
All (共668冊)
書名/作者 出版項 索書號
TI-LCC之T淋巴球免疫抑制活性的評估 = Assessment the immunosuppressive effect of TI-LCC on T lymphocytes / 陳, 冠羽 2019 360 7531:2 2019
Tid1缺失對於B淋巴球發育與其免疫功能之影響 = Tid1 deficiency on B lymphocyte development and humoral immune function / 范, 家寧 2019 360 4433:3 2019
以 O'Donohoe 「使用與滿足」取向進行觀影分析 : 「水底情深」為例 = Taking O'Donohoe's approach to uses and gratifications analyzing movie watch : on the example of "The Shape of Water" / 陳, 玲珠 2019 541.83 7511:5 2019
超音波應用於錫蘭橄欖葉中生理活性物質萃取與生物轉化之研究 = Application of ultrasound in bioactive substances extraction and biotransformation of Ceylon olive leaves / 陳, 潁軒 2019 411.3 7525:3 2019
探討以幾丁聚醣基材進行三維培養對羊水幹細胞支持造血活性的影響 = To investigate the effect of chitosan substrate-based three-dimensional culture on hematopoietic support activity of amniotic fluid-derived mesenchymal stem cells / 楊, 子嫻 2019 360 4614 2019
抗菌塗層聚氨酯導管作為預防導管相關性血流感染研究 = Study of antiseptics coated polyurethane catheters for catheter related bloodstream infections prevention / 黃, 柏翰 2022 360 4444:5 2022
冷戰格局下亞太安全體系的建立與「中日和平條約」之締結 = The establishment of the Asia-Pacific security regime and the conclusion of the Sino-Japanese Peace Treaty during the cold war / 黃, 自進 2022 578.193 4423
沈昌煥先生年譜簡編 / 2023 783.3986 3469
無印良品之經營策略與日本的消費文化 / 趙, 致晴 2024 861 4916 2024
齲齒嚴重程度與發生中風之關聯性 : 回溯性世代追蹤研究 = Association between severity of dental caries and the occurrence of stroke : a nationwide retrospective cohort study / 小野, 由紀子 2023 412 9652 2023
降血壓藥物與肺癌之間的關聯性 : 以群體為基礎的世代研究 = The relationship between antihypertensive medications and lung cancer : a population-based cohort study / 洪, 懷慈 2023 412 3498 2023
探究鹽酸及醋酸溶液對化學性防護手套之滲透行為 = Enhancing understanding of chemical protective glove permeation : a study on hydrochloric acid and acetic acid solutions / 王, 寶琳 2023 412 1031:2 2023
以Google評比與評論情緒分數預測疾病別照護品質之研究 = Predicting the disease-specific quality of care using Google user ratings and emotional review scores / 杜, 佳娟 2023 412 4424:7 2023
閱讀敘事小說促進心智理論 : 以自閉特質大學生為例 = Reading narrative fiction improves theory of mind : in college students with autistic traits / 吳, 欣庭 2024 178 2670 2024
陳信亨詮釋音樂會詮釋報告 = The interpretation report for an interpretation recital by Larry Chen / 陳, 信亨 2023 910 7520 2023
音樂介入團體於具創傷史青少年之運用 = Effects of music intervention group on adolescents with maltreatment history / 王, 宇辰 2023 910 1037 2023
柴可夫斯基<>之分析與詮釋 = The analysis and interpretation of Peter Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto, Op. 35 in D major / 辜, 品瑄 2023 910 4061:2 2023
研究爵士標準曲<<你是一切>>之即興風格與手法, 以奧斯卡.彼得森、米榭.派卓契亞尼、凱斯.傑瑞之採譜為例 = The research on comparing improvisational style and performance of Jazz standard All The Things You Are, using solo transcriptions of Oscar Peterson, Michel Petrucciani, and Keith Jarrett as examples / 黃, 煜傑 2024 910 4492:4 2024
劉詠瀚碩士詮釋音樂會詮釋報告 = The interpretation report of Yung Han Liu's master recital / 劉, 詠瀚 2024 910 7203:2 2024
普羅托<<卡門幻想曲>>樂曲分析與演奏詮釋 = Analysis and interpretation of Proto's A Carmen Fantasy / 林, 沛津 2023 910 4433:4 2023
苦人之苦 : 替代內省之能與不能 = The suffering of the other : the prospect of vicarious introspection / 陳, 懿儀 2024 170 7542:2 2024
沃土上的天光 : 農家子弟的浮現到學校輔導教師的看見 = The radiance upon fertile soil : the emergence of a farmer's child to the insight of a school counselor / 李慧貞撰 / 李, 慧貞 2023 170 4052 2023
由鱘龍魚骨製備膠原蛋白胜肽奈米微脂體並探討其改善大鼠骨性關節炎之效果 = Preparation of collagen peptide nanoliposomes from sturgeon fish cartilage and explore their effects on osteoarthritis in rats / 林, 美蓁 2023 411.3 4484 2023
利用薑黃素製備智慧溫度感測標籤 = Intelligent thermal sensor compounded using curcumin / 李, 妤毬 2024 411.3 4042:2 2024
花青素製備氧化指示標籤於監控堅果品質 = Formation of oxidation indicator on monitoring nuts quality using crude anthocyanins / 陳, 楷雯 2024 411.3 7541:3 2024
臺灣職業女性以健康為目的參與重量訓練者的資訊行為 = Information-seeking behavior of weight training participants for health purposes among professional women in Taiwan / 張, 采彧 2024 020 1125 2024
輔仁大學進修學制學生就學動機與課業資訊行為研究 = Exploring enrollment motivation and coursework information behaviors among students of Fu Jen Catholic University continuing education / 黃, 惠英 2024 020 4454:4 2024
大學生跨學科報考研究所之資訊行為 : 以輔仁大學為例 = Information behavior of university students applying for interdisciplinary graduate program : a case study of Fu Jen Catholic University / 高, 梓綾 2023 020 0042 2023
認知語言學觀點下之動詞語意分析 : 以「ひく」為例 = A semantic analysis of verbs from the perspectives of cognitive linguistics : using a Japanese verb "ひく" as an example / 游, 承翰 (You, Cheng-Han) 2023 811.7 3814 2023
台灣出版業中英書籍翻譯審校流程初探 = Copyediting and proofreading of Chinese translations of English books : a preliminary study / 郭, 威伯 2024 811.7 0752 2024
臺灣口譯學生的學習動機與自我調整學習之初探 = Motivation and the use of self-regulatory strategies among interpreter students in Taiwan : an initial exploration / 彭, 苡蘋 (Peng, Yi-Pin) 2023 811.7 4244:2 2023
機器翻譯錯誤類型與譯後編輯策略之研究 : 以科普書籍日譯中為例 = Study on the types of machine translation errors and post-editing strategies : using Japanese popular science books as examples / 張, 耘 (Chang, Yun) 2024 811.7 1151:2 2024
探討意識形態對翻譯的操縱 : 以某科技公司英譯中新聞稿為例 = Ideological manipulation in translation : a case study of a Taiwanese hardware company's English-Chinese press release translation / 簡, 雯琦 (Chien, Wen-Chi) 2024 811.7 8811 2024
<<利器>>一書四字成語的翻譯策略探討 = A study on the translation strategies of four-character idioms in Sharp Objects / 沈, 美枝 (Shen, Mei-Chih) 2024 811.7 3484 2024
華語教師數位專業知能調查研究 : 以遠距數位軟體操作與應用為範圍 = A survey research of Mandarin teachers' technological knowledge : focusing on the operation and application of distance digital software / 沈, 映姍 (Shen, Ying-Shan) 2023 801 3464 2023
中國大陸座具類兒童家具設計特徵之研究 = A study on design features of children's seating furnitures in Mainland China / 黃, 燕眉 2024 961 4447:2 2024
無文字繪本故事結構研究 : 以國際無字繪本大獎Silent Book Contest為例 = A study on story structures of wordless picture books : taking the "Silent Book Contest" as an example / 林, 昱彣 2024 961 4460:2 2024
幼兒社會行為教學活動的實施策略與成效 = A study on the effects of instructional implementation and classroom strategies on young children's social behaviors / 張, 意琳 2023 528.2 1101:3 2023
高年級學童家長教養方式、行動載具使用與學習成效之關聯研究 = The relations among parenting styles, mobile device usage, and learning effectiveness of senior students in primary schools / 白, 家怡 2024 528.2 2639:4 2024
父母介入、同儕效應與高年級學童社群媒體使用之關聯研究 = The relations among parental mediation, peer effect, and social media usage of senior students in primary schools / 張, 瀞之 2024 528.2 1133:2 2024
未婚親密伴侶的忍、犧牲行為與關係滿意度 = The forbearance, sacrifice and relationship satisfaction of unmarried intimate partners / 牟, 庭萱 2023 528.2 2304 2023
探討沈浸式體驗對於老人生心理效益與戶外環境探訪意願之影響 : 都市與自然的比較 = Exploring the effects of immersive urban and nature to psychophysiological benefits and intention to visit outdoor on elderly / 楊, 鈞聿 2023 929 4685 2023
影響消費者對無人服務旅館的入住意願因素之研究 = A study of influence factors on consumer willingness to stay in unmanned hotels / 陳, 輝龍 2023 489.2 7590 2023
餐飲業工作者燒燙傷的知識及健康識能之探討 = The knowledge and health literacy of burns among catering workers / 楊, 卉庭 (Yang, Hui-Ting) 2024 419.6 4640 2024
運動對血液透析病人手部握力及腿部力量成效之系統性文獻回顧與統合分析 = A systematic review and meta-analysis of exercise on hand grip strength and leg muscle strength in hemodialysis patients / 鄧, 宇婷 (Teng, Yu-Ting) 2023 419.6 1734 2023
探討父親產後憂鬱與身心因素之相關性 = Psychophysiologic factors associated with paternal postnatal depressions / 張, 旗燕 (Chang, Chi-Yen) 2023 419.6 1104 2023
公民地理資訊 = Citizen-driven geographic information science / 2023 609.029 1047
他在想什麼? : 男人寫給女人的溝通使用說明書 / 貝勒 (Bechtle, Mike) 2023 173.32 6044
我是文魯彬,我是台灣人 : 永續台灣守護者,聆聽大自然千百萬年的聲音 / 文, 魯彬 (Winkler, Robin J.) 2023 783.3886 0024:2
身體上的世界史 : 馬丁路德的腸子、秋瑾的小腳、華盛頓的假牙,他們的身體如何改變歷史? / 皮特拉斯 (Petras, Kathryn) 2023 711 4254