The Abbasid Caliphate of Cairo, 1261-1517 : out of the shadows / Banister, Mustafa, author. |
2021 |
909.09767101 B217 |
The First World War and its aftermath : the shaping of the Middle East / |
2015 |
956.04 F527 |
Analogies of transcendence : an essay on nature, grace & modernity / Fields, Stephen, author. |
2016 |
233.5 F463 |
Analogy after Aquinas : logical problems, Thomistic answers / D'Ettore, Domenic, author. |
2019 |
169 D483 |
Die Metaphysik und das Gute : Aufsätze zu ihrem Verhältnis in Antike und Mittelalter : Jan A. Aertsen zu Ehren / |
1999 |
111.84 M587 |
Ich ist nicht Gehirn : Philosophie des Geistes für das 21. Jahrhundert / Gabriel, Markus, 1980- author. |
2015 |
128.2 G118-2 |
Karl Rahner : Gotteserfahrung in Leben und Denken / Vorgrimler, Herbert, author. |
2004 |
230.2092 R148 V953 |
Dux neutrorum vel dubiorum / Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204, author. |
2019 |
181.06 M223 2019 |
Powers : a history / |
2021 |
122 P888 |
Religions challenged by contingency : theological and philosophical approaches to the problem of contingency / |
2008 |
210.1 R382 |
Renewing our hope : essays for the new evangelization / Barron, Robert, 1959- author. |
2020 |
230.2 B277-2 |
The self : a history / |
2021 |
126 S465-5 |
The ways of Confucianism : investigations in Chinese philosophy / Nivison, David S., author. |
1996 |
181.112 N735 |
The Cambridge Heidegger lexicon / |
2021 |
193 C178-13 |
Wilfrid Sellars / DeVries, Willem A., 1950- author. |
2005 |
191 D514 |
Kant and pre-Kantian themes : lectures by Wilfrid Sellars / Sellars, Wilfrid, author. |
2017 |
193 S467 2017 |
The metaphysics of epistemology / Sellars, Wilfrid, author. |
2012 |
121 S467 |
The puppet and the dwarf : the perverse core of Christianity / Žižek, Slavoj, author. |
2003 |
230 Z82 |
Toleration, power and the right to justification : Rainer Forst in dialogue / Forst, Rainer, 1964- author. |
2020 |
303.4 F733 |
Kritik der kommunikativen Rationalität : eine Darstellung und Kritik der kommunikationstheoretischen Philosophie von Jürgen Habermas und Karl-Otto Apel / Steinhoff, Uwe, author. |
2006 |
300 H114 S822 |
Subjekt und Synthesis : eine kritische Studie zum Idealismus und seiner Rezeption bei Adorno, Habermas und Brandom / Thein, Christian, 1980- author. |
2013 |
141 T377 |
Rorty, religion, and metaphysics / Owens, John, author. |
2019 |
191 O97 |
Biologie und Biotechnologie : Diskurse über eine Optimierung des Menschen / Habermas, Jürgen, author. |
2014 |
570.1 H114 |
Radical proceduralism : democracy from philosophical principles to political institutions / Fleuß, Dannica, author. |
2021 |
323.042 F618 |
Nature and the Greeks : and Science and humanism / Schrödinger, Erwin, 1887-1961, author. |
2014 |
182 S381 2014 |
尼采最后的文字 : 反基督者与被钉十字架者 / 德特林 (Detering, Heinrich) |
2021 |
147.66 2424 |
理性与神秘 : 新柏拉图主义与同时代思想 / 卡繆 (Camus, Albert, 1913-1960) |
2020 |
146.79 2127-3 |
理解海德格尔 : 范式的转变 / 希恩 (Sheehan, Thomas) |
2022 |
147.72 4060 |
伦勃朗的企业 : 工作室与艺术市场 / 阿爾珀斯 (Alpers, Svetlana) |
2014 |
940.99472 4442 2014 |
Commentary on being and essence : (in De ente et essentia d. Thomas Aquinatis) / Cajetan, Tommaso de Vio, 1469-1534, author. |
1964 |
111.1 C139 1964 |
Geist und Willensfreiheit : klassische Theorien von der Antike bis zur Moderne / |
2006 |
123 G313 |
Heidegger und das Mittelalter : Wiener Tagungen zur Phänomenologie 1997 / |
1999 |
193 H465-9 1999 |
Integrated truth and existential phenomenology : a Thomistic response to iconic anti-realists in science / Trundle, Robert C., 1943- author. |
2015 |
142.7 T871 |
On the various kinds of distinctions : (Disputationes metaphysicae, Disputatio VII, de variis distinctionum generibus) / Suárez, Francisco, 1548-1617, author. |
2007 |
111.1 S939-2 2007 |
和合学 : 21世纪文化战略的构想 / 張, 立文 |
2006 |
128 1100-3 |
中国哲学通史 : 学术版. 先秦卷 = A history of Chinese philosophy / |
2021 |
120.9 0701-4 |
帛書《衷》篇新校新釋 = A new collation and interpretation of the chapter zhong in the silk version of zhouyi / 劉, 彬 |
2019 |
121.12 7242 |
秦律研究 / |
2017 |
796.8 2845 |
放马滩秦简及岳麓秦简<<梦书>>研究 / 孫, 占宇 |
2017 |
796.8 1223-2 |
秦简虚词及句式考察 / 伊, 強 |
2017 |
796.8 2713 |
放馬灘簡式占古佚書研究 / 程, 少軒 |
2018 |
796.8 2695 |
20世纪儒学通志 = The general annals of Confucianism in the 20th century / |
2012 |
121.2 0043-3 |
周易答问 / 鄭, 吉雄 |
2019 |
121.1 8744 |
中國禮學研究概覽 / |
2021 |
530.92 4644 |
論語歧解辑录 / |
2021 |
121.222 0098 2021 |
荀子校釋 / 荀, 況, 313-238 B.C. |
2016 |
121.271 4436-4 2016 |
从诸子之学到官方经学 : 儒学由先秦至汉的转变研究 = An evolution from one of the hundred schools of thought to the official classics : a study on the transformation of Confucianism from pre-Qin to Han dynasty / 梁, 振杰 |
2021 |
121.2 3354 |
人文学方法论 : 诠释的存有学探源 / 林, 安梧 |
2016 |
162 4434 2016 |
晚明思想史论 / 嵇, 文甫 |
2017 |
112.6 2305 2017 |
经今古文之争与近代学术嬗变 / 張, 凱 |
2020 |
112.7 1127 |
上海博物館藏戰國竹書楚辭箋注 / 曹, 錦炎 |
2021 |
796.8 5589-2 |
《孝經》鄭玄注匯校 / |
2021 |
193.1 0783 |
清华简与古史探赜 / 杜, 勇 |
2018 |
796.8 4417 |
清华简与先秦史事探研 / 申, 超 |
2019 |
796.8 5047 |
蚩尤之冲天一怒 / 念遠懷人 |
2020 |
857.7 8398 |
大禹之人世降临 / 從, 周 |
2020 |
857.7 2877 |
后羿之英雄日暮 / 念遠懷人 |
2020 |
857.7 8398-2 |
女娲之为母则刚 / 阿改 |
2020 |
857.7 7118 |
荀子『群居和一』的政治哲学研究 / 孫, 旭鵬 |
2021 |
121.27 1247 |
荀子心论研究 / 吳, 祖剛 |
2021 |
121.27 2637 |
宋代易学思想史研究 / 姜, 海軍 |
2021 |
121.1 8033-2 |