
文學院 (共155冊)
書名/作者 出版項 索書號
宋元禅宗史 / 楊, 曾文 2006 226.60925 4680
意志で生きる命の溜まり : 人の屑蔣介石に二十餘年蹂躙されて見出しわが道 : ノンフィクション.ヒュマンストーリー / 郭, 振純 2018 783.3886 0752:2
After Sputnik : America, the world, and Cold War conflicts / Levine, Alan J., author. 2017 327.73009045 L665
American foundations and the coproduction of world order in the twentieth century / 2012 361.76320973 A512
Countdown : a history of space flight / Heppenheimer, T. A., 1947- author. 1997 387.809 H529
Defence science and technology : adjusting to change / 1993 355.07 D313
Dissuasion et simulation : de la fin des essais nucléaires français au programme Simulation / Mongin, Dominique, 1960- author. 2018 355.02170944 M743
European collaboration in advanced technology / Müller, Joachim W., author. 1990 338.926 M958
European technology : the politics of collaboration / Williams, Roger, 1942- author. 1973 338.91094 W721
Global science and national sovereignty : studies in historical sociology of science / 2009 303.483 G562
Haute tension / Boiteux, Marcel, author. 1993 333.790944 B685
Histoire de la dissuasion nucléaire depuis la Seconde Guerre mondiale / Mongin, Dominique, author. 2021 355.0217 M743
History of European scientific and technological cooperation / 1997 509.4 H673
Hommage à Michel Debré et à la promotion France-combattante / École nationale d'administration (France). ComitÉ d'histoire, author. 2012 351.44 E19
L'armement à l'heure du désarmement : voyage à travers le complexe militaro-industriel 1993 / Crémieux, Alain, 1936- author. 1993 355.021 C915
L'invention de la bureaucratie : servir l'Etat en France, en Grande-Bretagne et aux Etats-Unis, XVIIIe-XXe siècle / Dreyfus, Françoise, author. 2000 351.09 D778
L'Ouest dans les années 68 / 2012 944 L886
La dissuasion nucléaire : l'aventure nucléaire française : les ergots du coq / Valensi, Edouard, author. 2013 355.02170944 V153
La dissuasion nucléaire : prélude au désarmement / Valensi, Edouard, author. 2014 355.02170944 V153-2
La guerre froide et l'internationalisation des sciences : acteurs, réseaux et institutions / 2016 509 G934
La politique française de non-prolifération nucléaire : de la division du travail diplomatique / Pouponneau, Florent, 1983- author. 2015 355.02170944 P876
La politique scientifique de Pierre Mendès France : une ambition républicaine / Crémieux-Brilhac, Jean-Louis, author. 2012 507 C915
Les conséquences économiques de Mai 68 : du désordre social français à l'ordre monétaire européen / Dubois, Mathieu, 1982- author. 2018 332.494 D815
Russia and the Former Soviet space : instrumentalizing security, legitimizing intervention / 2017 947.086 R969-2
Strategies for Europe : proposals for science and technology policies : a symposium organized by the Science Policy Foundation in collaboration with the Commission of the European Communities / 1978 507.204 S898
The foundations of Europe : European integration ideas in France, Germany and Britain in the 1950s / Hörber, Thomas, author. 2006 327.44043 H811
The future of the information revolution in Europe : proceedings of an international conference / 2001 303.4833094 F996
Vers une marine atomique : la marine française (1945-1958) / Quérel, Philippe, author. 1997 359.09440904 Q4
American foundations in Europe : grant-giving policies, cultural diplomacy, and trans-Atlantic relations, 1920-1980 / 2003 001.44 A512
After certainty : a history of our epistemic ideals and illusions / Pasnau, Robert, author. 2017 120 P282
An introduction to Islamic philosophy / Campanini, Massimo, 1954- author. 2008 181.07 C186 2008
Ancient perspectives on Aristotle's De anima / 2009 128 A541-2
Aquinas among the Protestants / 2018 230.2092 T454 A657
Aquinas on mind and intellect : new essays / 1996 128.2 A657
Aquinas, original sin, and the challenge of evolution / Houck, Daniel W., 1987- author. 2020 233.14 T454 H835
Being and creation in the theology of John Scottus Eriugena : an approach to a new way of thinking / Sushkov, Sergei N., author. 2017 110 S964
Berkeley's puzzle : what does experience teach us? / Campbell, John, 1956- author. 2014 128.4 C188
Consciousness and self-knowledge in medieval philosophy / 2018 189 C755
De potestate papae : die päpstliche Amtskompetenz im Widerstreit der politischen Theorie von Thomas von Aquin bis Wilhelm von Ockham / Miethke, Jürgen, author. 2000 262.13 M632
Desiring the good : ancient proposals and contemporary theory / Vogt, Katja Maria, 1968- author. 2017 170 V886
Freedom's progress? : a history of political thought / Casey, Gerard, 1951- author. 2017 320.011 C338
From the ancient Near East to Christian Byzantium : kings, symbols, and cities / Baghos, Mario, author. 2022 939.4 B144
Heidegger and the emergence of the question of being / Escudero, Jesús Adrián, author. 2015 193 E74 2015
Intentionality, cognition, and mental representation in medieval philosophy / 2015 128.0902 I61
Man's knowledge of reality : an introduction to Thomistic epistemology / Wilhelmsen, Frederick D., author. 2021 121 W678:2 2021
Medieval and early modern epistemology : after certainty / 2020 121.09 M489
Nutrition and nutritive soul in Aristotle and Aristotelianism / 2021 185 N976
Platonic conversations / McCabe, Mary Margaret, 1948- author. 2015 184 M121-2
Plato's epistemology : being and seeming / Moss, Jessica Dawn, 1973- author. 2021 121.092 M913
Radical skepticism and epistemic intuition / Bergmann, Michael, 1964- author. 2021 121 B499
Reason and experience in Mendelssohn and Kant / Guyer, Paul, 1948- author. 2020 193 G988-2
Rediscovering the Alcibiades Major / 2020 180 R317:2 2020
Righting epistemology : Hume's revolution / Johnsen, Bredo, author. 2017 121 J65
Selbsterkenntnis und Lebenspraxis : zur Apollinischen und Platonischen Ethik / Fröhlich, Bettina, author. 2017 184 F928
Teleology : a history / 2020 124 T268
The analogy of names : and the concept of being / Cajetan, Tommaso de Vio, 1469-1534, author. 2009 169 C139
The greatness of God : how God is the foundation of all reality, truth, love, goodness, beauty, and purpose / Thompson, Charles Frank, author. 2016 231 T469
The limits of epistemology / Gabriel, Markus, 1980- author. 2020 121 G118:2 2020
The Oxford handbook of the reception of Aquinas / 2021 230.2092 T454 O98
The philosophy of knowledge : a history / 2019 121 P568-2
The possibility of knowledge / Cassam, Quassim, author. 2007 121 C343
The relevance of Hegel's concept of philosophy : from classical German philosophy to contemporary metaphilosophy / 2022 193 R382
Thomas and the Thomists : the achievement of Thomas Aquinas and his interpreters / Cessario, Romanus, author. 2017 189.4 C422
Thomas Aquinas and contemplation / Van Nieuwenhove, Rik, 1967- author. 2021 248.34 T454 V268
Thomas Aquinas on bodily identity / Fitzpatrick, Antonia, author. 2017 128.6 F559
Thomas Aquinas : a historical, theological, and environmental portrait / Prudlo, Donald, 1976- author. 2020 230.2092 T454 P971
Universe and inner self in early Indian and early Greek thought / 2017 126 U58:2
What is epistemology? / Hetherington, Stephen Cade, author. 2019 121 H589-2
Why medieval philosophy matters / Boulter, Stephen, author. 2019 189 B764
Why the world does not exist / Gabriel, Markus, 1980- author. 2015 111 G118 2015
World soul : a history / 2021 128.1 W927
Beyond Versailles : sovereignty, legitimacy, and the formation of new polities after the Great War / 2019 940.51 B573
Martin Heidegger : key concepts / 2014 193 M379:2
Martin Heidegger's interpretations of Saint Augustine : Sein und Zeit und Ewigkeit / 2005 193 M379:2-2
Medieval perceptual puzzles : theories of sense perception in the 13th and 14th centuries / 2020 121.34 M489
Merleau-Ponty : key concepts / 2014 194 M564:2
Ockham's assumption of mental speech : thinking in a world of particulars / Schierbaum, Sonja, author. 2014 128.2 S332
Philosophie des Geistes im Spätmittelalter : Intellekt, Materie und Intentionalitat bei Johannes Buridan / Klein, Martin, 1985- author. 2019 189.4 K64
Rational intuition : philosophical roots, scientific investigations / 2014 153.44 R236
The beginning of Christian philosophy / Osborn, Eric Francis, author. 2008 230 O81:2 2008
The Cambridge companion to Augustine's Confessions / 2020 270.2092 A923 C178
The debate on probable : opinions in the scholastic tradition / Schüssler, Rudolf, author. 2019 149.91 S395
The heavens and the Earth : Graeco-Roman, ancient Chinese, and mediaeval Islamic images of the world / Cotesta, Vittorio, 1944- author. 2021 109 C843 2021
The Lockean mind / 2022 192 L814:2
The paradoxical structure of existence / Wilhelmsen, Frederick D., author. 2017 111.1 W678
The space of time : a sensualist interpretation of time in Augustine, Confessions X to XII / Van Dusen, David, author. 2014 115.092 V217
The ways of Aristotle : Aristotelian phrónêsis, Aristotelian philosophy of dialogue, and action research / Eikeland, Olav, 1955- author. 2008 185 E34
Thinking, knowing, acting : epistemology and ethics in Plato and ancient Platonism / 2019 184 T443
Geist und Psyche : klassische Modelle von Platon bis Freud und Damasio / 2008 128.2 G313
The early Heidegger & medieval philosophy : phenomenology for the godforsaken / McGrath, S. J., 1966- author. 2006 193 M147:2
Thomas Aquinas and his legacy / 1994 189.4 T454-4
Modern Philosophies of the Will : lecture notes for courses at the New School for Social Research (fall 1980/spring 1987/spring 1992) / Schürmann, Reiner, 1941-1993, author. 2022 128.3 S394
Selbstbezug und Selbstwissen : Texte zu einer mittelalterlichen Debatte / 2014 126 S464
Die Armut unserer Freiheit : Aufsätze 2012-2019 / Honneth, Axel, 1949- author. 2020 323.44 H773
Robert Brandom / Wanderer, Jeremy, author. 2014 193 W245 2014
Reading Brandom : on A Spirit of Trust / 2020 193 R287
Die Welt im Blick : Aufsätze zu Kant, Hegel und Sellars / McDowell, John, 1942- author. 2015 128.2 M478 2015
Wilfrid Sellars, idealism, and realism : understanding psychological nominalism / 2018 191 W677-2
Brandom / Loeffler, Ronald, author. 2018 191 L825
A spirit of trust : a reading of Hegel's Phenomenology / Brandom, Robert, author. 2019 193 B819
Between saying and doing : towards an analytic pragmatism / Brandom, Robert, author. 2010 121.68 B819
American pragmatism : an introduction / Spencer, Albert R., author. 2020 144.30973 S745
Hegel in a wired brain / Žižek, Slavoj, author. 2020 193 Z82-2
Antigone / Žižek, Slavoj, author. 2016 822.92 Z82-2
Disparities / Žižek, Slavoj, author. 2016 199.4973 Z82-5
Lacan : eine Einführung / Žižek, Slavoj, author. 2021 150.195092 Z82-2 2021
Das große Nein : Eigendynamik und Tragik des gesellschaftlichen Protests / Nassehi, Armin, 1960- author. 2020 361.23 N267
The sublime object of ideology / Žižek, Slavoj, author. 2008 140 Z82 2008
Contingency, hegemony, universality / Butler, Judith, 1956- author. 2000 320.01 B985 2000
The plague of fantasies / Žižek, Slavoj, author. 2008 154.3 Z82 2008
The most sublime hysteric : Hegel with Lacan / Žižek, Slavoj, author. 2014 193 Z82-3 2014
In defense of lost causes / Žižek, Slavoj, author. 2017 199.4973 Z82-2 2017
Living in the end times / Žižek, Slavoj, author. 2018 306.3 Z82
Normativität und Macht : zur Analyse sozialer Rechtfertigungsordnungen / Forst, Rainer, 1964- author. 2018 320.011 F733 2018
Das hybride Subjekt : eine Theorie der Subjektkulturen von der bürgerlichen Moderne zur Postmoderne / Reckwitz, Andreas, author. 2020 126 R298 2020
Das Ende der Illusionen : Politik, Ökonomie und Kultur in der Spätmoderne / Reckwitz, Andreas, author. 2021 306.2 R298 2021
Entfremdung : zur Aktualität eines sozialphilosophischen Problems : mit einem neuen Nachwort / Jaeggi, Rahel, author. 2019 302.544 J22 2019
Kritik von Lebensformen / Jaeggi, Rahel, author. 2020 170 J22 2020
Transformation der Philosophie / Apel, Karl-Otto, author. 1976 149.94 A641
Wissen und Glauben : theologische Reaktionen auf das Werk von Jürgen Habermas "Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie" / 2021 193 W816:2
Trostlose Vernunftphilosophy? : vier Kommentare zu Jürgen Habermas'Konstellation von Philosophie und Geschichte, Glauben und Wissen / Liebsch, Burkhard, author. 2021 193 L717
Normativität und Geschichte : zur Auseinandersetzung zwischen Apel und Habermas / Rapic, Smail, author. 2019 170.44 R218
Vernünftig glauben - begründet hoffen : praktische Metaphysik als Denkform rationaler Theologie / Wendel, Saskia, author. 2020 231.042 W469
Divine democracy : political theology after Carl Schmitt / Vatter, Miguel E., author. 2021 261.7 S355 V351
Führt Moral unumgänglich zur Religion? : zur Kritik der kantischen Religionsphilosophie bei Jürgen Habermas-eine Entgegnung / Langthaler, Rudolf, author. 2021 210.1 H114 L286
Reading Brandom : on Making It Explicit / 2010 149.94 R287
Hegels Logik lesen : ein Selbstversuch / Eiden-Offe, Patrick, author. 2021 193 E34
Religiöse Vernunft : Glauben und Wissen in interkultureller Perspektive / Wirtz, Markus, 1974- author. 2018 212.6 W799
Hegel and the Frankfurt school / 2021 193 H462-9
Rahel Varnhagen : Lebensgeschichte einer deutschen Jüdin/The life of a Jewish woman / Arendt, Hannah, 1906-1975, author. 2021 838.609 V319 A681
The monarchy of fear : a philosopher looks at our political crisis / Nussbaum, Martha C. (Martha Craven), 1947- author. 2021 306.20973 N975 2021
Kritik der reinen Vernunft / Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804, author. 2019 121 K16-5 2019
Kritik der Urteilskraft / Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804, author. 2018 193 K16-9 2018
Was ist Kritik? / 2021 142 W312 2021
Die Erfindung der Kreativität : zum Prozess gesellschaftlicher Ästhetisierung / Reckwitz, Andreas, author. 2021 153.35 R298 2021
論老年.論友誼.論責任 / 西塞羅 (Cicero, Marcus Tullius) 2021 141.65 1036-2 2021
奥斯曼之影 : 塞利姆的土耳其帝国与现代世界的形成 / 米哈伊爾 (Mikhail, Alan) 2021 735.122 9621
从政治到哲学的运动 : 《尼各马可伦理学》解读 / 陳, 斯一 2019 190 7541
儒家伦理与美德伦理 / 劉, 余莉 2020 121.2 7284
戈巴契夫冷戰回憶錄 : 蜕變中的世界,從舊冷戰到新世紀的危機 / 戈巴契夫 (Gorbachev, Mikhail Sergeevich, 1931-) 2022 784.88 5755 2022
你要當刺蝟,還是狐狸? : 羅輯思維. 認知篇 : 確定性的知識越來越少,不確定的事物越來越多,面對落後於時代的焦慮,你必須成為一個知識的「遊牧民族」! / 羅, 振宇 2022 176.4 6053
你的座標有多大,見識就有多高 : 羅輯思維. 商業篇 / 羅, 振宇 2022 494.1 6053
別人迷茫的時候,你前進! : 羅輯思維. 人物篇 : 勝利是一時的,失敗是難免的,唯有永不屈服的意志力,才能讓你在多數人迷茫的時候,不畏挑戰、勇敢前進! / 羅, 振宇 2022 781 6053
你可以沒實力,但要懂戰略 : 羅輯思維. 歷史篇 : 你可以被別人當作敵人,但你不能成為「唯一」敵人。從敵人間的矛盾中看到機遇,這就是以弱勝強的戰略智慧! / 羅, 振宇 2022 711 6053
將平凡的事做得不平凡 : 羅輯思維. 人文篇 : 這個世界上的所有不平凡,都是從最平凡的事開始。只要你持續努力,足夠深愛。你,也可以改變這個世界! / 羅, 振宇 2022 119 6053
徘徊於天人之際 : 海德格的哲學思路 / 關, 子尹 2021 147.72 7711
譯述 : 明末耶穌會翻譯文學論 / 李, 奭學 2012 815.6 4047-3
新歌樂未央 : 啟示錄講道集 / 吳, 榮滁 2021 241.8 2693
外省新頭殼 : 你不知道的台灣 / 管, 仁健 2016 733.296 8822
是與有 / 馬賽爾 (Marcel, Gabriel, 1889-1973) 2021 146.79 7131-3 2021
臨在與不死 / 馬賽爾 (Marcel, Gabriel, 1889-1973) 2021 146.79 7131-2
近現代中國民間信仰與基督宗教的相遇 = The encounters of folk religions and Christianity in modern China / 褚, 瀟白 2016 218.9 3432
川普向右 習近平向左 = Trump to the right Xi to the left / 余, 杰 2020 574.1852 8040
尼采讀本 : 最完整選錄尼采代表篇章的精選集,尼采哲學的首選入門書 / 尼采 (Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1844-1900) 2019 147.66 7720-48
教堂空間之社會分析 : 以台灣基督長老教會濟南教堂為例 / 蘇, 南洲 2022 240.16 4443