俊慶 2022 494.8 4020:3 2022
探討政府數位轉型意圖之成因 : 以PPM模型為觀點 = Exploring the causes of governments' digital transformation intentions : from the perspective of the PPM model / 林, 宏勳 2022 494.8 4432:10 2022
探討長照病患行動服務系統的未來服務功能與持續使用意願 = To explore the future service function and continuous use intention of the mobile service system for long-term care patients / 廖, 維宏 2022 494.8 0023:2 2022
北勢寮保安宮安營頭與繞境研究 = Research on the anyingtou and parade of the Baoan temple in Beishiliao / 楊, 淙棋 2022 200 4634:2 2022
行天宮的信仰理念與社會關懷 = The religious philosophy and social concern of the Xingtian Temple / 童, 雅穗 2022 200 0072 2022
接班制度特徵對接班表現與效能之影響 : 組織承諾與挑戰型目標的中介效果 = The influence of succession system features on succession performance and efficacy : mediating effects of organizational commitment and challenging goals / 李, 佳玲 2022 494 4021:6 2022
驗光所之服務創新對體驗價值、服務品質、顧客愉悅及驗光人員信任度之影響 = The influences of service innovation on experiential value, service quality, customer delight, and trust-a case of optometry / 陳, 義陽 2022 494 7587:2 2022
禮盒包裝鬆弛填充對消費者整體評價之影響 = The effects of slack filling of gift packaging on consumer overall evaluations / 黃, 姿毓 2022 494 4438:6 2022
食品包裝正面營養宣稱之具體程度對消費者整體評價之影響 = The effects of specificity of nutrition claims on front-of-package (FOP) on consumer evaluation / 劉, 書瑜 2022 494 7251:2 2022
誘餌式標題對讀者整體評價之影響 : 說服知識為調節變數 = The effects of clickbait headline on reader evaluations : the moderating effects of persuasion knowledge / 李, 雨涵 2022 494 4013:4 2022
迷因梗圖之幽默訴求與訊息來源可信度對政治犬儒酸民之廣告效果 : 以口罩政策宣導為例 = The advertising effectiveness of memes' humorous appeals and source credibility to political cynicism : a case on the publicity of mask policy / 李, 佳蓉 2022 494 4024:11 2022
董事會中心性對知情放空之影響 = The impact of board centrality on informed short sales / 王, 朗傑 2022 494 1032:3 2022
護理人員的僕人領導、病患滿意度及其醫院認同度關係之研究 : 以中國大陸三所醫療機構為例 = A study of the relationship among nurses' servant : leadership, patients' satisfaction and hospital identification of three medical institutions in China / 黃, 科涵 2022 494 4423:13 2022
恆毅力、創意自我效能、創意氛圍、心流對學習投入之影響 : 以大學商管學院學生為例 = The effects of grit, creative self-efficacy, creative climate, and flow on learning engagement : a case study of university students at business school / 賴, 薏如 2022 494 5744:5 2022
促銷形式對消費者購買意願之影響 : 探討品牌形象之調節效果 = The influence of promotional forms on consumers' purchase intention : moderating the effect of brand image / 彭, 政瑋 2022 494 4211:2 2022
劣勢創新 : 非領導廠商之突圍策略 = Leading under disadvantages : the innovating strategy of non-leading firms / 周, 儒芳 2022 494 7724:4 2022
同舟共濟或同舟共「忌」? 壽險人員的競合關係與團隊績效之影響 = To envy or to enjoy : the effect of coopetition on team performance for insurance sales / 甘, 秉芳 2022 494 4424:28 2022
國際觀光旅館員工的組織認同、建言行為與工作績效之研究 : 以主管與部屬交換關係為調節變項 = A study of organizational identification, voice behavior and job performance of employees in the international tourist hotels : leader-member exchange as a moderator / 楊, 宜臻 2022 489.2 4631 2022
企業團膳的服務品質、食品品質與顧客滿意度之探討 : IPA應用分析 = A study of customer perceived service quality, food quality and satisfaction of corporate group meal by applying IPA approach / 蘇, 建誌 2022 489.2 4410:3 2022
真誠領導對觀光旅館員工工作意義感、積極顧客服務績效之影響 : 以工作熱情為干擾變項 = The study of authentic leadership, meaningfulness and proactive customer service performance among tourist hotels' employees : the moderating role of job passion / 連, 士琦 2022 489.2 3541 2022
臺灣軌道觀光運輸服務業員工之真誠領導、組織公平與建言行為之探討 : 以知覺組織支持為干擾變項 = The effects of authentic leadership, organizational justice and voice behavior among employees in Taiwan rail sightseeing transportation service industry : using perceived organizational support as a moderator / 謝, 禎祐 2022 489.2 0433 2022
後疫情時代空服員心理壓力及組織支持對幸福感、組織認同與職業倦怠之影響 = The effects of flight attendant's psychological pressure and organizational support on subjective well-being, organizational identification and occupational burn out in the post epidemic era / 厲, 寶璇 2022 489.2 7131 2022
COVID-19疫情期間工作不安全感、信任感與工作績效對旅行社員工之影響 : 以工作意義感為調節變項 = The effects of job insecurity, trust and job performance among employees of travel agencies during the covid-19 pandemic : the moderating effect of work meaningfulness / 王, 慶喬 2022 489.2 1002 2022
探討餐飲從業人員不確定性、工作價值觀、工作態度、餐飲創新營運類型成功因素及工作選擇意圖之關係 = The study of the influence of uncertainty on foodservice business employees' work value, work attitude, success factors of innovative foodservice operation types, and work choice intention towards innovative business / 張, 善喬 2022 489.2 1182 2022
社交媒體影響者與訊息訴求對越南美食旅遊在信任轉移、知覺價值與旅遊意願之影響 = The impact of social media influencer and message appeal on the trust transference, perceived value and travel willingness of Vietnamese food tourism / 陳, 寶儀 2022 489.2 7532:2 2022
話語中的家園 : 北投生活環境博物園區登場的脈絡、論述與行動 = Homeland in discourse : a discussion of the initiatives, narratives and actions of the Beitou Ecomuseum / 余, 彩瑄 2022 069 8021 2022
初探「理想的博物館線上展覽模式評估表格」之適用性以建構後疫情下博物館線上展覽應具備之要素 = A preliminary study on the applicability of the ''evaluation survey of the ideal online exhibition model'' and a discussion of post-covid museum online exhibition development / 王, 郁棋 2022 069 1044:3 2022
探討企業社會責任對顧客忠誠度影響之研究 : 以中國大陸電商平台為例 = Exploring the effect of corporate social responsibility on customer loyalty : an empirical examination of E-Commerceplatforms in China / 林, 漢承 2022 494 4431:14 2022
整合平衡操作之似然資訊與機器學習技術建構乳癌篩檢異常之多階段預測模式 = A multi-stage machine learning scheme incorporating likelihood information of balancing operation for predicting breast cancer screen abnormal / 劉, 子齊 2022 494 7210:6 2022
供應鏈關係對貿易信貸影響之探討 = Investigating the impact of supply chain relationships on trade credit / 唐, 洧婕 2022 494 0034:3 2022
董事會網絡中心性對企業ESG績效之影響 : 以中國大陸上市公司為例 = The impact of boardroom centrality on firm's ESG performance : evidence from China / 吳, 天宇 2022 494 2613:3 2022
跨境電商商業模式之整合性架構 = An integrated framework of business models for cross-border E-commerce / 梁, 耀章 2022 494 3390 2022
以信任移轉理論探討KOC微網紅行銷對於消費者持續追蹤意願與合作品牌購買意願之影響 = Using the trust transfer theory to examine the effect of key opinion consumer marketing on consumer continued intention to follow and purchase intention / 陳, 穎姿 2022 494 7523:4 2022
凡事豫則立、不豫則廢 : 探討生涯規劃及工作搜尋行為間之關係 = Success lies in previous preparations : relationships between career planning and job search behavior / 黃, 蘿 2022 494 4444:27 2022
探討影響Podcast流行程度之關鍵因素 = Exploring key factors influencing podcast popularity / 白, 牧羣 2022 494 2621:6 2022
體驗要素對體驗品質、體驗記憶、文化價值及重遊意願之影響 : 以鶯歌陶瓷博物館為例 = The influence of experience elements on experience quality, experience memory, cultural value and willingness to revisit : taking Yingge ceramics museum as the example / 賴, 怡君 2022 494 5791:2 2022
客戶關係聯繫之價值創造 : 以電子零組件製造商為例 = The value creation of customer relationship : a case of Taiwan electronic component manufacturer / 葉, 怡均 2022 494 4494:11 2022
應用思維過程於企業教育訓練分析與改善 = Applying thinking processes to analyze and improve corporate education and training / 陳, 奕閎 2022 494 7507:3 2022
電子商務產業如何落實永續發展 : 以PChome為例 = Sustainability in E-commerce : the case of PChome / 黃, 詩荃 2022 494 4404:10 2022
以延伸整合型科技接受模式探討消費者使用數位音樂串流平台之訂閱意圖 : 以KKBOX為例 = Using UTAUT2 to investigate consumers' intention to subscribe music streaming service : a case study of KKBOX / 李, 偉祥 2022 494 4023:3 2022
探討非山非市型社區課輔班之商業模式 : 以基隆市某課輔班為例 = Exploring the business model of non-mountain and non-city after-school programs : case study of an after-school program in Keelung city / 李, 明霈 2022 494 4061:3 2022
延攬企業主管擔任非營利組織董事之研究 : 以國內兩基金會為例 = The function of corporate executives in board of directors of nonprofit organization : a comparison between two foundations in Taiwan / 陳, 慧瑩 2022 494 7559:2 2022
探討企業員工之工作倦怠、個人成長主動性及員工協助方案對員工幸福感與組織承諾之影響 = Exploring the effects of employee burnout, personal growth initiative and employee assistance programs on employee well-being and organizational commitment / 吳, 俐儀 2022 494 2622:5 2022
國小代理代課教師之教學創新與職涯規畫之社群互動探討 = A study of community interaction in substitute teachers' teaching innovation and career planning in elementary school / 林, 麗足 2022 494 4416:7 2022
體驗滿意度與心流體驗對遊戲持續課金意願之研究 : 以手機遊戲為例 = A research on the users' willingness on game continuing payment intention which impact satisfaction value and flow experience : taking mobile games as an example / 劉, 季軒 2022 494.8 7225:2 2022
深度學習應用於光學同調斷層掃描之近視分類 = Deep learning applied to myopia classification of optical coherence tomography / 陳, 欣蘭 2022 494.8 7574:2 2022
城市物流下考慮時窗限制與異質車輛之多趟次多艙種最後一哩路配送問題 = Multi-trip and multi-compartment last mile delivery with heterogeneous vehicles and time windows for city logistics / 陳, 怡蓁 2022 494.8 7594:5 2022
基於基因表達規劃法的動態交易策略設計之研究 : 以臺灣股市為例 = A study of dynamic trading strategy design based on gene expression programming : evidence from the Taiwan stock market / 李, 明祐 2022 494.8 4063:5 2022
結合變動鄰域搜尋與混合抽樣多目標基因演算法求解具有批量分割與替代途程之彈性零工式排程問題 = Adaptive multi-objective genetic algorithm with a hybrid sampling strategy and variable neighborhood descent for lot-streaming flexible job-shop scheduling with process plan flexibility / 梁, 啓裕 2022 494.8 3333:2 2022
平行輸入與最適碳關稅 = Parallel import and optimal carbon border tax / 曾, 天 2022 550 8010:2 2022
生命週期與研究發展費用率之實證研究 : 以年輕公司為例 = An empirical study on corporate life cycle and R&D intensity : young firms / 陳, 瑜偉 2022 550 7512:2 2022
自立青少年以「已適應自立生活」結案之因素探討 : 以中華育幼機構兒童關懷協會北區工作站為例 = The successful termination factors of independent living program : a case of CCSA Taipei office / 趙, 婉婷 2022 547 4944 2022
成人保護男性社工的處境 = Male social workers working in adult protective services / 林, 哲宇 2022 547 4453 2022
桌上遊戲於高關懷少年之應用 = Application of board games for highly concerned teenagers / 傅, 翔立 2022 547 2380 2022
回歸物本質,二手新價值 : 以taptot®拿點 APP為例 = Focus on the use value of goods and find the new values of secondhand good : a case study of taptot application / 吳, 品萱 2021 540 2664:2 2021
網路化對清明祭祖儀式之影響 : 以天堂紀念網為例 = Influence of internet on ancestor worship ceremony at Qingming Festival : a case study of Tiantang memorial network / 陳, 睿煖 2021 540 7529:2 2021
台灣高等教育中的心理健康與諮商服務 : 大學諮商中心人員的知覺、健康與態度 = Mental health issues and counseling services in Taiwan higher education / 劉, 佳雯 2021 540 7221:2 2021
異性戀大學生膚色焦慮及其影響因素之研究 = A study of skin color anxiety and related factors on heterosexual college students / 張, 幼勤 2021 540 1124:3 2021
神聖與世俗的再創造 : 論個人在信仰實踐中的自我同一性之探索 = Recreating sanctity and secularity : the search on self-identity within practice of faith / 朱, 悅嫺 2021 540 2594 2021
我們與「東南亞」的距離 : 臺灣民眾與東南亞人之社會距離初探 = The world between us : a preliminary study of the social distance between Taiwanese and southeast Asian / 高, 渝雯 2021 540 0031:7 2021
臺灣工作貧窮之影響因素 = Analysis of factors that affect working poor in Taiwan / 簡, 宜瑾 2021 540 8831 2021
我們不是夥伴 : 星巴克帝國外的咖啡文化符號與體驗 = We're not partners : coffee culture symbols and experiences outside the Starbucks empire / 林, 爾暄 2021 540 4416 2021
「男生有什麼可怕的?」恐男者的同儕、家庭與自我認同 = ''why are you afraid of boys?'' peer, family and self-identity of malephobia / 陳, 貝俞 2021 540 7568 2021
反應曲面法優化調氣處理鮮切洋香瓜及木瓜 = Optimization of modified atmosphere treatment of fresh-cut cantaloupe and papaya using RSM / 蕭, 仲皓 2022 411.3 4422:5 2022
由山竹果皮製備山酮和花青素奈米乳化液並探討其對肝癌細胞生長之影響 = Preparation of xanthone and anthocyanin nanoemulsions from mangosteen peel for studying their anti-proliferative effects on liver cancer cells / 李, 睿 2022 411.3 4021:3 2022
探討微波烘烤、真空低溫處理及高壓加熱對豆類抗氧化能力與理化特性之影響 = Effects of microwave roasting, sous-vide cooking and autoclaving on the antioxidant capacity and physicochemical properties of beans / 吳, 亭儀 2022 411.3 2602 2022
台灣飲食綱領為基礎的健康飲食與老人衰弱症及內在潛能之相關與介入研究 = Dietary guidance-based healthy eating and frailty / intrinsic capacity : the association and intervention studies in older Taiwanese / 林, 建淵 2022 411.3 4413:4 2022
消費者個人態度對人造肉接受度之探討 : 肉食悖論的中介效果及肉類依戀與產品知識的干擾效果 = Research on consumers' personal attitude toward the acceptance of artificial meat : meat paradox as a mediator and meat attachment, product knowledge as moderators / 黃, 芷誼 2022 489.2 4440:3 2022
住宿型精神復健機構之服務品質與滿意度研究 = A study of service quality and satisfaction of residential rehabilitation institutions / 羅, 嬌蘭 2022 489.2 6044 2022
以科技接受模式探討印尼消費者對印尼美食外送平台APP使用意願之研究 = Exploring consumers' behavioral intention to adopt Indonesian food delivery app through technology acceptance model / 陳, 曉美 (Soegianto, Josephine Antoinette) 2022 489.2 7568 2022
旅遊意象,健康行為自我效能與遊憩涉入對溫泉休閒態度之探討 : 以礁溪溫泉為例 = The study on tourism imagery, health behavior self-efficacy, and recreation involvement to the attitude of hot spring recreation : an example of Jiaoxi hot springs / 練, 宗憲 2022 489.2 2533 2022
原住民粽的米食類別之差異性分析 = Difference analysis among rice variety of Indigenous sticky rice dumplings / 王, 少燁 2022 489.2 1099 2022
消費者選擇米食伴手禮因素之重視度及滿意度研究 = Importance-performance analysis of consumers' choice towards souvenir of rice products / 張, 嘉倫 2022 489.2 1142 2022
基礎統計學 : 觀念與應用 / 林, 惠玲 2021 510 4451-2 2021
記號學導論 / 何, 秀煌 2011 801.6 2129 2011
Android 4.X App開發教戰手册 / 黃, 彬華 2013 448.845029 4444-2 2013