
All (共205冊)
書名/作者 出版項 索書號
La comparaison de all about eve de Joseph L. Mankiewicz et opening night de John Cassavetes / Ai-Cheng, Ho, author. 2004 791.437 M278 A288
Investigation of genetic factors determining ischemic stroke outcome / Pei-Lun Chu, author. 2013 WL355 P377
La poetique du <> et de <> dans la prose d'imagination de Guillaume Apollinaire / Lee, Yi-Pei, author. 2016 841.9109 A643 L482
Poetics of christian action Paul Ricoeur's hermeneutics of human action as the basis for a prachical- : hermeneutical theology / Ming Yeung Cheung, author. 2012 121.68 M664
Gendered ritual and performative literacy : Yao women, goddesses of fertility, and the Chinese imperial state / Chen, Meiwen, author. 2016 305.4880951 C518
Komplexe Dynamische Evaluation (KDE) : Annäherung an ein Instrument zur Optimierung des universitären Fremdsprachenunterrichts / Waldhaus, Christoph, author. 2014 418.00711 W163-2
Il Design in Cina : Una creativita' inedita / Canevari, Camilla, author. 2014 740.951 C221
Die Konsolidierung der Demokratie in Taiwan Eine Studie zu den intermediären Systemstrukturen und der Wahlpropaganda von DFP und GMD, 2004-2008 / Kumpe, Karin, author. 2011 324.2 K96
Die Steuerumgehung i.S.d.& 42 AO im Grenzbereich von Gewerbe-betrieb und privater Vermögensverwaltung / Chen Chiu, author. 2014 336.206 C518
Female emancipation in a colonial context : the Chinese community in Singapore 1900-1942 / Yang, Wei-an, author. 2014 323.34095957 Y22
Memory performance among Taiwanese postmenopausal women with heart failure / Cheng-Chen Chou, author. 2013 WP580 C518
Hao ernü hua: proposta di traduzione dei primi due capitoli del secondo romanzo autobiografico di Hong Ying / Sfriso, Giorgia, author. 2015 418.02 H772 S523
La subordinación adverbial en español y en chino : estudio contrastivo / Yi-Shan Chien, author. 2015 410 Y51
Die deutschen Modalpartikeln denn, doch, ¡a und ihre Äquivalente im Chinesischen / Hsu, An-Nie, author. 2014 435.7 H873
Die Völkerrechtliche Stellung Taiwans / Claudius, Petzold, author. 2007 341.290951249 C615
A new way of healing : experienced counsellors' perceptions of the influence of Ch'i-related exercises on counselling practice in Taiwan / Liou, Chin-Ping, author. 2013 158.3 L763
Recht als Kommunikationsmedium : die Theorien von Niklas Luhmann und Jürgen Habermas im Vergleich / Chou, Ming-Chuan, author. 2012 340.115 L951 C552
Die Musikalische Rezeption der Zen-Ästhetik im Spannungsfeld zwischen Ost Und West : Eine Untersuchung Anhand Ausgewählter Werke von John Cage, Tōru Takemitsu und Hans Zender / Hsiao-Hua Yang, author. 2012 780.72 H873
Penser la vie : la Vie comme Liaison / Heurtebise, Jean-Yves, author. 2007 100 H594
Display lighting on american and Taiwanese consumers' perception : browsing in a virtual retail store / Lin, Yu-Fong, author. 2013 658.8343 L735
Estudio de la obra narrativa y periodística de Juan José Millás / Yen-Ling Lai, author. 2011 863.64 M645 Y45
Hormonal regulation of a possible uterine eosinophil chemotactic factor / Sha, Shing-Jia, author. 1989 WH200 S524
Role of culture and ethnicity in spirituality's influence on subjective well-being and forgiveness over and above personality : comparison of european Americans, asian indian Americans, and Chinese Americans / Inna Reddy Edara, author. 2012 204.4 I58
Let the music awaken : critical analysis & criticism of the score of the hours (2002) / Chien-Yu Huang, author. 2014 780.72 C533
Studio report presented in part fulfilment of the requirement of the master of philosophy in visual arts / Eric Hu., Yun-Hsiang, author. 2005 701 E68
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart così fan tutte / Angiola, Emanuele, author. 2004 780.92 M939 A588
L'étudiant, le lettré, et le philosophe : mise en place d'une argumentation en francais chez des étudiants taïwanais / Damien BÉVALOT, author. 2012 440.7 D158
Studies on carbonaceous sorbents prepared from agricultural wastes for the removal of metals and dyes from water / Inbaraj, B. Stephen, author. 2001 540.72 I35
Quelles possibilités de remédiation pour la partie expression écrite du TFS4? : Une étude en contexte universitaire chinois / Par Julie BOHEC, author. 2016 407.1 P221
Complete me, please : create a series of objects that is bi-functional, pertain to a mutually beneficial relationship and provide a home for the two component products which would otherwise be classed as 'homeless' objects / Hsiang Wang, author. 2011 370.152 H873
Politique linguistique et identité : Entre l'Union européenne et la France = 歐盟與法國之語言政策與身分認同關係 / SHEN, Chung-Heng, author. 2013 341.2422 S546
The conservation and integration of immigrant communities : the military dependants' villages in Taiwan / Lu, Yin-Chao, author. 2017 307.0951249 L926
Les litiges en matière de marque : contribution à une étude de droit comparé entre la France, la Chine continentale et Taïwan / Su, Yii-Der, author. 2017 346.0488 S938
El orden de palabras gramatical del español en gramática categorial multimodal / Arís, Teresa Solias, author. 2015 410 A714
Das Phantastische im Drama Heinrich von Kleists Eine ambivalente Sichtweise in der ambivalenten Zeit / Wan, I-Tsun, author. 2017 832.6 K64 W244
Dick Oatts's improvisational approaches to selected pieces from Standard Issue I & II / Liu, Teng-Wen, author. 2017 781.36 O11 L783
Democratization or authoritarian survival after economic opening-up? : comparing the variation of state-society relations between Taiwan and China from the perspective of grassroots NGOs / Chou, Mu-Yi, author. 2015 303.4 C552
La question de la confiance dans une restructuration hospitalière : le cas de I'hôpital Gouin / La Bigne, Pierre de, author. 2002 362.11068 L118
Imitation of nature as a source of practical principles in St. Thomas Aquinas's Summa Theologiae IIa-IIae / Golubiewski, Wojciech, author. 2016 230.2 T454-5 G629
The vital role of crowdfunding and social media in establishing an art career : a 'how to' / Liao, I-Ching, author. 2018 706.88 L693
Hegel in Wien : eine Ringvorlesung zu Hegels Rechtsphilosophie am Wiener Juridicum / 2023 340.1 H462:2
Investigaciones filosóficas / Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 1889-1951, author. 2021 192 W831-5 2021
Chaucer and Italian culture / 2021 821.1 C496 C496
Environmental valuation : interregional and intraregional perspectives / 2018 307.12 E61 2018
Geospatial science for smart land management : an Asian context / 2024 333.7313095 G352
GIS and machine learning for small area classifications in developing countries / Ojo, Adegbola, author. 2021 304.80941 O39
GIS in sustainable urban planning and management : a global perspective / 2022 307.12160285 G531
Handbook of flood risk management in developing countries / 2023 627.4091724 H236
Outdoor environments for people : considering human factors in landscape design / Owens, Patsy Eubanks, author. 2024 155.9 O97
River cities in Asia : waterways in urban development and history / 2022 333.9162095 R621