
All (共427冊)
書名/作者 出版項 索書號
Transformative learning theory and praxis : new perspectives and possibilities / 2022 370.115 T772
Die Kunst der Utopie : vom Späthumanismus zur frühen Aufklärung / Braungart, Wolfgang, author. 1989 809.93372 B825
Digitale Form / 2005 776 D574:2
Gestaltexperimente unterm Bilderhimmel : das Psychologische Institut im Berliner Stadtschloss und die Avantgarde / Pratschke, Margarete, author. 2016 150.1982 P912
Imagination des Himmels / 2007 704.949523 I31
Inessential colors : architecture on paper in early modern Europe / Baudez, Basile, 1974- author. 2021 720.284 B338
Java to Kotlin : a refactoring guidebook / McGregor, Duncan (JVM developer), author. 2021 005.133 K87 M147
Marketing Maximilian : the visual ideology of a Holy Roman Emperor / Silver, Larry, 1947- author. 2008 943.029092 M464 S587
Marriage education and counselling / 2021 306.8 M359-2
Öffentliches Medienrecht mit privatrechtlichen Bezügen : ein Studienbuch in 12 Lektionen: Einführung / Kirchberg, Christian, 1947- author. 2022 343.43099 K58 2022
Picture ecology : art and ecocriticism in planetary perspective / 2021 701.03 P611
Picturing the uncertain world : how to understand, communicate, and control uncertainty through graphical display / Wainer, Howard, author. 2009 003.54 W141
Research handbook of innovation for a circular economy / 2021 338.927 R432
Software architecture with C++ : design modern systems using effective architecture concepts, design patterns and techniques with C++20 / Ostrowski, Adrian, author. 2021 005.133 C111-2 O85
The grand contraption : the world as myth, number and chance / Park, David, 1919-2012, author. 2005 509 P235
The Holy Roman Empire : a thousand years of Europe's history / Wilson, Peter H. (Peter Hamish), author. 2017 943.02 W752 2017
The invisible world : early modern philosophy and the invention of the microscope / Wilson, Catherine, 1951- author. 1995 113 W747
The zodiac of Paris : how an improbable controversy over an ancient Egyptian artifact provoked a modern debate between religion and science / Buchwald, Jed Z., author. 2010 201.65 B921
Ugliness and judgment : on architecture in the public eye / Hyde, Timothy, author. 2019 720.1 H995
Watermarks : Leonardo da Vinci and the mastery of nature / Geddes, Leslie A., author. 2020 709.2 L581 G295
Beyond the glass case : the past, the heritage and the public / Merriman, Nick, author. 2016 363.69 M571 2016
Challenging history in the museum : international perspectives / 2017 069.09 C437 2017
Contemporary art in heritage spaces / 2020 363.69 C761
Creating and governing cultural heritage in the European Union : the European heritage label / Lähdesmäki, Tuuli, author. 2020 363.69094 L183
Design and heritage : the construction of identity and belonging / 2022 363.69 D457
Early modern things : objects and their histories, 1500-1800 / 2021 306.46 E12 2021
Management planning for cultural heritage : places and their significance / Taylor, Ken, 1937- author. 2022 363.69 T243
Merchants & marvels : commerce, science, and art in early modern Europe / 2002 701.05 M554
Pursuing wellness / 2020 WA100 P986 2020
Revisiting value co-creation and co-destruction in tourism / 2022 338.4791 R454:2
Taiwan's economic and diplomatic challenges and opportunities / 2021 337.51249 T135
The court art of Friedrich Sustris : patronage in late Renaissance Bavaria / Maxwell, Susan (Barbara Susan), 1962- author. 2016 708.9433 S964 M465 2016
The public history reader / 2013 907.2 P976
A sociology of family life : change and diversity in intimate relations / Chambers, Deborah, 1954- author. 2022 306.85 C444 2022
A cultural history of animals / 2011 590 C968
Aging and the family : understanding changes in structural and relationship dynamics / 2021 305.26 A267-4
Berlin and its culture : a historical portrait / Taylor, Ronald, 1924- author. 1997 943.155 T245
Die Wirklichkeit findet statt! : über notwendige Präsenz in Kunst und Sport / Bredekamp, Horst, 1947- author. 2021 069.1 B831
Family theories : an introduction / White, James M., 1946- author. 2019 306.85 W585 2019
Heart of Europe : a history of the Holy Roman Empire / Wilson, Peter H. (Peter Hamish), author. 2020 943.02 W752 2020
Humanities data analysis : case studies with Python / Karsdorp, Folgert, author. 2021 001.3072 K18
Informations- und Medienrecht : EU-GR Charta, EMRK, GG, MStV, BGB, IFG, VIG, GWB, TKG, TMG u.a. : Kommentar / 2021 343.43099 I43 2021
Michelangelo / Bredekamp, Horst, 1947- author. 2021 709.2 M623 B831
Bilder in Prozessen / 2003 701.15 B595
Families & change : coping with stressful events and transitions / 2021 306.850973 F198-2 2021
Visuelle Zeitgestaltungen / 2019 700.43 V834
Handbook of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging for physicists / 2022 WN440 H236
Information security : principles and practice / Stamp, Mark, author. 2022 005.8 S783-2 2022
Theory and applications of neutroAlgebras as generalizations of classical algebras / 2022 511.33 T396
Family life education : principles and practices for effective outreach / Duncan, Stephen F., author. 2017 306.850973 D912 2017